The Toxiclaw Cavern is one of the dungeons in Lost Ark. Aside from powerful enemies, you can find hidden Mokoko Seeds in this dungeon. Below are all of the Rare monster and Mokoko Seed Locations that you can find in the Toxiclaw Cavern.
Here’s a map of all of the mokoko seed locations in Toxiclaw Cavern with an explanation following on how to get each one below:

Mokoko Seeds 1-4

The 1st Mokoko Seed can be found just northwest of the entrance next to the treasure chests on the ground. The 2nd seed is northwest of the entrance, opposite the 1st seed. It is next to the wooden crates.
The 3rd seed is located on the ringlet area of the cavern, northwest of the entrance near to the Kolsh Valley. There is a patch of grass here next to the Wooden Bridge. You can find the 4th seed in this area as well.
Mokoko Seeds 5-6

The 5th Mokoko Seed can be found on the western part of the cavern. It is hidden by a huge rock next to wooden crates. The 6th and last Mokoko seed can be found on the northern part of the map, near the exit to the Loghill area. You can find it next to the destroyed ruins.
Toxiclaw Explorer and Archer

The Toxiclaw Explorer is found on the central area of the map as indicated above. This rare monster is alone and you can easily kite him or defeat him using melee attacks. You can also find the Toxiclaw Elite Archer in this area, just north of the area where you fought the Explorer.
Destroy the wooden crates to get access to the wooden bridge and you will see Toxiclaw Robbers. Keep defeating them until you can get to the next area where you will find the Toxiclaw Elite Archer.
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