Choy is one of the NPCs in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, he wants to expand his wares and have more items to sell. However, Tao Hua would not listen to what he says, so Choy requests your help. This guide will show you how to complete the Getting Ahold of New Wares request.
Hearty Grains Location — Pokemon Legends Arceus
To start the request, go to Jubilife Village and talk to Choy. Tell him “It’d be nice” to have more wares to choose from in his shop and you will unlock the Getting Ahold of New Wares request.

Now go to Crimson Mirelands and you should find the Hearty Grains just outside the camp. The Hearty Grains can be found near the wheat fields in Golden Lowlands.
NOTE: Hearty Grains blend in with the wheat fields so be sure to be on the lookout for something interactable.

You can find the Hearty Grains near the lakes as well. Once you have 3 Hearty Grains, follow the quest marker and talk to Tao Hua. Give him the Hearty Grains and report back to Choy once you are done.
When you complete the quest, you will unlock more items to purchase in the General Store.
Now, which of the new wares are worth buying?
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