If you like tactical FPS games, then you will find Gray Zone Warfare interesting. The game is still in Early Access, and you can get it from Steam if you like. If you are a fan of realistic graphics and high-quality visuals, then this game will certainly not disappoint. This guide will be showing you how to complete the The Shadow Over Ban Pa quest of Mithras. Continue reading to learn more.
Guide On The Shadow Over Ban Pa Quest | Mithras
The main objective of this quest is to scout the entry points leading into Ban Pa. Now there are two of those and you need to scout them both. Exact information of the quest is given below:
- Scout the main southern entry point to Ban Pa.
- Scout the main northern entry point to Ban Pa.
SIDE NOTE: We have an awesome complete guide for All Mithras Tasks & Locations in Gray Zone Warfare, make sure to check it out!
Northern Entry Point
The Northern entry point is located to the bottom left of the INDIA 1 LZ. Look at the image below to get its exact location.

Once you get to the area that is marked in the image above, you will be able to see an overhang type structure (shown in the image below).

Southern Entry Point
The Southern entry point is located close to the INDIA 2 LZ. It is marked in the image below.

After you get there, you will be able to see another overhang type structure which leads to Ban Pa (look at the image below). Scouting this entry point will mark your quest complete.

Note: There may be other players roaming around the entry points so be careful when scouting.
This is it for this guide on The Shadow Over Ban Pa quest. One thing you might have noticed as you are playing this game is that it has a lot of scouting quests. And those quests require you to search around quite a bit. Which is why I suggest you give the guides mentioned below a read if you need help with any of those quests: