The New World Seasons Update includes a 5-man expedition called the Empyrean Forge Expedition. The level 60 expedition is a legendary foundry filled with unreleased eldritch magics forged by the ancients for war.
Once inside the expedition, enemies swarm the area, however, so will various drops. We present you the list of all the named drops from Empyrean Forge in New World.
New World: All Named Drops From Empyrean Forge

Fire Lord’s Cuirass
Epic • Named | Heavy Chestwear | Tier V
Description: In an act of great greed, the expedition wished to feed the long-starved forge. Their arrogant commander wished to reforge himself and his men into demigods of fire.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 11.0
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
Elemental Armor Rating: 616.5
Physical Armor Rating: 616.5
24 Strength
■ Human Ward: PvE Only: +4.7% Damage Absorption against Humans.
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vigor: Reduce the duration of Burn, Bleed, and Poison by 10%
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing unlocks when you upgrade this item

Fire Lord’s Vambraces
Heavy Glove | Epic • Named | Tier V
Description: In an act of great greed, the expedition wished to feed the long-starved forge. Their arrogant commander wished to reforge himself and his men into demigods of fire.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Durability: 750
Can be crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
Armor Rating – Elemental: 264.2
Armor Rating – Physical: 264.2
24 Strength
■ Human Ward: PvE Only: +4.7% Damage Absorption against Humans.
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vigor: Reduce the duration of Burn, Bleed, and Poison by 10%.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing unlocks when you upgrade this item

Fire Lord’s Great Horned Helm
Epic • Named | Heavy Headwear| Tier V
Description: In an act of great greed, the expedition wished to feed the long-starved forge. Their arrogant commander wished to reforge himself and his men into demigods of fire.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 4.7
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
25 Strength
■ Human Ward: PvE Only: +4.7% Damage Absorption against Humans.
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vigor: Reduce the duration of Burn, Bleed, and Poison by 11%
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.9%.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing unlocks when you upgrade this item

Fire Lord’s Cuisses
Epic • Named | Heavy Legwear| Tier V
Description: In an act of great greed, the expedition wished to feed the long-starved forge. Their arrogant commander wished to reforge himself and his men into demigods of fire.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 6.3
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
Armor Rating – Elemental : 352.3
Armor Rating – Physical: 352.3
24 Strength
■ Human Ward: PvE Only: +4.7% Damage Absorption against Humans.
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vigor: Reduce the duration of Burn, Bleed, and Poison by 10%.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing unlocks when you upgrade this item

Fire Lord’s Greaves
Epic • Named | Heavy Footwear| Tier V
Description: In an act of great greed, the expedition wished to feed the long-starved forge. Their arrogant commander wished to reforge himself and his men into demigods of fire.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 4.7
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
Armor Rating – Elemental :264.2
Armor Rating – Physical: 264.2
24 Strength
■ Human Ward: PvE Only: +4.7% Damage Absorption against Humans.
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vigor: Reduce the duration of Burn, Bleed, and Poison by 10%.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing unlocks when you upgrade this item

Wandering Expedience
Epic • Named | Earring Jewelry | Tier V
Description: A rather fancy name for an earring that simply makes you better at walking.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Requirement: Level 60
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
24 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Refreshing Toast: Potions cooldown 28% faster.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.
■ Nimble: +9.5% Stamina regeneration.

Nimble unlocks when you upgrade this item to 600
Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Silencing Step
Epic • Named | Earring Jewelry | Tier V
Description: A bit of slag came out in an interesting and was experimented with by a bored individual in the Forge. Its close proximity to such powerful energies imbued it with power beyond an ordinary earring.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
9 Constitution
15 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Refreshing Toast: Potions cooldown 28% faster.
■ Nimble: +9.5% Stamina regeneration.
■ Refreshing Evasion: Reduce active cooldowns by 0.73% after exiting the dodge animation.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Nimble unlocks when you upgrade this item to 600
Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Fire Lord’s Cuirass
Epic • Named | Ring Jewelry | Tier V
Description: “The future lies not in the ashes of past, but in the embers that will ignite our passion for change.”
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Requirement: Level 60
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
24 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.
■ Fire Damage: +4.8% Fire damage.
■ Burning: Burning you apply lasts 28% longer.

