In the “Native Negotiations” quest of Gray Zone Warfare, you’re tasked to deliver a briefcase full of cash as a sign of trust for the allegiance with the local natives. It was also indicated that you’re supposed to bring the case on a designated drop-off point. If you’re having a hard time finding the “below a truck in the town’s car repair shop” location, I’m here to help you out. In this guide, I’ll show you everything you need to know in completing the Native Negotiations quest in the game!
Native Negotiations Quest Guide | Mithras
For the first portion of the Native Negotiations quest, you’ll have to pick up the briefcase located in the tent near the helipad. For the exact location, make sure to check the tables and you’ll see it placed on one of them.
SIDE NOTE: We have an awesome complete guide for All Mithras Tasks & Locations in Gray Zone Warfare, make sure to check it out!

Onto the second portion! Once that’s done, you’ll have to make your way to the “Town’s Car Repair Shop”. You can find the location of the repair shop in 170, 117 as shown in the image below. Be careful and make sure not to die in the process or you fail the quest.

After arriving at the Repair Shop location, go at the back left part of the garage as shown in the image below.

As mentioned above, find the truck. Now, for the drop-off, go to the side of the truck and interact with it to drop the briefcase. Once that’s done, you’ve successfully completed the quest. Good job, fam!

And that’s how you complete the Native Negotiations quest in Gray Zone Warfare. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Lots of players have been complaining on FPS issues. If you’re interested, make sure to check out our detailed guide on the best settings & how to optimize Gray Zone Warfare as well!