Tristan the Vampire Hunter is a boss that is very powerful and hard to defeat. You will need to take him down though in order to be able to create The Greater Blood Essence. Let’s see how to defeat him.
V Rising – Tristan The Vampire Hunter Location
First of all, you will need to proceed with the story a little bit in order to unlock the Blood Altar. You can build it and place it anywhere in your base. Here you can spot Tristan The Vampire Hunter, a level 46 boss. You can go ahead the press the Track button in order to start tracking him down and see him on your map.
He is very important boss to beat because of his reward – The Greater Blood Essence. You can see on your left Tracking the blood of Tristan The Vampire Hunter(i can sense my prey in the distance) and you know you’re on the right track.
He is a pretty late-game boss, so you should be able to mount up and go look for the trail after him. His location can vary, but he is most likely to be found roaming around this area. He should be the last boss in Farbane Woods. Don’t forget, he patrols around so it might take a while.

You should attack him while he is unaware of you. He will walk slowly on the pathway usually, so use the woods around him to do a burst of damage.
He has a powerful attack that you want to dodge, block or maybe counter. You will know when this is coming your way when his sword shines blue, and he goes into a stance that indicates that he will attack.
While he is standing still he will make a quick slash that might catch you off guard. Make sure to be constantly moving around him as to avoid this strike.
He is very tanky and can deal huge bursts of damage. The best strategy I would recommend is to keep moving back and avoiding him. When he gets into an attacking stance, or when he misses you with a strike, then’s your chance to hit him back.

Hitting him with your range strikes that deal damage over time is very crucial. This is safe and will take him down slowly. Fire damage is also good.
Be careful of his bombs. This is his ranged AoE attack. You can avoid it easily by just moving and staying away from the fire circles in the area. He also might fire with his arrow toward you.
Once you beat him, go next to him, press F, and extract his blood. His reward is very useful. Good luck!