With the release of the Secrets of Gloomrot expansion for V Rising, many players might be overwhelmed by the new content. However, this guide will help to break down the steps to take in order to gain access to the new armor and weapons as soon as possible.
End Game Guide | Best Weapons, Caves, Merchants & More
Many players would like to know the first step to take following this major update. Common queries that players might have would be regarding the next boss, resources to farm, and weapons and armor. With that in mind, the following list is a brief summary of the steps that you should take:
Initial Steps
The first thing to know is that there is not just one endgame zone but three. Gloomrot, Cursed Forest, and Silverlight Hills are all endgame zones. The first area that you will get access to is the Cursed Forest following the defeat of Octavian, the Militia Captain, who is the highest-level boss that can be fought in the Dunley Farmlands.

Defeating Octavian allows you to craft the Dawthorn Regalia, which is one of the new armor sets. It requires Pristine Leather and Silk to craft. Silk can be crafted at the Loom using Silkworms and Cloth.

Where to Get Cloth
Cloth can be obtained in the Dawnbreak Village of the Dunley Farmlands.

Where to Get Silkworms
In order to obtain Silkworms, you will need to travel to the Spider Cave in the Cursed Forest.

After obtaining the Cloth and Silkworms craft Silk, followed by the Dawthorn Regalia and you are ready to take on some new bosses.
Important Gloomrot Bosses
The Old Wanderer
The first boss that you want to prioritize is The Old Wanderer. This is because he drops the Phantom’s Veil, which makes the wearer immune to the Curse of the Forest. The Curse of the Forest is a debuff that essentially causes fog to appear over the player’s map rendering them blind during exploration.

Ungora, the Spider Queen
Another important boss to take down is Ungora, the Spider Queen, since defeating her unlocks the recipe for Silk, meaning that you cannot craft the Dawthorn Regalia until she has been defeated.

Angram the Purifier
Next, you will want to head into the Pools of Rebirth area in Gloomrot South, where Angram the Purifier awaits you. Defeating him will unlock the recipe for Radium Alloy.

Ziva, the Engineer
After defeating the purifier, the Trancendum Machine Factory is next, where you will fight Ziva, the Engineer. Defeating him grants access to Empty Canisters and Fabricator, which helps to craft new items such as Power Cores, which are required to restore legendary weapons.

Raziel the Shepherd
Then comes Raziel the Shepherd, a low-level boss that you should already have defeated in the Dunley Farmlands. Defeating him again unlocks the Ancestral Forge and the Jewelcrafting Table. The Ancestral Forge allows for the repair of legendary weapons, while the Jewelcrafting Table allows for the crafting of jewels that make spells more powerful.

Legendary Weapons
The new update has also introduced shattered weapons. These are incredibly powerful weapons with unique attributes that help the player in multiple ways. You can start finding these legendary shattered weapons when taking on high-level V Blood bosses. However, lower-rarity shattered weapons are also accessible, starting in the Dunley Farmlands.
The legendary weapons shattered weapons can be repaired using the Ancestral Forge. Each weapon requires one Primal Blood Essence, three Onyx Tears, and a Sanguine Weapon of the same type as the shattered weapon.

The Primal Blood Essence can be made using the Blood Press.

Dark Silver Ingots
In order to gain access to the Sanguine Weapons, you will have to travel to the Sacred Silver Mine in the Silverlight Hills. The important point is that you cannot access the mine using the front entrance, so follow the arrows on the map below.

Once you have obtained access to enough Silver, you want to head South in the mine and fight Sir Magnus, the Overseer, in order to get blueprints for Dark Silver Ingots.

Now you can start producing Dark Silver Ingots at the Furnace, but you need Spectral Dust in addition to Silver Ore.

Sanguine Weapons
The Spectral Dust can be obtained from the Cursed Village or the Ancient Village in the Cursed Forest.

However, we recommend the Cursed Village since you can fight Cyril the Cursed Smith granting access to the Anvil, where the Dark Silver and Sanguine weapons can be crafted.

Additionally, Onyx Tears can be crafted using the anvil.

The only new ingredient required is Blood Merlot, which requires Sacred Grapes from Brighthaven Vineyards.

Using a Prison Cell, you can make the Blood Merlot.

Additionally, you will require Gold Ingots, which can be made from Jewellery and Sulfur found in the Brighthaven Cathedral.

However, in the Cathedral, you will first have to defeat Azariel the Sunbringer in order to get the recipe for the Gold Ingots.

The Sanguine weapons can be crafted using blueprints which are found in Silverlight Hills and can be obtained from fighting higher-level V Blood bosses. However, if you face difficulty in finding a particular book or blueprint, head for the vendors in Brighthaven Trade District.
Updated Map and Best Base Location
In our opinion, the best place to establish a base is the Dunley Farmlands since this is in the center of the map, meaning that you will have access to all the other areas easily.
However, after a few hours of playing, you will notice the need not to go to the Cursed Forest that much, so North-West of the Dunley Farmlands is the best place to settle for quick access to Gloomrot and Silverlight Hills, which are the primary endgame zones.

Cave Teleports
The bat cave teleports provide a nice fast travel feature between the different areas of the map. The following is a map of all the caves that are linked together for your convenience.

Lastly, let’s talk about the merchants from which you can purchase blueprints and books to complement your progress. The following image highlights the two vendor locations in Farbane Woods.

Next, there is also a vendor location in Dunley Farmlands.

Lastly, the most important vendors exist in the Brighthaven Trade District in the Silverlight Hills. Refer to the map below for the exact building in which these vendors are.

Overall the Gloomrot update provides an overwhelming amount of content that might cause players to get confused. We hope that this guide provided you with sufficient information regarding the endgame. As always, we would love to hear any suggestions that you might have in the comments below.
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