As the Mithras faction in Gray Zone Warfare, you will get the New Neighbours quest to check out some squatters who took over a local fort.
Check out what these squatters are doing and take them out if need be. Gather as much intel as you can and recover the fort for your faction, too!
In this guide, we’ll tell you how to complete the New Neighbours quest as a Mithras faction member.
New Neighbours Quest | Mithras Faction Guide

While the New Neighbours quest states that you should check out Fort Narith, you actually have to head to the YBL-1 bunker southwest of the fort itself.
Its coordinates are Y: 122, X: 143 as shown in the image above.
Get ready before you head there, though. There are lots of AI hostiles in the area, and they’re extremely resilient!
SIDE NOTE: We have an awesome complete guide for All Mithras Tasks & Locations in Gray Zone Warfare, make sure to check it out!

Once you deal with the hostiles outside the bunker, look for its entrance and go straight in.

Inside the bunker, head straight forward until you reach the large square room shown above. Now, take a left and keep going to the end of the hallway.

Next, take a right and once again walk toward the end of the hallway.

Take another right, following the arrows in our images.

You should now be in a room that leads to 3 other rooms. This time, go to the room on your left and you should end up in a room full of desks and monitors.

Check the desk opposite the entrance and you should find a Security Footage tape next to a bunch of monitors.
Do keep in mind, though, that this is specifically for the Mithras faction. The location of the tape might differ for other factions, or you might not even have the quest task at all.

Pick up the tape and you’re all done, the New Neighbours quest task should instantly complete!
If you’re looking for help with other quests for the Mithras faction, check out our guides for the Guns & Ammo quest or the True Grit quest.
Nonetheless, you’re all done with the New Neighbours quest. You’ll get the TC-2000 Helmet, 1000 EXP, 150 Reputation, and 4,700 USD when you turn in the intel to Handshake.