V Rising is a top-down RPG similar to the style of Diablo. Meaning that you will be looking for loot to become stronger as you progress through the game. However, the endgame gear can be a bit hard to get without the help of coins. These coins are not your in-game currency but instead, they are craftable items. But how can you get more of these coins in the game? In this guide, I will be showing you the different way you can farm and get coins fast in V Rising.
How to Farm & Get Coins Fast
There are three ways to get coins in V Rising:
- Loot chests
- Farm enemies
- Craft your own coins!
The most common out of all the methods is to loot chests. Chests can be found all over the world of V Rising, and some of them will contain coins. Not all of them will contain coins, but as you progress through the game and reach the endgame, you will find more and more coins in chests.

The next method is also common, but also provides fruitful results. Farming enemies for coins just takes more time compared to looking for chests, because the chances of enemies dropping coins is slightly lower than getting them from chests. The amount that drops also vary in quantity. You can get double digits from one enemy, and you can get single digits from one enemy.

The last method is for those who have reached the endgame of V Rising, and that is crafting the coins themselves. However, there are a couple of prerequisites you need to complete before you can start crafting coins. First, you will need to defeat Ziva the Engineer.
Defeating her will reward you with the Fabricator structure, which will allow you to start crafting coins. But that’s just one of the prerequisites.

After you defeat Ziva the Engineer and getting the Fabricator up and running, you then need to defeat The Duke of Batalon. The reason for that is because you will then get the ability to craft coins. Copper Coin, Silver Coin, and Goldsun Coin will all be available to craft after its defeat, so make sure to come prepare when you come to face these two bosses.

That’s all you need to know on how to farm and get coins in V Rising. Was this guide helpful and you were able to farm coins in the game? Let us know in the comments below.
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