The beauty of Lost Ark is the number of things you can do in the game. One of the things that the game gives you is the ability to cook and craft items that will help you with your adventures. One of the items you can cook is the Regria Wheat Bread. Below is a guide on how you can obtain the ingredients needed for the bread.
Regria Wheat Bread

The Regria Wheat Bread is a type of bread that is made in the Regria Monastery. It does not contain any other condiments. The bread is famous for its taste and texture. You can craft this item by approaching the NPC called Hely. Hely is in the southwestern part of Prideholme, by the market stalls.
Giant Wheat Sack Location

Before you can craft the Regria Wheat Bread you will need a Giant Wheat Sack and 1,400 Silver. To find the Giant Wheat Sack, go all the way to the south and you will find a farmhouse. There is a wooden cart here with hay, go further down and you will find another cart with sacks next to some bulls. Investigate the sacks to get the Giant Wheat Sack and bring it back to Hely to craft the item.
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