New World will have you level up a lot of things in order for you to become better. But probably the most important thing you’ll need to level up are your weapons. In this guide, we will be giving you a very handy way of how you can level them up easily. Let’s get started.
Best Place To Level Up All Weapons – New World
You will need to come to the Brywood map region. Then while here you will need to teleport to the North Shrine in the top left corner of the zone. This place will be called Fort Alazar Shrine.

Once you get to this location you will need to make your way up the road making your way to the Great Cliffs map region on the north. You will continue the road until you get to this very small area where the road kind off breaks off.

Once you get here you will find a circular little area that has a tent in the center. Once you come to this tent you will know that you are in the right area.
Cleave’s Malice

When you come here you will be presented with a quest called Cleave’s Malice. When you get here you will be asked from the quest to kill a total of 9 enemies. That is the first stage of the quest.
- Once you kill them you’ll get the quest number 2 which is to kill 5 more enemies.
- Then comes the third quest which will be to kill a total of 3 bigger and tougher enemies.
- Then comes the 4th objective which is to survive 1 minute after waves of enemies will be coming your way.

- Then comes the Thorpe. This is an enemy that will spawn from a rune and portal that will show up and when fighting him you will be getting a ton of Weapon EXP. You will get a lot of Thrope Invaders which are one-shot kills that will give you a lot of EXP too.
And that’s it! Just farm away and keep repeating this process and you’ll be good to go.
When it comes to leveling up your weapon, here is an additional piece of advice: always use a bane weapon (and with enchant if available) AND with coating if you want to invest some small money. This will allow you to save a large amount of time and labor.
We hope that this guide will help you out to level up all of your weapons in an instant! A big thank you to TorikuToriku from YouTube for these details. Make sure to check him out for more info.
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