The 1.0 Version of Planet Crafter has finally arrived, and with it comes new endings to the game. Yes, there are multiple possible endings that you can get which all require different mechanics and objectives. If you’re interested in knowing and getting all endings in Planet Crafter, this guide has got you covered.
How To Get All Endings Guide
So far, there’s a total of 3 endings that you can get in The Planet Crafter. They are the: Warden Ending, Sentinel Corp Ending & the Smuggler Ending. I’ve provided a Table of Contents below, so you can easily navigate to whichever ending you need help with – Feel free to use it.
Warden Ending
There are 3 new endings to Planet Crafter with the 1.0 release and the Warden Ending is the toughest one to get. That’s because you’ll need to go around the map and look for keys to get to the ending!
Here are the steps we’ll be taking to get the Warden Ending:
- Fully Terraform the planet.
- Unlock and Build the Extraction Platform.
- Head to the Cenote Biome.
- Read the Tablet and Decode the Warden Key Detector.
- Use the Warden Key Detector to find 10 keys.
- Deposit the 10 keys onto the Extraction Platform.
- Get the Warden Ending!
To get any of the endings of the game, you’ll first need to fully Terraform the planet. Doing that will unlock the Extraction Platform, which is your key to getting out of the planet. To get the Warden Ending though, you’ll need to go through a few hoops first.
Extraction Platform & Cenote Biome

To get the Warden Ending, you’ll first need to go to a Cenote Biome, which is a fancy word for a natural pit or sinkhole. To get there, you’ll want to look for a waterfall that has a hole going down. Jump down the base of the waterfall and then follow the underwater area.

When you follow the underwater area, you’ll go to this huge underwater hole that goes directly down as shown below. Head to the bottom and continue following the path until you get out of the water.

You’ll then enter the Cenote Biome and if it’s your first time going there, you’ll even get an achievement! From there, you’ll find Ruins that contain a tablet and a Container with a Warden Key Detector. Read the tablet and then take the detector back to base then decode it.

Finding Warden Keys
Once you’ve decoded the Warden Key Detector, you can then craft one using the following resources:
- 2 x Solar Quartz.
- 1 Circuit Board.
- Magnetar Quarts.
- Blazar Quartz.
When you finally craft it, you can then equip it into one of your gear slots.

Equipping the Warden Key Detector will let you find Warden Keys scattered around the map. Make sure to check out our guide on the Warden Key locations for more information on where they are!
But if you’re looking for a quick answer, there are 13 keys that you can find. Check out the list below to see the coordinates of each key, so that you can find them quickly and easily. You will find the keys in the Mushroom River, Ancient City, and Lost Paradise.
- Key 1 (1895 : 75 : 266)
- Key 2 (-1433 : 118 : 555)
- Key 3 (-1328 : 91 : 1325)
- Key 4 (-382 : 28 : 1495)
- Key 5 (2375 : 97 : 1009)
- Key 6 (1435 : 75 : -758)
- Key 7 (-925 : 88 : -627)
- Key 8 (-303 : 84 : 614)
- Key 9 (1586 : 51 : 560)
- Key 10 (714 : 67 : 1709)
- Key 11 (1316 : 7 : 1503)
- Key 12 (1536 : 22 : 2219)
- Key 13 (1257 : 17 : 249)

Getting The Warden Ending
There are 10 keys in total and once you’ve collected them, you’ll want to go back to the Extraction Platform. Next to the terminal is a container you can use to put all the keys in as shown below.

After placing all of the keys in the container, interact with the terminal and you’ll get a new choice. If you pick the “Leave The Planet, trust that some wardens are still alive and will accept you.” Will give you the Warden Ending!

Sentinel Corp Ending
With the full release of Planet Crafter, there are 3 endings given to the game, one of them is the Sentinel Corp Ending. This is more like the vanilla ending where you follow everything to the letter and finally get out of the planet.
Here are the steps we’ll be taking to get the Sentinel Corp ending in the game:
- Fully Terraform The Planet.
- Build an Extraction Platform.
- Build a Large Explosive Device and put it under the Anomaly.
- Use the Extraction Platform to get out of the planet.
- Get the Sentinel Corp Ending!
To get this ending in the game, you’ll have to progress to the very end where you’ve terraformed the entire planet. When you achieve that, you’ll get the blueprint for the Extraction Platform, take it, and build one on your base.

You can then react with the Extraction Platform to continue progressing through this ending. The message will say that you can’t get extracted because there’s interference from an anomaly. Use the coordinates written on the message to get there.

You’ll also get a message that you can craft a Large Explosive Device, you’ll need it for the ending. The device needs the following resources:
- 3x Iridium Rod
- 1x Circuit Board
- 1x Fusion Energy Cell
- 1x Uranium Rod
- 3x Explosive Powder

Once you reach the Anomaly, you’ll want to build the bomb under it. Remember that you’ll have 10 seconds to get out of the blast radius once you’ve built it, so better know where to run!

After blowing up the Anomaly, you can go back to the Extraction Platform and then interact with it again. You’ll have a choice of leaving the planet and thus getting the Sentinel Corp Ending!

Smuggler Ending
Planet Crafter just recently released their 1.0 update and with it came different endings for the game. One of the easier endings to do is the Smuggler one and for that, you’ll need to get a lot of money as well as some materials.
Here are the steps we’ll be taking to get the Smuggler Ending:
- Terraform the planet to 100%.
- Unlock and build an Extraction Platform.
- Get the last message from Riley.
- Amass 500,000 Terra Tokens and 5 Solar Quartz.
- Deposit the Solar Quarts in the Extraction Platform.
- Interact with the Extraction Platform and get the Smuggler Ending!
To get any of the endings, you’ll first need to fully terraform the planet. When you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the ability to build the Extraction Platform which is your ticket out there. You’ll want to build it in your base since you’ll need a couple of materials to get the Smuggler Ending.

Once you’ve built an Extraction Platform, wait for the last message from Riley. They’ll ask you to get 500,000 Terra Tokens and 5 Solar Quartz. You can tell that this is one of the easier endings in the game since all you need to do is grind.

Once you have 500,000 Terra Tokens and the 5 Solar Quartz, you’ll want to go to the Extraction Platform and interact with the box beside the screen. That’s where you’ll need to deposit the 5 Solar Quartz.

When you’ve deposited the resources and have enough currency, you can then interact with the Extraction Platform. You can then choose to “Leave The Planet, Place Your Fate in the hands of Space Smugglers.”
A short cutscene will play where you’re launched into the Smuggler’s ship and a final message from Riley. That’s the Smuggler’s Ending of the game!

Summing things up
And that’s how you can all 3 endings of Planet Crafter: Smuggler, Warden & Sentinel Corp. Of course, if a new ending eventually comes up, we’ll make sure to update the guide accordingly. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.