In RPGs sometimes you fight a boss, and it wipes the floor with your team. You try again and again seeing if there’s a tactic that works, only to fail every time. At that point there’s no shame in looking for tactics from other players. I’ve been in that situation and as much as I like to spend hours trying to find a working tactic, I don’t have that much time!
In Wartales there’s a boss that you can fight called the Creeper King. The boss is only one unit, but it can take multiple turns. Not only that but it is tanky and can hit like a tank as well! In this guide we’ll show you some tips on how to defeat this boss!
How To Beat The CREEPER King In Wartales
The Creeper King can be found in the Dromlach Tomb and it’s one of the bosses that many players have a hard time with. When going for this boss it’s always good to have a really good tank with your team. In fact, having two tanks can make the fight even easier.
Have your one or two tanks aggro the boss, making sure to use skills that minimize damage. The boss has an ability that deals a huge AOE attack. Not only does it hurt a lot, but the boss also heals with each hit! That means the more units hit with the AOE the more it heals.

Make sure that your other units attack the boss and have enough movement to run away. The tank can do its job by tanking and having two will make it so the tanks can bounce off each other. Make sure your melee damaging units attack the boss and run as far away as possible. Don’t worry about opportunity attacks since they’re engaged with the tank.
Just keep dodging the large AOE and make sure the tanks pop their damage mitigation skills and you should be good with the fight!
Congratulations you now know how to beat the creeper king in Wartales. Now go out there and try to finish off that boss!
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