When searching for small maps like Bleak Edge, it is very easy to find Mokoko seeds. In this map, we have 5 locations in total to look into.
All Bleak Edge Mokoko Seed Locations – Lost Ark
Here’s a map of all of the mokoko seed locations in Bleak Edge with an explanation following on how to get each one below:

- The first two seeds are located in the southern part of the map. Go west of the specified location and enter the opening of the cave. Here you will find the first and second seeds next to each other.

- The third seed is located in the northwestern part of the map. From the location marked below, go all the way north. When you come in front of the abyss you will see the third seed.

- Finally, in the northeastern part of the map, we will look for the fourth and fifth seeds.
From the location marked on the map, go east along the path and one by one, the fourth and fifth seeds can be found lying on the ground.
See? It was easy right? Now, unto the next area!
ALSO READ: Lost Ark: All Twilight Mists Mokoko Seed Locations