The addition of greatswords in the Gloomrot update of V Rising has brought players a new class of physical weapons. With this in mind, this guide focuses on some of the best builds for greatswords in PvP battles.
Best Greatsword PvP Builds
First, this guide will focus on greatsword abilities which will be followed by the three best builds for PvP. Keep in mind that the best ultimate for all three builds will be the Raging Tempest, so we’ll only focus on the possible travel and basic abilities.
Greatsword Abilities
The first attack is the normal three-hit attack combo. Although this attack seems slow, it does hit hard.

The next attack is the Greatsword Cleaver, in which the player dashes and swings enemies upwards, dealing 150% physical damage and launching the enemies into the air for a short duration. An added advantage is that the hitbox of this ability is slightly greater forming a cone base attack area.

The final Greatsword ability is Death from Above, in which the player jumps into the air and descends onto the ground dealing 150% physical damage. This is not such a useful ability but it can be used for dodging.

Build #1 – Void, Veil of Storm & Discharge
The first spell to use in this build is Void. This is advantageous because once Void is used it can be chained into Greatsword Cleaver to hit the enemy with additional damage. The additional projectiles that inflict Ignite is an added bonus.

The next spell to use is the Veil of Storm since it grants an increase in attack speed which can allow you to land some auto attacks for high damage.

This spell complements the Fulminated Ire jewel since it has the ability that consumes Static to apply Stun. So essentially, when you dash through the enemy, they are inflicted with Static debuff, and then your primary attack with the greatsword will stun them.

The last spell for this build is Discharge. This is important because not only does it inflict Static, but it also launches the enemy into the air for three seconds. This can be used to your advantage by chaining a combo with axes or slashers. Since you will be invisible, the enemy will have a hard time predicting the direction of attack and can thus be stunned easily.

With this build the ultimate recommended to use is the Raging Tempest since it pairs well with the other Storm spells. Additionally, you should use the Amulet of Crimson Commander for the bonus physical damage.
Build #2 – Veil of Chaos, Soul Burn & Chaos Volley
The first spell for this build is the Veil of Chaos with the Dark Dusk jewel. The advantage is that this can be used for defensive and aggressive purposes. Since the Illusion with this spell explodes, it can be used to inflict Ignite on the enemy and slow them down using Snare. This allows for the chaining of combos.

The next spell is the Soulburn with the Necrotic Bone Chime jewel. This, when cast, removes negative effects from the caster, allowing you to remove any debuffs inflicted by the enemy. Additionally, it has increased Silence duration with the jewel’s ability. This is the highlight of this build since it can be used very effectively with the Greatsword Cleaver for both damage and healing.

Lastly, we recommend using Chaos Volley with the Crushing Stone jewel. This is the main ranged attack that can be chained with after using Soulburn ability to dish out high damage as well as inflict Ignite.

Build #3 – Veil of Storm, Blood Rage, & Power Surge
This last build is built purely for one on one fights. Although it can be used in the open world it is not recommended due to the entire focus being on melee combat. The first spell is Veil of Storm for an increase in attack speed.

The next spell is the Blood Rage spell with the Hooked Stone jewel. The fading snare slows enemies down, and the shield reduces the damage that is taken.

The final spell is Power Surge with the Discordant Prism jewel. It grants the caster a shield and increases its duration and attack power for greater damage.

The pattern of attack with this build is simple. Just dash in toward the enemy and activate both Blood Rage and Power Surge. You will immediately notice a significantly faster attack speed. This is almost twice as fast as the normal greatsword attack speed allowing you to deal twice as much damage.
Greatswords are popular among the V Rising community right now due to their high damage output. We hope that this guide helped you gain insight into some of the most popular builds. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments below.
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