One of the things that Gray Zone Warfare does right is being realistic. This is also backed up by its highly realistic graphics. And not only that, but it also offers extensive weapon modifications which takes things to a whole new level. You can construct your weapon however you like. The game is available as Early Access on Steam. This guide will be helping you complete the Deal Of The Century task. It is pretty straightforward, keep reading to learn more.
Task Guide of Deal Of The Century | Mithras
Like a lot of other tasks in the game, the main objective of this task is to find intel and bring it back. This time you will be infiltrating Fort Narith. Exact objectives of this quest are mentioned below:
- Retrieve the evidence and report back to Banshee.
- Locate the evidence.
SIDE NOTE: We have an awesome complete guide for All Mithras Tasks & Locations in Gray Zone Warfare, make sure to check it out!
Locating the Evidence
To get started on this quest, first make your way to the Fort Narith area through DELTA 1, DELTA 2 or DELTA 3 landing zone. I suggest you take DELTA 2 and head straight to Fort Narith Main Entrance from there.
As you get there, you will have to deal with heavy AI resistance. Make sure you are geared up and ready for action. If you have a squad with you, it will make things a lot easier. Your main goal is to reach the Headquarters building. The exact coordinates of the Headquarters building are 143, 129.

Once you enter the Headquarters building, you will come across a statue and stairs leading up. Take the stairs here to reach the 2nd floor.

After you get to the 2nd floor, you need to head towards the left and enter the room called Office 2 – 2. It has been marked in the image below.

Once you enter Office 2 – 2, you will notice a desk at the end of the room. The intel file that you need to pick will be lying near the computer on the desk.

It will be called JET FIGHTER DEAL. Go ahead and pick it up. Once you do, head back to Banshee and hand it over to him. This will mark your quest complete.

And this completes this short Deal Of The Century quest guide. If you want to save your time completing quests like these, then I suggest you unlock all the LZs. And if interested in doing so, you can find the location of every LZ from this guide: Gray Zone Warfare: Where To Unlock LZs. Check it out!