
V Rising: Best Jewels for PvP

That’s a lot of Jewels!

The addition of Jewels in the Gloomrot update of V Rising has changed the spell mechanics by allowing players to customize their playstyles using the abilities of the Jewels. With this in mind this guide goes into depth regarding which abilities should be used for each spell.

Best Jewels for PvP

Blood Jewels

Blood Fountain

For Blood Fountain, Recast is important as it can heal or damage enemies, after which it explodes. Paired with this, Hit removing negative effects is recommended as its effect is self-explanatory. Finally, Fading Snares are also good since enemies will be slowed down when hit, making it difficult for them to escape and will make it easier to chain combos.

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Blood Rage

Since Blood Rage is a melee-focused spell, the shield for the caster and allies paired with removing negative effects are both important to escape enemy combos. The third effect depends on preference between increased movement speed or increased damage.

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Blood Rite

Turn invisible while Immaterial and increase Immaterial duration are the two important buffs here since this will make it difficult for players to hit you since you will be invisible. The third stat depends on preference. For example, if you are a melee focus player, you should focus on the fading snare and vice versa.

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Sanguine Coil

Hit bounces projectile to additional target or caster to deal damage or heal is the big one to look out for. Pair this with an additional charge since Sanguine Coil can be difficult to hit sometimes. Finally, consuming Leech is a good option for additional healing.

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Decreased cast time helps to deal with enemies quicker. Alongside this, a hit conjured area-based attack that deals damage and applies Leech is good since this allows the player to target more enemies. Lastly, players can choose between pushing enemies back or increasing the projectile speed.

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Veil of Blood

Dashing to apply Leech is really important. This can be paired with increased damage of the next primary attack or increased healing for greater damage.

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Chaos Jewels

Chaos Barrier

A must-have one is barrier hit applies stun which essentially means that enemy players are stunned when attacking the shield allows for combos. Recast launches 3 projectiles is also good since they inflict Ignite, and finally, increased movement speed is good since it allows for more versatility.

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Chaos Volley

The big one to get here is hitting a different enemy with a second projectile that deals damage. This can make up for the fact that if the first shot misses and the second one connects, it can make up for the missed shot by dealing extra damage. Pair this with increased damage and increased projectile range and speed.

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Power Surge

Getting the apply shield buff is important. Similar to other shield spells, pair this with removing negative effects, and finally, you can choose between increased attack or movement speed.

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The two important ones here are the explosion leaves behind AoE that deals damage, and explosion conjures 3 AoEs that explode and applies Ignite since these make it very difficult for players to dodge and allow for combo chaining. Lastly, you can pair these with an increased recharge rate to use this ability more.

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Veil of Chaos

Increasing Elude duration and recasting conjured second illusion are the important buffs to look out for. These can be paired with any one of the consume abilities depending on your preference.

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Frost Jewels

Crystal Lance

Getting increased projectile range and speed is important. Pair this with the ability to pierce enemies and increased Freeze duration to slow enemies down.

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Frost Barrier

The most important one is Recast consumes Chill and inflicts Freeze. This can be paired with recasts shield of the caster when Freeze of Chill is inflicted, which allows for ability spamming. Lastly, increased movement speed is good since it allows the player to move around faster making it less likely to get hit.

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Frost Bat

The two big ones to pair together are 8 projectiles launching on each hit and hitting enemies affected by Chill or Freeze shields the caster. The final buff can be increased projectile range and speed.

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Ice Block

Pair apply Chill to a physical attacker with the ability to freeze the attacker if chilled using a centered AoE. This is a very powerful combo that punishes melee players. The last buff recommended is increased healing to get the maximum health value out of the spell.

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Ice Nova

For Ice Nova, the 3 important abilities are Recast, increased damage, and cooldown since this is a weak spell.

