The Collectibles that you can get in the Halo Infinite can help give you more information about the story of the campaign. This guide will show you all the collectibles you can find in the Forge of Teash area.
Banished Audio Logs

The first Banished Audio log is just a little over the northeast of the Forge of Teash. Go all the way inside the building and you can find it on the ground.

You can find the second Banished Audio Log inside the building to the right of the first one. The Audio Log is next to a repair bay.

You can also find the Spartan Core at the upper level of this area, near the ramp.
UNSC Audio Logs

In the northeastern area of the region, go on top of the mountain hill and you will see a yellow entrance to a cave. Go inside and you will see the 1st Audio Log on top of the cot.

Go to the southeastern side of the region and you will see the cliff on the left side of the road. You will see the second Audio Log on top of a crate.
ALSO READ: Halo Infinite: Excavation Site All Collectibles Locations