Burning unlocks when you upgrade this item
to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Brawler’s Memento
Epic • Named | Ring Jewelry | Tier V
Description: Silver was an experimental material in the forge, and helped to create such an experimental item as this.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
9 Constitution
15 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Keen Awareness: +11% critical chance.
■ Leeching: Heal for 4.9% of the damage you deal. (Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.)
■ Enfeebling: Weaken you apply lasts 28% longer.

Enfeebling unlocks when you upgrade this item to
600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Heart of Fire
Epic • Named | Amulet Jewelry | Tier V
Description: The heated core must be what this was named for.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Requirement: Level 60
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
24 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Shirking DoT Cleanse: After dodging an attack in a light equip load, lose 1 DoT debuff (Bleed, Burn, Poison). (Max 1 trigger per 5s.)
■ Health: +9.2% max Health.
■ Flame Protection: Receive 9.6% less Fire damage.

Flame Protection unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Magick Empowerment
Epic • Named | Amulet Jewelry | Tier V
Description: Inlaid with gems that were unearthed during the construction of the Empyrean Forge. This piece at least passed time until the Forge was properly completed.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Weight: 0.1
Durability: 750
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
9 Constitution
15 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Health: +9.2% max Health.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.
■ Empowered: Empower you apply lasts 29% longer.

Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this item to
600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Sword | Tier V
Description: The unfortunate souls to suffer from this weapon feel as though the fire licks at their wounds.
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Scales With: STR 90%, DEX 65%
Weight: 5.4
Durability: 3000
Can be Crafted
Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
64 Base Damage
7.0% Critical Hit Chance
1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
36.0 Block Stamina Damage
36.0 Stagger Damage
20% Block Stability
178 Slash Damage
15 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Chain Fire: Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s cooldown.)
■ Enchanted: Light and Heavy attacks deal +9.5% damage.
■ Contagious Reverse Stab: Hitting a target transfers an active debuff from yourself to the target. Reverse Stab deals +15% damage.

Contagious Reverse Stab unlocks when you upgrade this item
to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Hunting Blade
Epic • Named | Greatsword | Tier V
Description: What would one hunt with such a weapon?
Bind On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 5
Scales With: STR 81%, DEX 80%
Weight: 12.8
Durability: 3000
Requirement: Level 60
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
Gear Score: 590
78 Base Damage
7.0% Critical Hit Chance
1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier
62.0 Block Stamina Damage
62.0 Stagger Damage
34% Block Stability
195 Slash Damage
29 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +14% damage to Humans.
■ Trenchant Strikes: Fully charged heavy attacks deal +19% damage.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on a critical hit. (10s cooldown.)

Keenly Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Rapier | Tier V
Description: It best suits an energetic wielder.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65%
■ Weight: 4.0
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
Can be Crafted
Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 61 Base Damage
■ 9.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.40 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 28.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 32.0 Stagger Damage
■ 15% Block Stability
■ 170 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +14% damage to Humans.
■ Rogue: +18% Backstab damage.
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. (0.2s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing Move unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Rapier | Tier V
Description: A favorite weapon of the foolish thief who stumbled their way into the Forge many years ago.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65%
■ Weight: 4.0
■ Durability: 3000
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 61 Base Damage
■ 9.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.40 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 28.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 32.0 Stagger Damage
■ 15% Block Stability
■ 170 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Keen: +11% critical chance.
■ Leeching Flurry: Heal for 46% of the damage dealt by Flurry.
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%.
(0.2s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Leeching Fury unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Fire of Battle
Epic • Named | Hatchet | Tier V
Description: A desire for combat wells up within you as you wield this weapon.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 90%, DEX 65%
■ Weight: 3.6
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 63 Base Damage
■ 8.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.40 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 30.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 42.0 Stagger Damage
■ 19% Block Stability
■ 175 Slash Damage
■ 29 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vicious: +11% critical damage.
■ Keen Berserk: +26% critical chance while below 50% Health and Berserking.
■ Lifestealing: Heal for 4.9% of the damage you deal.
(Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Lifestealing unlocks when you upgrade this item to
600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Mauler’s Axe
Epic • Named | Great Axe | Tier V
Description: A weapon best suited to tearing your foes apart.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 100%
■ Weight: 11.2
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 82 Base Damage
■ 7.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 62.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 62.0 Stagger Damage
■ 25% Block Stability
■ 228 Slash Damage
■ 29 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Enfeebling Maelstrom: Targets hit by Maelstrom’s No Reprieve are Weakened, reducing their attack damage by 25% for 8s.
■ Chain Fire: Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s cooldown.)
■ Enchanted: Light and Heavy attacks deal +9.5% damage.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Enchanted unlocks when you upgrade this item to
600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Hatchet | Tier V
Description: A mass produced piece stolen from the Empyrean Forge many years ago. It was named by a foolish thief who sought to steal other such ‘treasures’ in his final, ill-fated venture.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 90%, DEX 65%
■ Weight: 3.6
■ Durability: 3000
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 63 Base Damage
■ 8.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.40 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 30.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 42.0 Stagger Damage
■ 19% Block Stability
■ 175 Slash Damage
■ 31 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +15% damage to Humans.
■ Rogue: +19% Backstab damage.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on critical hit. (10s cooldown.)

