V Rising: How to Craft Imperial Thread

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

Defense is just as important as offense in V Rising. You can craft multiple items in V Rising, including clothes, using various materials. This guide will show you how to craft Imperial Thread in V Rising. 

How to Craft Imperial Thread – V Rising

There are multiple types of threads in V Rising. Each thread can make different clothes, and the rarer the thread, the better the clothing. Imperial Thread is one of the rare threads you can find in V Rising. 

Getting the Imperial Thread can be challenging, but it can craft you better clothes. You can get the item by defeating the enemies but this requires you to defeat high-level mobs. Thankfully, you can craft the item instead. 

To do this, you need to unlock it first. You need to defeat Mairwyn the Elementalist to unlock the item. Use the blood altar to track the boss and defeat him. Once you defeat Mairwyn, you will unlock Imperial Thread crafting. You can craft the Imperial Thread using the Loom. 

You will need 8 Wool Thread, 12 Sunflower, and 12 Snow Flower to craft the Imperial Thread using the loom. 

ALSO READ: V Rising: How to Get Exquisite Hearts

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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