A Machinist Guide in Crystalline Conflict FFXIV PvP Guide 6.18

A Machinist Guide in Crystalline Conflict | FFXIV PvP Guide 6.18

Elijah Hernandez
6 Min Read

Final Fantasy XIV has many classes to choose from, and will continue to add more classes as the game goes on. Which is probably going to be a long time due to the massive success this game has become. Many of those classes include the Machinist, a range class that focuses on shooting guns at monsters. But it’s not just monsters you can shoot in FFXIV, but also other players in PvP. If you’re interested in how to play as a Machinist in PvP, then follow this guide.

FFXIV – A Machinist Guide in Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide 6.18

Before we get started on how to fight in PvP, we have to first figure out what every Machinist skill does and what it can do.


First off is Blast Charge. This skill does relatively okay damage, but you can move using it, which makes it a great skill to use when wanting to deal damage while moving. However, you can’t use other skills with this, and mashing this skill can lead to death. 

Next skill is Heat Blast. It does more damage and is an instant skill. Meaning you don’t have to charge up when using it. Just hit the button and boom, Heat Blast.

Scattergun is a great damage skill. If you hit an enemy with this, it can do at least 6k damage. But if you’re able to do a double hit on an enemy, then it’s 12k or more. This skill can knock back enemies away from you, so it’s a great defensive skill if your enemies are getting too close for comfort. Can also be used for combos too, which we will get to later.

Wildfire is a debuff skill that lasts for 7 seconds on an enemy. If you attack an enemy affected with Wildfire, they gain a stack. Each stack will do a minimum of 4k to a maximum of 12k damage, and if the stack reaches 3, then the enemy explodes.

This skill is a bit of a wildcard. Bishop Autoturret will tick about four times before shooting. However, if you or your teammates are near the vicinity while ticking, you and your teammates will get shot. Each shot deals about 6k damage, and when hit, the receiver gets a debuff of 10% more damage taken. You can use this turret as a sort of last resort when surrounded.

Analysis is an Off Global Cooldown skill that is pretty much only around to give additional effects to Drill, Bioblaster, Air Anchor, and Chainsaw.

With Drill, you can do over a massive 10k damage to a single target. But it is 20k or more when you pop Analysis first. 

Bioblaster, in short, should only be used if it’s up. Do not count on this skill for anything. It is literally just a skill that you can use if there’s no other skill available. It used to be good, but due to recent changes, it’s not.

The Air Anchor can do 8k damage plus inflict Bind on a single target, but can do 12k plus Stun when used after Analysis. This is an essential skill when doing combos.

Chainsaw is a great line AoE skill that does 12k damage. Pretty big just for base, but what about with Analysis? This bad boy has a 3% to instakill someone. It’s a very large gamble, and isn’t really viable for PvP, but if you’re willing to bet on it, then why not?

Lastly, Marksman’s Spite, the Machinist Limit Break. It is a Limit Break, so it will do a lot of damage (36k, to be exact). It also has a super far range you can take advantage of when someone is trying to run away.


Now that we have our skills, what about our combos? First off is the Analysis to Air Anchor to Chainsaw. You can mostly use this to down someone who is already on the verge of death.

Next is a Chainsaw to Analysis to Drill. This is pretty much an alternate combo to the first one, but it does over 22k damage.

Next is a combo that can do 40k damage. Yes, you read that right. This combo starts with Wildfire to Blast Charge to Analysis to Air Anchor to Chainsaw. This is a long-ranged Wildfire combo.

This is the short-ranged Wildfire combo. It starts with Wildfire to Scattergun to Chainsaw to Analysis to Drill or Air Anchor. This can do a much larger damage compared to the long-ranged Wildfire combo, which is 56k damage.

Just a quick note; any of the previous combos can end with the Limit Break if you have it ready. An example of a combo ending in a Limit Break is Wildfire to Blast Charge to Analysis to Air Anchor to Marksman’s Spite.

With the knowledge of how the skill work and combos, you are now ready to jump into PvP and do massive damage. Always remember: Bioblaster sucks.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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