Nightingale has a very complex crafting system that involves gathering and refining all sorts of resources that can be found all throughout the different realms. One of the things you’ll need for various applications is spice, and in this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to get some!
How to Get Spice
Simply put, you need a Refined Mortar Station, which you can unlock by entering a Provisioner realm and finding its Essence trader. The schematic itself will require the following materials:
- 3x Lumber
- 4x Carved Stone
- 2x Stone, Mineral, Gem, or Pigment
If you have no access to the Provisioner realm just yet, check out our guide on how to unlock the Provisioner site of power in order to get the recipe for the required card.
From the refined mortar station, you will need 10 Raw Spice in order to refine it into 5 pieces of Spice. You will most likely be using Bound ichor in order to get Raw Spice.

Bound Ichor is dropped by various enemies you’ll encounter in the game. They are particularly commonly acquired from horned variants of the Bound that you will run into quite a lot.

You can also buy spice for 5x tier 1 essence per piece at the essence trader within a Swamp Hunt realm. This will require you to unlock and clear the Hunt site of power first, however.
And that is everything that you need to know when it comes to obtaining Spice in Nightingale. Check out our guide on how to get petrified ichor in Nightingale as well, as you will need these later on!