Become Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Keenly Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Heavy Knocker
Epic • Named | War Hammer | Tier V
Description: This weapon has seen many as a weapon and a door knocker.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 100%
■ Weight: 9.0
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: 3000
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 84 Base Damage
■ 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 66.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 66.0 Stagger Damage
■ 25% Block Stability
■ 234 Strike Damage
■ 29 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +14% damage to Humans.
■ Chain Fire: Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s cooldown.)
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on a critical hit. (10s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Keenly Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Spear | Tier V
Description: A simple spear, with a simple name. It saw more use as a tool than as a weapon.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 90%, STR 65%
■ Weight: 10.8
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 70 Base Damage
■ 9.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 48.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 48.0 Stagger Damage
■ 23% Block Stability
■ 195 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Chain Lightning: Basic attack hits trigger a Lightning chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s cooldown.)
■ Enchanted: Light and Heavy attacks deal +9.5% damage.
■ Keen Vault Kick: Vault Kick increases critical chance by 34% for 5s.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Keen Vault Kick unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Broad Buckler
Epic • Named | Round Shield | Tier V
Description: A dependable and reliable shield. It should serve any wielder well.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 90%, DEX 65%
■ Weight: 2.7
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 63 Base Damage
■ 7.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 55.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 55.0 Stagger Damage
■ 29.1 Armor Rating – Elemental
■ 29.1 Armor Rating – Physical
■ 30% Block Stability
■ 15 Strength
■ Empowering Breaker: When your attacks are blocked, gain a stack of Empower, increasing damage by 3.8% for 5s (Max 5 stacks.)
■ Keen: +11% critical chance.
■ Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 2.8%.

Cleric’s Walking Staff
Epic • Named | Life Staff | Tier V
Description: Regret is a heavy weight to bear, and time does it no favors.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier:5
■ Scales With: FOC 100%
■ Weight: 8.4
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 52 Base Damage
■ 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 32.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 32.0 Stagger Damage
■ 20% Block Stability
■ 155 Nature Damage
■ 9 Constitution
■ 20 Focus
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Blessed: +20% healing.
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. (0.2s cooldown.)
■ Mending Protection: +41% healing power for 3s if Orb of Protection heals an ally below 50% Health.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Mending Protection unlocks when you upgrade
this item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Forging Staff
Epic • Named | Fire Staff | Tier V
Description: There are many ways to generate heat for forging, and, well, magic just tends to be convenient.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: INT 100%
■ Weight: 11.2
■ Durability: 3000
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 59 Base Damage
■ 10.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 34.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 34.0 Stagger Damage
■ 15% Block Stability
■ 164 Fire Damage
■ 29 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +23% damage to Humans.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on a critical hit. (10s cooldown.)
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. (0.2s cooldown.)

