
Gray Zone Warfare: Save The Rebellion Task Guide | Mithras

So you decided to be a hero and save the rebels?

In Gray Zone Warfare, you’ll find yourself completing a range of tasks. During your duty, you might come across certain tasks that can get a bit confusing. One such task for the Mithras faction soldier that players have had issues with is the Save The Rebellion Task.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about completing this task. This includes any locations and objectives that you need to fulfill. It will also address a particular task that can get canceled if you complete this one. With that said, let’s get into it!

Save The Rebellion Task Guide

As a Mithras faction soldier, you can see a whole assortment of tasks that you can complete in your mission log. Want to ensure that you can get through these as quickly as possible in Gray Zone Warfare without getting stuck? Check out our Name Your Poison and Spit Out The Poison Tasks guide to deal with two of them!

However, your main concern here is with the Save The Rebellion task. So, here are all the steps that you need to accomplish so that you can come this task in Gray Zone Warfare:

  1. Pick up the flash drive from the command tent in the Base Camp
  2. Go to the Front Entrance of the YBL-1 Bunker
  3. Enter the Guardhouse at the front entrance
  4. Place the Flash Drive near the clipboard to complete the task.

Pick Up The Flash Drive

The first objective that you need to fulfill for the Save the Rebellion Task is to acquire the flash drive. This contains the appeal to the rebels which is part of saving the rebels.

You can find this flash drive in the command tent that is at the Base Camp where you got the quest from. We have the exact location of the table where the flash drive is shown below.

Rebel Appeal Flash Drive location in command tent in Gray Zone Warfare.

Approach the table and you’ll see a laptop on it. Next to the laptop, you’ll find the small flash drive containing the appeal to the rebels.

It can be very easy to miss, so we have the image shown below. Hover your cursor over this flash drive and select the Take option.

Keep it in your Safe Box so that you don’t end up losing it!

Once you pick it up, you’re ready for the next phase of the Save The Rebellion Task.

Appeal to Rebels Flash Drive in Gray Zone Warfare.

Save The Rebellion Task Location

Next up, we’ll be heading to the correct location for the Save The Rebellion Task. Open up your map and look for the YBL-1 label. This is the bunker where you need to go to and is shown below on the map.

YBL-1 on map in Gray Zone Warfare.

More specifically, you’ll be going to the front entrance of the YBL-1 Bunker area. There is a Guardhouse here that you’ll need to go to.

The exact coordinates of this location in the YBL-1 Bunker are shown below: (122. 143).

Before you go to the YBL-1 Bunker, we recommend you check the note ahead. This is because certain actions related to the Rebel Scum task can lead to your current one getting canceled.

YBL-1 Front Entrance on map in Gray Zone Warfare.

WARNING Related to Rebel Scum Task

If you check your mission log for the Mithras faction, you’ll see that you have another task for the YBL-1 Bunker. This is the Rebel Scum Task in Gray Zone Warfare.

Keep in mind that if you finish the Save The Rebellion Task, you will not be able to complete the Rebel Scum Task, and vice versa. In essence, you will have to choose between doing one task over the other.

Additionally, the Rebel Scum Task will have you kill 20 people in the YBL-1 Bunker area. So, if you end up doing that while going for the Save The Rebellion Task, you will end up failing it.

So, make sure that you stay your hand at killing rebels for this one if you’re interested in the task for this guide. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty to kill in other tasks!

For example, there is the Timber Task where you can kill the leader of a hostile group.

Rebel Scum Task in Gray Zone Warfare.

Locating the Guardhouse (Front Entrance)

With that cleared up, we’ll now be heading to the location for the Save The Rebellion Task. If you go to the front entrance of the YBL-1 Bunker, you’ll see that there is a Guardhouse there.

However, you must be careful in this area as there are some enemies here. We recommend that you kill only the enemies in the vicinity of the front entrance. Otherwise, you’ll end up accidentally doing the Rebel Scum task and automatically fail this one.

After you’ve killed these enemies, you can make your way inside the Guardhouse.

YBL-1 Guardhouse in Gray Zone Warfare.

Once you’re inside the guardhouse, you’ll see there are a bunch of screens on the table. Next to one of the screens, there will be a noticeable clipboard.

Approach this clipboard and you should see the option to Place the Flash Drive. Select this option and you’ll have completed the second main objective of the Save The Rebellion task in Gray Zone Warfare.

Now all you need to do is return to Artisan. Turn in the quest and you’re done!

Placing flash drive in Gray Zone Warfare.

That’s everything you need to know about completing the Save The Rebellion Task for the Mithras faction in Gray Zone Warfare. No time to rest, as there are plenty of other tasks left for you to do. Check out our guide on most of the other tasks in Gray Zone Warfare!


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