Ziva the Engineer is one of the new additions in V Rising introduced in the Secrets of Gloomrot update. Defeating Ziva unlocks the lightning spell Ball Lightning. It also unlocks the Fabricator, which is very important for endgame crafting. Lastly, you get recipes for Empty Canisters and Radium Alloys. In this guide, we’ll tell you how can defeat the boss, so stay tuned!
Ziva, the Engineer Boss Guide
This guide will be divided into three parts. The first part will focus on the boss’s location, the second on the recommended spells, and the third on how to defeat Ziva.
Ziva, the Engineer, can be found inside the Trancendum Machine Factory in the Gloomrot South region. A tip that will help to get to the boss quicker is to go during the Night since you can walk straight to Ziva without having to engage in any other enemies.

Recommended Spells
The first spell to consider is the Dash, and for this fight, we recommend using the Veil of Illusion with the Shrouded Tear jewel. The reason for choosing this spell is that upon dashing, an illusion is spawned. This illusion not only distracts the enemy by confusing it but also deals damage using spears that inflict Weaken.

The next spell to use is Chaos Volley with the Dark Tear Jewel that allows for increased knockback and reduced cooldown. Addinally the base spells inflicts Ignite that deals damage to the enemy over time making it good for chipping health.

Next up we recommend using Spectral Wolf with the Trickster’s Prism Jewel. The jewel allows for slowing down Ziva with the fading snare while the wisp and the last bounce ensure that your health does not drop low. The base spell pairs well with Chaos Volley in terms of dealing damage.

For the ultimate, we recommend using Spectral Guardian since the guardian that is summoned not only shields all allies but also deals damage to enemies in vicinity using a swing. This is useful for protecting yourself from the AoE attack that Ziva uses as well as keeping the minions summoned at bay.

Defeating Ziva the Engineer
The fight starts with Ziva using the Electrical Charge attack. This is annoying since these charges follow you around for some time and can deal significant damage. The best strategy is to keep walking around the furnaces in the corner and attacking using long range weapons or spells.

Usually, after the Electrical Charges, Ziva tends to change weapons. This is the perfect opportunity to use Spectral Wolf on him. Once he obtains the new weapon he will launch a Fire based attack in a circle formation so make sure to keep your distance and use Fire Resistance Potions to reduce damage.

At times it is possible for Ziva’s weapons to get malfunction, providing you with a window of opportunity to deal damage to him. Use long range attacks such as Chaos Volley and Spectral Wolf to deal the maximum damage to him.

Next up Ziva uses a Rail gun attack where he shoots a machine gun and can deal significant damage if you are not careful. The best strategy here is to hide behind the furnaces in the room since you cannot engage with Ziva during this attack.

Ziva’s main attack is his bombardment attack where he will fly up into the air and drop bombs on the floor at locations with the red circles. Be careful of this attack since it can also set you on fire. The best strategy here is to keep moving since you cannot attack Ziva in this situation.

After the bombardment attack, Ziva yells, “Pull up, pull up!”. This follows with him dropping to the floor and being stunned momentarily, so take this chance to deal damage to him using your spells or weapons. Additionally, you can take this stun to take the time to heal yourself or consume any other potions you would like.

At half health, Ziva will begin to spawn little robots into the battlefield that shoot electrical currents at you. These robots are easy to deal with due to their low health. Just make sure to destroy them before they start to overwhelm you.

This completes the summary of all of Ziva’s attacks. He will cycle through these attacks throughout the fight, so make sure that you understand them well. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments below.
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