The newest addition to the FPS genre is High On Life and it’s a game made by the co-creator of Rick & Morty! That’s right the game features humor like the show and it’s filled with all sorts of funny and interesting characters. It’s not your usual FPS game as well since it has talking guns that are their own characters as well, interesting alien areas to explore and a fun and funny story to follow! The game has a lot of areas and maps and in this guide we’ll show you where to find all the Lugloxes in the Deep Jungle.
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What are Lugloxes anyway? Well these goofy looking cubes are actually this game’s version of a treasure box and is filled with all sorts of goodies. From upgrades to collectibles and currency, so it’s good to look around for these. Now to show you where all the Lugloxes are in this map!
Luglox #9

The first one is at the start, right in front of you at the base of the giant tree.
Luglox #2

Continue down the path until you find the bridge that goes over the green goo river, before crossing go to the left near the green goo and you’ll find another Luglox.
Luglox #3

Now cross the bridge and go to the right jumping on top of the red mushroom platforms. Then go on top of the cliff and forward until you find a wall where you can use Gus to make a platform on. To the right is another Luglox.

Luglox #4

Now go back to the bridge, in the distance you cansee another area where you can access through a zipline and some bugs you can grapple on. There you’ll find another Luglox.

Luglox #5

From the previous Luglox continue to the right shooting the green glowing pods to make the plants into platforms. When you drop down look for the one on the image above and shoot it. It will show another Luglox.

Luglox #6

Completely opposite of the previous Luglox, go forward and up and you’ll see another Luglox.
Luglox #7

To where the previous Luglox was pointing you’ll see a platform that leads to a cave, go inside and stick to the left wall till you find a Luglox hidden in a hole.

Luglox #8

From the previous Luglox go to the right, and up then stick to the left wall till you find the next Luglox.
Luglox #9

No go to where the previous one was facing and you’ll see a structure, go forward until you see the green goo river and to the right will be a platform where another Luglox is hiding.
Luglox #10

Look at where the previous Luglox was facing and go striaght, you’ll find another one next to a smaller green goo river.
Luglox #11

Follow the green goo river till it turns into a waterfall, from there you can see another Luglox that you’ll need to drop into the ledge to get it.
Luglox #12

Follow the river downstream till you get to another Luglox.
Luglox #13

Continue downstream and there’s another Luglox just next to the river.
Luglox #14

In the Moplet Village there’s a wall where you can use Gus to make platforms which leads to a chest. You can also just boost there with the right height and upgrades.
Luglox #15

From the previous Luglox drop down and go right to go to the Mine Outskirts. Go straight down the path till you find the large rock around the green goo river. There you’ll see a path to wall run followed by some bugs you can grapple to.

Once you’re through follow the path till you reach a bridge. Shoot the green bulb next to it and follow the pink connection to the next Luglox.

Luglox #16

From the previous Luglox use the Kenny’s Alt fire to set the platform behind it. Use the platforms till you reach the small house shown above. Go through it and stay right, going up the cliff.

On top of that is a Luglox that’s hiding under some goo, use Kenny’s Alt Fire to access it.
Luglox #17

Directly behind the previous Luglox is where you should go next. Go down and you’ll see to your right is a cave blocked by plants. To the right is a small gap which you can shoot through to open the cave where there’s another Luglox inside.

Luglox #18

Go back to the bridge and instead of crossing it, go left sticking to the left wall till you find the next Luglox.
Luglox #19

Directly where the previous Luglox is looking go straight and down until you find this Luglox show above hiding inside a box.
Luglox #20

Go out of the box and right following the goo river into a cave, at the end is another Luglox.
Luglox #21

Go back up the stream of green goo till the small bridge. Cross it and go up the platform to find another Luglox under a ramp.
Luglox #22

Back in the Moplet Village, go to the tree houses and you’ll find a Luglox next to one of them.
Luglox #23

Jump down to the left of the previous Luglox and you’ll find another one near the green goo and a house.
Luglox #24

Retrace your steps up the green goo river till you find the boat and a cave shown on the image above. Go up the waterfall and to the right till you see a couple of platforms that you can shoot with Kenny’s alt fire.

Shoot the second one on the part away from the goo river, and shoot it again to show the Luglox on the other side.

Luglox #25

Now cross the goo river until you find the platform where you can use Kenny’s alt fire to bring it down. That will give you access to the zipline show on the image above.

Follow the zipline jumping into the first climable wall you see to the left. Follow the path till you get to solid ground and you should see a waterfall with a Luglox next to it.

Luglox #26

In the area is another waterfall and near it are some mushroom platforms where there’s another Luglox.
Luglox #27

Now go back to the zipline and continue the path till you find the next Luglox to the left on top of a container.
Luglox #28

Follow the zipling till the end until you find the structure shown above. Go through it and there should be a ventilation shaft near the goo lake where you can use Sweezy to go through to get another Luglox.

Luglox #29

Above the ventilation shaft is another platform you can jump to that has another Luglox show above.
Luglox #30

To the left you should see another Luglox, use the surface above and to the left to latch on to and a zipline to get to that area.

Luglox #31

After getting the previous Luglox on the roof of a building, go down and inside that building. There you’ll find a ramp going down, below that ramp is another Luglox.
Luglox #32

Go up the ramp again and then left till you see a bridge with some shields on the floor, next to it is a machine you can use Creature to throw a creature inside of it. It will remove the shields and show the Luglox below.

Luglox #33

Continue crossing the bridge until you find a wall above that you can latch on to and wall run. This will lead to a platform where there’s the next Luglox.
Luglox #34

Directly where the previous Luglox was facing, go down to a cave. To the left wall of the cave is the last Luglox of the level.

Congratulations you now know where all the Lugloxes are in Deep Jungle in High On Life. Now go out there and try to get them all. Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone where to find them, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: High On Life Deep Jungle All Luglox Locations – YouTube
ALSO READ: High On Life: All Dreg Town Luglox Locations