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Veil of Frost

The next primary attack within 3 seconds consumes Chill, and applies Freeze is good since applying Chill through dashing can be consumed to freeze the enemy. Increasing Elude duration and increased damage of the next primary attack are good ones to consider.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

Illusion Jewels 

Mist Trance

Tigger applies fear to enemies is a really good stat. Pair this with Trigger granting Phantasm and increased distance traveled, and you can force disengaging enemies to keep fighting.

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Highly recommended abilities are increased summon health and movement speed as well as the wisps that heal casters and allies. These can be paired with increased Fear duration for chaining extended combos.

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Phantom Aegis

The staple bonus stat is an increase in spell power which allows for increased damage with spells such as Chaos Volley. Other important stats include consuming Weaken to apply Fear and knocking enemies back from the target.

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Spectral Wolf

For Spectral Wolf, fading snare is recommended with increase in max bounces. This will allow you to slow down the enemy and chain multiple combos. The hit returns projectile to caster on last bounce to heal is also nice considering it is free health.

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Wraith Spear

Increased damage and fading snare are two must haves for the Wraith Spear due to its low damage. Additionally, if you are using other Illusion Spells, having wisps that heal caster and allies is pretty useful to have.

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Veil of Illusion

Increase Elude duration paired with next primary attack granting the caster a shield are really good perks if you are playing in a pure mage build. For the third any one of explode on Recast and Illusion projectiles deal damage will work.

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Storm Jewels

Ball Lightning

Ball lightning doesn’t hit that hard so Icreased tick damage is good alongside the balls detonating. Lastly, explosions consuming Static to stun is a good offensive ability in order to help chain combos.

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For Cyclone, consuming Static to apply Stun and increased damage are the two main ones. In addition the third ability can be either increased projectile duration or increased projectile range and speed.

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Trigger to travel second time is necessary for PVP battles. This allows you to catch up to the enemy quickly in case they dash away when attacked. Next, increased movement speed during the channel is recommended since it pairs up well with the first ability. Finally, you can choose between increased damage or passing through the enemy to consume Static.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

Lightning Curtain

The three abilities that you want for a Lightning Curtain are fading Snare, hit on caster grants Shield, and increase in Movement Speed.

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Polarity Shift

The two must haves for Polarity Shift are the fading snare and the increase in projectile range and speed. If you are using other Static related abilities consume Static to apply Stun is really beneficial.

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Veil of Storm

The important one here is to have the next primary attack consuming Static to Stun since the Veil of Storm applies Static when dashing, and this ability can be used for an instant Stun.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

Unholy Jewels

Bone Explosion

The most important one here is affecting an enemy with Agony if they have the Condemn buff. This is different since all the others jewels consume one status affect in favor of the other but this does not. Other than that, increased damage paired with 8 projectiles that damage and deal Condemn are good.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

Corrupted Skull

This is not a good ability for use in PVP so if you want to use it have the projectiles that deal Condemn and pair this with increased damage and increase projectile range and speed.

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Death Knight

The important ones here are the fading Snare applied on cast and inflicting Agony on those that have the Condemn buff. Finally, the summon of the Skeleton Mage is good since multiple units can help in crowd control.

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Increased silence duration is definitely the most important ability to have in PVP. Pair this up with increased damage and if you want to increase the area of attack, increase targets hit by 1 is also good.

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Ward of the Damned

Although this spell is not very useful in PVP due to its reliance on summoned units, but if you want to use it, make sure to have a barrier hit has a chance to summon a Skeleton Mage. Pair this with an increase in Recast damage and push enemies back on Recast.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

Veil of Bones

For Veil of Bones having dashing applies Condemn is important to have. Pair this with the next primary attack applies Agony on those affected by Condemn. This makes sure that the Condemn affect is still there for chaining future combos. Lastly, increase in Elude duration is important for all dash based skills.

Courtesy of Vinn#5162 & Redlaf

The information is this guide might seem overwhelming at first due to the sheer amount of information but it allows you to decide which playstyle you want to choose when engaging in PvP. If you want more information on how to craft these Jewels and their tiers check out the Ultimate Jewels Guide.

ALSO READ: V Rising: Base Building Tips


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