
V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

I will clip your wings, foul demon!

Talzur the Winged Horror is one of the many V Blood bosses in V Rising 1.0, and it’s true to its “horror” title when fought in the game’s Brutal Mode.

The Winged Horror is a tricky and somewhat annoying boss. It demands a lot of patience, as its mobility allows it to get out of your attack range with ease. What’s more, it’s capable of summoning hordes of minions in Brutal Mode! It was bad enough on its own, but the beast also has friends…

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to deal with all of this tricky boss’ moves so that you can put it down… and drink its powerful V Blood, too!

Talzur the Winged Horror | Brutal Mode Guide

V Blood Menu | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

First off, you have to know that Talzur the Winged Horror is a Level 89 V Blood boss in V Rising 1.0’s Brutal Mode. As such, make sure that you bring endgame equipment that gives you a Gear Level of 88 or higher.

Additionally, we highly recommend that you focus on ranged weapons for this fight. Talzur loves using its wings to get away from you, so you want to be able to hit it from a distance. Pistols are a great choice, for example, but the Whip is great with the right build, if you want to be more melee-focused.

Spell Setup

Fittingly, you will want to ensure to have some ranged Spells with you. Sanguine Coil and Chaos Volley are fantastic choices, as always. Pair your chosen ranged projectile Spell with a Barrier-type spell, such as Chaos Barrier. This will help you deal with projectiles during the fact, while also reflecting some damage back to Talzur.

As for your Ultimate, it’s a good idea to choose an Ultimate Spell with a decent area of effect. Crimson Beam, Heart Strike, and Lightning Typhoon are all solid choices here. This will help you deal with the various adds that Talzur summons.

Now, gear up and get into the fight! Let’s go over the full breakdown of how to deal with Talzur the Winged Horror.

Early Fight – Meet the Horror

Early Fight Charge | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

Talzur the Winged Horror is a boss that, most of all, rewards patience. It summons lots of projectiles and also likes to fly out of range. Some of its projectiles also leave a burning effect on the ground, which you have to be careful to avoid. Remember, there’s no timer, so take your time and don’t be needlessly aggressive.

Dodging the Flare Charge

One of its first attacks is likely to be the Flare Charge. Talzur will summon 4 fireballs to its sides and then dash straight toward you in tandem with the fireballs. The easiest way to avoid this attack is to dash through one of the fireballs with proper timing.

Flying Firebreath attack

Another of its possible attacks early in the fight is its Flying Firebreath. Talzur flies straight up and then breathes fire at the ground, causing the ground to burn. Additionally, multiple fireballs will spawn from the ground in random directions. 

You have a bit of time to predict where the fireballs will land, based on their arcs. Steer clear of them as they will explode when they land, once again causing the ground to burn. You have an opening to attack Talzur when it lands, too.

Talzur's Swipes

If you like to fight up close and personal, Talzur will swipe at you with its claws and tails. Pay attention to Talzur to be able to predict these attacks, as they are clearly telegraphed and slow.

Talzur can also spin in place to try to hit you with its massive body. It mostly does this when you’re behind it, but it can do it even while you’re far away and in front of it.

Talzur's Spin

Additionally, Talzur will shoot a variety of icicles alongside its swipes and spins. They cover a lot of ground so they’re hard to dash through, but you can block them with Barrier-type Spells.

Talzur's Firebreath

Lastly, Talzur might simply stand in place and use Firebreath to shoot a bunch of fireballs. It’s very hard to dodge them all if you’re close to Talzur, so we highly recommend using a Barrier Spell against them.

Mid Fight – Talzur’s Little Friends

Bombing Run and Minions | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

Once you get Talzur’s HP to around 70% or so, it will fly up into the sky. It will then attempt to do a Bombing Run, shooting fireballs down at the ground. The landing zones for the fireballs are marked by red circles on the ground, so simply avoid the red circles.

However, a new mechanic in V Rising 1.0’s Brutal Mode is that each of these fireballs has a chance to also spawn one Giant Crow. These adds are fairly tough and they can overwhelm you quickly when they attack alongside Talzur.

The Giant Crow minions appeared

A little trick you can do is try to run across the edge of the arena when Talzur goes for the Bombing Run attack. This will result in some fireballs landing right on the edge, making it easier to take the Giant Crows out. They will have nowhere to run!

Nonetheless, you will eventually have to deal with these minions. They are fairly tough, so we highly recommend focusing on them before they become too overwhelming. As we mentioned previously, it’s a good idea to use an Ultimate Spell with a large area of effect to damage multiple minions at once.

Halfway There – Frozen Solid

Talzur Readies Frostbreath | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

When you manage to get Talzur’s HP to around 50%, it will start using new ice attacks. These are extremely dangerous, as they can freeze you and prevent you from dodging follow-up attacks.

The first one of these attacks is the Frostbreath. This one is similar to the Firebreath from before, but it’s a singular beam. Talzur telegraphs this attack by standing in place and roaring as a blue mist appears in its mouth.

Frostbreath hits the player

Talzur will usually fire the Frostbreath straight ahead, then swipe to its right, and then back to the left. Pay attention to the telegraph for the attack, then dash through the beam when it comes at you. It’s tough to get the timing right, but this is a very punishing attack.

Frost Vortex circles

Talzur will also sporadically spawn Frost Vortexes around itself. The game will signal the position of these vortexes with red circles on the ground, so get out of the way as soon as possible. 

Frost Vortex cast

These vortexes stay around for a while and can also freeze you!

Bombing Run in later phases

At this point, Talzur will also start doing its Bombing Run attack much more often. To make things even worse, it will now hit more areas in the arena and it will also burn the ground. That’s on top of still spawning Giant Crows, mind you!

Sadly, the Frost Vortexes and burning ground don’t deal any damage to the obnoxious Giant Crows. So, you’ll need to be extremely patient and take them out yourself. When the crows aren’t swarming you, try to chip away at Talzur’s health while dodging its barrage of attacks.

Talzur’s Last Stand

The Wings of Horror | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

Once Talzur the Winged Horror has about 30% HP left, it will start pulling one new trick: the Wings of Horror attack. That said, he seems to do it earlier than that sometimes, particularly in V Rising 1.0’s Brutal Mode.

Thankfully, though, the Wings of Horror attack is fairly simple. Talzur will summon two orbs to its sides and will then start flapping its wings violently. Additionally, the two orbs Talzur summoned will start firing a random array of fireballs toward you.

The gusts of wind from the wings will push you backward, forcing you to stay away from Talzur. If you’re a melee-focused build, this is a huge pain. Nonetheless, your best bet here is to walk back and let the gusts push you back.

This will make it extremely easy to avoid the fireballs, though you can also use a Barrier Spell if need be.

Talzur fight near the end

Other than that, that’s the only difference for this final part of the fight. Keep this new trick in mind as you keep dealing with the annoying Giant Crows and chipping away at Talzur. Remember, patience is absolutely key in this fight! Persevere and you will win.

Talzur Defeated! | V Rising 1.0: Talzur the Winged Horror Brutal Mode Guide

Finish the Winged Horror off and collect its V Blood.

With that monstrosity down, you might want to move on and tackle other tough endgame bosses. It might be a bit too early to take on Dracula himself yet, but you should be ready for Solarus the Immaculate. It’s not a bad idea to take on some Rift Incursions, either.


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