The long-awaited expansion for V Rising has finally been released, providing enthusiasts with additional content in the form of new areas, weapons, bosses, and map changes. With that in mind, this guide will go over all the major additions to help to get started with the game.
Gloomrot Zone Complete Guide
Keeping the update in mind, players will have many questions regarding the new content. To make it easier to understand, this guide will be divided into the following parts:
General Overview
The biggest addition in the update comes from the Gloomrot area found towards the Northwest side of the map.

Gloomrot itself is divided into two different zones based on resources and level. These zones are Gloomrot North and Gloomrot South. Gloormot South contains a total of fifteen castle spots and the North contain nine castle spots. Frequent lightning strikes in the North while mutant monstrosities in the South pose a challenge for players.
Gloomrot South
Entering Gloomrot typically begins with entering Gloomrot South after defeating Octavian, the Militia Captain in the Dunley Farmlands.

It is important to note that progression wise Gloomrot South and Cursed Forest go side by side meaning it is up to the player to choose which area to explore first. However, we recommend that you explore Cursed Forest first in order to get the Dawthorn Regalia.
3 V Blood Bosses can be found in Gloomrot South.
The first of these is Ziva the Engineer found in the Trancendum Machine Factory. Defeating this boss grants access to Empty Canisters and the Fabricator. The latter is required for crafting lategame items such as Sludge-Filled Canisters, Power Cores and EMPS and can also be used to refine coins for use in the market.

The second boss is Angram the Purifier found in the Pools of Rebirth area. Defeating him grants the player access to the Chaos Barrier spell alongside recipes such as Major Explosive Boxes.

Lastly, you can fight Domina the Blade Dancer in Rustlock Village. Defeating her grants access to the Polarity Shift spell and unlocks Castle Teleporters to move around your base quicker.

Points of Interest
In addition to the three bosses, there are four main points of interest and eleven small camps in Gloomrot South.
The first is the Trancendum Mine, where players can farm for Copper and Sulfur. Both are used in midgame and endgame crafting and refining. It is recommended to have Bear Form or Explosives before venturing in here since a lot of resource nodes need to be harvested using one of the aforementioned methods.

Next up is the Rustlock Village which is a good general supply spot that provides scrolls, paper, copper and other general loot. It also provides Tech Scrap which is required for endgame crafting.

The next point of interest is the Pools of Rebirth where players grind to obtain Mutant Grease and Sludge-Filled Canisters.

Lastly, we have the Trancendum Machine Factory which is a good farming spot for Radium Alloy and scrolls for progression.

Gloomrot North
Moving on to Gloomrot North players are expected to venture into this area after defeating four bosses in Silverlight Hills and having access to Dark Silver weapons. Level wise players are recommended to be at least level 77 before taking on any of the bosses in this lategame area.

The first boss that you are likely to encounter in Gloomrot North is Henry Blackbrew the Doctor in the Trancendum Laboratory. Defeating him grant access to Discharge which is a new Counter Spell of the Storm class. Additionally he give access to the Athenium and Schematics which are necessary to craft the endgame items.

Next up is Voltacia the Power Master in the Trancendum Power Plant. Defeating him allows players to use Lighting Current Spell of the Storm class. Additionally, players get access to Power Cores and EMPs which are crucial endgame crafting.

The final boss in Gloomrot North is Adam the Firstborn in Doctor Blackbrew’s Castle which many consider to be the toughest boss in the game. Defeating him grants access to Eye of the Storm. Players are recommended to first in a team and also use EMPs to gain access to the castle.

Points of Interest
The first point of interest is the Trancendum Laboratory which is a good spot for farming Glass and Tech Scraps.

Next up is the Trancendum Power Plant which is a good farming spot for Depleted Batteries, Radium Alloy and general loot such as paper and scrolls.

The last two points of interest are the Thunderstrike Peaks and Storm Dream Hills. These both are more or less the same with the only difference being that Thuderstrike Peak has a contraption that allows you to recharge your depleted batteries.

It is important to note that both these areas are difficult due to the increased lightning strikes and large number of mechs that players have to fight.
We hope that this guide for the Gloomrot zone serves you well in your adventures. As always, if you have any suggestions or critiques we would love to hear from you in the comments.
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