The Alpha Wolf is one of those monsters you need to track and hunt down because of the new unique and very useful Vampire Power you get – transformation into a Wolf. Let’s see how to find him and the best way of dealing with him.
Alpha Wolf Location & Fight – V Rising
For starters, like for any of these hunts, you shall need to build the Blood Altar. You can place it anywhere in your base(it doesn’t matter where). From here, you’ll need to go next to it, and interact with it by pressing F.
A list will open with all of the trackable monsters that you can hunt. The first one on this list will be the Alpha Wolf. You will need to press the Track Blood option.

Now a questline will appear in the left corner and it’s gonna say Tracking the blood of Alpha Wolf(I can sense my prey in the distance). This is a sign that you can find it somewhere on the map and track it easier.
You shall need to go around and find the Wolf’s Den. It is fairly centered on the map, maybe a little bit on the lower side. South East from the Farbane Woods name written on the map.

He will be alone in the woods just walking slowly. You can’t miss him by his big yellow health bar and he is a huge Wolf-like creature.
He will start running to you as soon as he detects you. Be wary of his prowl attack – he will prepare himself and then do a very fast leap to attack you. You will need to dodge this in time. His melee attacks are fairly simple, if you’re next to him, he will try to claw you without any animation or a second to give you a warning.
He can do a big scream towards you which might damage you, as well as boost himself up. You can detect this by his red aura surrounding him as he runs to you. While in this mode, be sure to just dodge his attacks and run around him.
When he gets to half HP, he’ll stay for a while(use this to burst damage) and then start to howl. This will summon a couple of other smaller wolves to fight alongside him. They do the same Prowl jump at you, and they are really easy to take down(a couple of hits).

After that, he will just keep pouncing on you. Once he’s down, proceed to extract blood from him and you’ll get a new vampire power. The big one with the Alpha Wolf is that you will be able to transform into a wolf after this fight.
ALSO READ: V Rising: How to Get Blood Essence