We’ve reached one of the major milestone in V Rising with the Secrets of Gloomrot update. The new Shady Merchants are players’ new love for recipes and books. The game is implementing a a whitelist method to castle land now, meaning you cannot just place your borders anywhere and claim the land.
With the new system, viable lands for castle builds are now locked behind territories. The patch note explains that this will help to prevent possible future problems and ensure everyone enjoy the castle system. On top of that, the castle now supports multiple floors and other fancier features.
Castle System Explained
Before the new castle update we have, building your base can be rather toxic. Yes, while the idea of being able to just jokingly build just a long trail of flooring through a patch of land, one can unintentionally grieve players with it. Sometimes you clash with other players and you both end up with not enough land to expand.
Here are some new things to note:
- Players may now freely build staircases allowing you to build a castle on multiple floors. Players may build up to 3 floors or 4 floors in areas that have terrain height differences (6 in private servers)
- Major parts of the world have been updated with new topology to support multiple floors as well as a new way of claiming your land through the Territory system
- All floors regardless if exterior/interior will generate a roof once a room is enclosed
- Default Dismantle refund changed to 100% from 75%
- The castle heart may now be upgraded up to level 5 from the previous maximum, level 4
- Abandon and Expose Castle features added to allow players to discard or transfer ownership to other players
Castle Territories

Now what you’re seeing here is a bunch of lands being marked red and blue. Some of them remain green with black outlines on them. The red color marks territories that are off-limits to you as they’re Hostile Territories. You cannot land there because someone’s claimed those lands with a Castle Heart.
On the other hand, when you place your Castle Heart on a land, the blue color shows up on the floor. That means that’s turned into your territory, other players not part of the clan cannot land there, and you can build within the area that’s been marked blue. When you join a clan, you’ll be able to see more patches of land turning blue.
So there’s no more need for borders to claim a land. You now have Rough Floor in the early game instead of the borders.
Multiple floors and Higher floor tile limit
A new castle level has also been added to Level 5 which adds the floor tiles significantly more from 260 tiles in level 4 to 420 floor tiles in level 5. You can also get another servant coffin and increase your Blood Essense limit to 2500.
Additionally, the most exciting update on the castle building part is the stairs, and they’re super neat. For example, you can just add your stairs and then add a floor tile after it. The terrace fence is automatically added according to the flooring style. This lets you create a nice balcony like this.

So, if you have 4 floors, you will have to divide the 420 tiles wisely between the floors depending on what you need them for. Your floor plan doesn’t have to be precise since you can get 100% refund when dismantling, but it can be a bummer to realize your design just doesn’t work.
Abandon and Expose Castle
Both of these features are similar in the sense that you are letting go of ownership of the castle and other players can claim the building and land. However, Abandon Castle puts the building on decay and players who later found it will be able to know it has been abandoned. Destroying it is free and you will see the loot just fall and the land empty.
Exposing the heart is a method to transfer your ownership to a nearby player. You will lose ownership for 5 minutes and anyone can claim it, including yourself.

ALSO READ: V Rising: How to Improve Prisoner Blood Quality | Secrets of Gloomrot