
Gray Zone Warfare: A Small Favor & No Escape Task Guide

Someone wants to disappear… will you help them or snitch on them?

A Small Favor and No Escape are a task pair in Gray Zone Warfare, both of them being mutually exclusive since they require the same intel.

Turncoat and Banshee both want certain intel on an army officer. One wants to help him disappear, while the other wants the intel to chase the guy down. Who will you side with?

In this short guide, we’ll tell you how to find the intel for both tasks and tell you the rewards you get for siding with either vendor!

A Small Favor & No Escape | GZW Task Guide

Map | Gray Zone Warfare: A Small Favor & No Escape Task Guide

For this task pair, you’ll need to head to the Headquarters building in Fort Narith. Its coordinates on the map are Y: 129, X: 143.

As always, Fort Narith is full of hostiles. Be ready for a fight when you go to the area!

Once you get inside the headquarters building, you should be facing a bust and some stairs. Turn to your left at this point.

Headquarters double doors

Then, go through the open double doors in front of you.

Archive door from the hallway entrance

Just like before, turn to the left again and look for the door that’s right around the corner to your right.

Archive door plaque

The door should have a tag next to it, confirming that this is the Archive room.

Shelf at the back of the room

Enter the room and go to the shelf at the back of the room, directly right of the window.

Check atop one of the boxes on the shelf and you’ll find the “Personal Folder” intel. Pick it up and you’re ready to turn in both the “A Small Favor” and “No Escape” tasks!

Now, this pair of tasks works similarly to the “At The Mounds of Madness 2” and “Shadow Over Ban Pa 2” tasks. That means that you can only turn it in to a single vendor, so you only get one set of rewards.

Personal Folder intel

If you turn it in to Turncoat (A Small Favor), you’ll get the following rewards:

  • AK-74M
  • 2000 Experience
  • 200 Reputation with Turncoat

On the other hand, giving the intel to Banshee (No Escape) will get you the following:

  • M700
  • 2000 Experience
  • 200 Reputation with Banshee

Which vendor you give the intel to is entirely up to you, based on what rewards you prefer. Choose wisely!

Either way, your work here is done. However, there are many other tasks you can do, which we cover in our full tasks guide for Mithras in Gray Zone Warfare.


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