The One Piece based Roblox game Haze Piece offers a selection of Devil Fruits for the players to taste and wreak havoc with. Some fruits are rarer than the others, but their commonness does not always reflect the true strength of the fruit.
And as with many other games with similar systems, different fruits are useful for different jobs. In this guide, we will talk about the best fruit for grinding in Haze Piece.
NOTE: If you are a beginner, I suggest you check out our Complete Beginner’s Guide to get you started.
Best Fruit For Grinding
When you think about the best fruits in Haze Piece, a few fruits that comes to mind are Phoenix and Darkness as our Best Fruits Tier List will agree.
But when it comes to grinding, an underrated fruit does the job much better than the rest, and that is the Buddha Fruit.

Buddha Fruit
While it’s not considered among the most powerful fruits in the game, the Buddha Fruit excels in grinding.
It is an uncommon fruit, relatively easy to get and has a decent move set (which you can only use after transforming). Your damage will not be very impressive, but the near-invincible level defense more than makes up for it.
With such defense, it becomes almost trivial to farm the bosses and grind in the game. You can basically spam your M1 until the enemies are dead, and the health regeneration you will get each second will probably exceed the damage you will receive with that kind of defense.

This concludes our guide on the best fruit for grinding in Haze Piece. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
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