With the recent release of Humankind, the need for guides is real! Since I have personally looked left and right for some, and have not found any to help us beat Amplitude Studio’s game, here are some helpers to make you a master strategist. And for this turn based strategy game, you will need to be one! For this guide, we will show you how to attach an outpost to your city, which will give you a big boost in controlled territory and will help you build infrastructure all over the map!
How To Attach Outpost To City – Humankind
For this to work, you’ll have to have built a city first, and some outposts. If you don’t know how to do that, here is a guide to help you with that task.
Once your city is constructed, you will see next to your adjacent outposts a button that says “Attach” if they are close enough to the city.
It will look something like this:

You will also see that you require influence to do this action, so make sure you have the necessary resources to do this, since you won’t be able otherwise.
Once you’ve attached the outpost, you will be able to build buildings and infrastructure in the area surrounding the outpost as well as the city.
This would be really useful if you haven’t made your city close to the ocean, and this will allow you to build a harbor or a dockyard.
READ NEXT : Humankind: How to Win a War