Become Legendary at 600 Gear Score
Refreshing Move unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Sulfurous Shrapnel
Epic • Named | Blunderbass | Tier V
Description: Quite the unique magical staff, as it fires superheated stones instead of simply magical power.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: INT 100%
■ Weight: 11.2
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 59 Base Damage
■ 10.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 34.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 34.0 Stagger Damage
■ 15% Block Stability
■ 164 Fire Damage
■ 29 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Keen: +11% critical chance.
■ Keenly Jagged: Inflicts Bleed on a critical hit, dealing 10% weapon damage per second for 6s. (7s cooldown.)
■ Accelerating Flamethrower: Applying 3 stacks of Burn with Flamethrower grants Haste, increasing movement speed by 20% for 2s. Burn from Flamethrower lasts 19% longer.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Accelerating Flamethrower unlocks when you
Upgrade this item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Ice Gauntlet | Tier V
Description: The cold of an unused hearth is a special kind of solemn.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: INT 100%
■ Weight: 4.2
■ Durability: 3000
■ Not craftable
■ Gives 6Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 56 Base Damage
■ 9.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 44.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 44.0 Stagger Damage
■ 30% Block Stability
■ 156 Ice Damage
■ 29 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Enchanted: Light and Heavy attacks deal +9.5% damage.
■ Deadly Frost: While the Frigid Showers upgrade is active, Ice Shower’s Frostbite deals 8% weapon damage per second to affected enemies. Reduce Ice Shower’s cooldown by 14%.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on a critical hit. (10s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score
Keenly Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Ice Gaunlet | Tier V
Description: Despite the icy exterior, your hand feels quite cozy in there.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: INT 100%
■ Weight: 4.2
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 56 Base Damage
■ 9.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 44.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 44.0 Stagger Damage
■ 30% Block Stability
■ 156 Ice Damage
■ 29 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. (0.2s cooldown.)
■Vicious: +11% critical damage.
■ Keen: +11% critical chance.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Keen unlocks when you upgrade this item to 600
Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Void Gauntlet | Tier V
Description: It was used by many warlocks in the past to steal the power of demons.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: INT 90%, FOC 65%
■ Weight: 4.8
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 6 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 54 Base Damage
■ 8.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 42.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 42.0 Stagger Damage
■ 20% Block Stability
■ 150 Void Damage
■ 29 Intelligence
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Slowing Tether: Baleful Tether inflicts Slow on hit, reducing the target’s movement speed by 40% for 3s.
■ Keen: +11% critical chance.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on critical hit. (10s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Keenly Empowered unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Bow | Tier V
Description: The arrows launched from this bow seem warmer when you go to reclaim them.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 100%
■ 25.0 Weight
■ 3000 Durability
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 64 Base Damage
■ 7.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 40.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 42.0 Stagger Damage
■ 178 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vorpal: +14% headshot damage.
■ Empowering Explosive Arrow: Explosive Arrow hits grant Empower, increasing damage by 33% for 10s or until the next attack.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +23% damage to Humans.

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score
Human Bane unlocks when you upgrade this item
To 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Brash Opener
Epic • Named | Musket | Tier V
Description: A relic of a time long past when armies met to fire a report into the opposing force.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65%
■ Weight: 10.6
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 82 Base Damage
■ 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 56.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 56.0 Stagger Damage
■ 233 Thrust Damage
■ Brash IV: +30% damage against targets with full Health.
■ Keenly Empowered: Gain 15% Empower for 5s on critical hit. (10s cooldown.)
■ Vorpal: +14% headshot damage.
■ Empowering Shooter’s Stance: Hitting a target while in Shooter’s Stance grants a stack of Empower, increasing damage by 15% for 6s. Effect is removed when the stance is exited. (Max 4 stacks.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Empowering Shooter’s Stance unlocks when you upgrade this
Item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Damascan Shot
Epic • Named | Musket | Tier V
Description: It was named by an ignorant wielder, for what else but Damascan Steel could house such power?
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65%
■ Weight: 10.6
■ Durability: 3000
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 82 Base Damage
■ 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 56.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 56.0 Stagger Damage
■ 228 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Dexterity
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +23% damage to Humans.
■ Vorpal: +14% headshot damage.
■ Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. (0.2s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score.
Refreshing Move unlocks when you upgrade this
item to 600 Gear Score, and it becomes Legendary.

Epic • Named | Blunderbuss | Tier V
Description: This blunderbuss was assembled with a slight defect that, when fired, may also fire flames.
■ Bind On Pickup
■ Named Item
■ Tier: 5
■ Scales With: STR 90%, INT 65%
■ Weight: 13.4
■ Durability: 3000
■ Requirement: Level 60
■ Can be crafted
■ Gives 12 Repair Parts when salvaged.
■ Gear Score: 590
■ 75 Base Damage
■ 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
■ 1.15 Critical Damage Multiplier
■ 56.0 Block Stamina Damage
■ 56.0 Stagger Damage
■ 48 x 6 Thrust Damage
■ 29 Strength
■ Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect.
■ Vicious: +11% critical damage.
■ Human Bane: PvE Only: +23% damage to Humans.
■ Chain Fire: Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s cooldown.)

Becomes Legendary at 600 Gear Score
Chain Fire unlocks when you upgrade this item to
600 Gear Score, And it becomes Legendary.
And that’s all there is to it!
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