Colonizing the new world requires an insurmountable amount of effort, no surprise there as our ancestors have done the same before losing them entirely.
You can prevent that from happening in New World either on your lonesome or with friends by doing chest runs, somebody has to keep the money flowing while our leaders are barely holding out on their own across the ocean after all.
But of course, there’s always a certain amount of risk that needs to be considered when doing runs by yourself, we’ll get rid of all those negative thoughts for you as you rob Attalus’ Foundry Blind.
Attalus’ Foundry Guide | Solo Chest Run | New World
Starting a chest run requires you to have good knowledge of the place you’re going to along with its many surroundings. In order to get to Attalus’ Foundry you can just follow the shoreline heading north around Ebonscale Reach.
The place is easily recognizable as it’s the only fortification close to the peninsula so it’s pretty difficult to miss!

Doing this run is vital to gathering Flame Cores, it’s a new bond on pickup crafting material that you will need to upgrade your heart runes, get new casts, and your new trophy.
Every single chest inside the foundry has a chance to drop those cores, especially elite supply chests.

One of the rooms has a log that’s fallen over, go to that corner and reset. After that go to the chest in front of you and the one across the room before moving on.

Take a left turn from the previous room and you will find another supply crate on your right side, go up the boxes to avoid basic attacks, grab the supply crate, and promptly leave.

Walk further down the catwalk and go through the big gate to your right.

Jump down to the lower levels and get on top of the boxes again to avoid getting hit, after that, you can take the crates in the image above and leave again without any consequence.
Now head north up the stairs and go east, there should be a tent there that you can get to by, you guessed it, climbing more boxes!

Stay on top of this tent until everyone’s aggro is dropped and collect the elite supply chest in the back, there’s a supply stockpile to the left of that chest as well so go and get that too!

Now climb up the tower and ignore everyone that’s on your tail, you’ll come across a bunkbed eventually so climb that and start out healing the damage that’s being dealt to you until your enemies lose interest.
The supply chest is in the image provided above so snag that and keep on moving.

Don’t move too far forward on the top floor, one or two aggroed Battlemasters from the previous floor have a chance of chasing you all the way, so get rid of them by scaling the boxes again on the northern side of the room.
Crouch walk your way to the two chests and discretely make your way out without earning the ire of anyone else.

The last spot is on the ship right outside of the foundry, you will pull a few enemies toward you so just stay on the upper deck until they leave and get the chest that’s sitting across the mast.
The final chest awaits in the barracks in the stern, use the bunk beds again and you’re basically done!
Well, you’ll be done after a few more runs at least.
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