Warzone has been part of my life for a while now. I wouldn’t believe you if you told me it was just released a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, Activision always makes sure there are bugs that will annoy me, you, and everyone on this planet at any given point in our existence. This issue you are encountering today is quite easy to solve and, well, isn’t even an issue actually. Read below to get the answer you are looking for.
How to Fix Installation Progress 0% on PS5/PS4 / Stuck Not Downloading – Call Of Duty Warzone
If you entered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on your PS4 / PS5 and want to quickly enter a Warzone match, but see “Installation Progress: 0%” in the upper right corner, then we are talking about the same problem here.
That’s good because this is not actually a problem. The game is actually installing an update right at that very moment and is not stuck at 0% as shown there.
If you exit the game and go into the Downloads tab in the lower part of the screen, you will see that Call of Duty is actually in the middle of the update, and you’ll also see how long it will take for it to end.
You can see what I’m talking about in the picture below:

Once it’s done, you can start your game up again and start playing!
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