The most basic form of money in V Rising is Copper Coins. Basic goods like weapons, armor, and crafting supplies can be purchased from merchants with these coins. As you progress the game, you’ll find even more valuable type of coins. In this guide, we will tell you how to turn your Copper Coins into Silver Coins.
How to Turn Copper Coins Into Silver Coins
- Buy specialized weapons from shady merchants in Farbane.

- Feed the gear to the Devourer, which will convert them to silver coins.

This article continues with a detailed walkthrough below!
Detailed Walkthrough
There is no direct way to convert copper coins into silver coins. However, you can bypass this by buying specialized weapons from shady merchants with your copper in Farbane (Miner’s Mace, Lumberjack’s Axe).

These shady merchants are located on the eastern part of the Farbane Woods just near the Bandit Logging Camp. They can also be found north of Dunley Farmlands near Dunley Farmstead. Their locations are indicated in the maps below.

Take note that you can only use specialized weapons for this mechanic to work. After buying said equipment, teleport to your castle or base. You can then turn these them to silver coins by salvaging the equipment in the Devourer.

Turn equipment and other items into raw materials by utilizing the Devourer. By taking down Lidia the Chaos Archer(30), you can obtain the recipe to craft this item.
And with that you have turned your copper coins to silver coins like magic!
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