Errol The Stonebreaker is one of the many NPCs that you can track and hunt down in V Rising. He is a level 20 with a fairly big HP bar while at the same time doing a lot of damage. Let’s see where to find him and the best way of taking him down.
Errol The Stonebreaker Location & Fight – V Rising
First of all, you will need the Blood Altar. To get this, just keep going through the story and quests, and in a bit, you will unlock it as a buildable. You can place it in a convenient place around your base(no matter really). Then when interacting with it by pressing F next to it, you’ll see a list with Errol The Stonebreaker inside.

You can go ahead and start tracking him. You’ll see in the top left corner sort of a questline with Tracking the blood of Errol the Stonebreaker(i can sense my prey in the distance).
Now you shall have to go to the Bandit Copper Mine. It is located fairly central on the map just under the name of Farbane Woods. Here at the entrance, you’ll be greeted by hostile Bandits who’ll go after you. They are fairly easy to take down, except for the higher-level bandit who is wielding two daggers in his hands.

You can spot Errol at the lower level next to the working miners. You can’t miss him with his big name and yellow health bar.
Careful of his attacks. Try to keep your distance but be wary of his ranged attacks. He will proceed to get near you while shooting at you some beams from afar. If he does get close to you, he will rush with his axe.
Be sure to stay on him, because if he starts backing off into his starting location, he might start healing. This way he will keep coming at you with a fresh set of health and stats.
Listen to the sounds that he makes while attacking. Before every melee attack, he usually screams and takes around 1 full second to charge up his attack. Do not let him hit you as he does an extreme amount of damage.

He also does AoE attacks when he goes around a full sweep around him with his axe.
When he is downed, you can extract blood from him and you’ll unlock a fresh new V Blood. You can use this as your new Vampire Power.
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