New World will have you take the role of a character that is inside a living and breathing world. There are so many things that you can do that frankly might get you lost at times. In this guide, we will be giving you the best Tips & Tricks that will help you out a bit. Let’s get started.
BIS Tips & Tricks – New World
Quick Salvage

The most important thing that will make your life a whole lot easier throughout the game is the Fast Dismantle. Option. It is a very simple thing to do. All that you will need to know is just to hold down the CTRL Button and then just hold the key that you press to Dismantle.
When you hold the CTRL button and you will hold the C button, you will get an option on the screen that says, Quick Salvage.
This way you are able to quickly dismantle anything that you want inside your inventory without ever having to worry about the time.
Inn Recall

Whenever you just go wandering off far away and you happen to now own a house to where you can teleport off to, or maybe you don’t have a way to teleport there at the moment, or maybe you just don’t want to be looking on the map for that little moon symbol.
Just open up your menu and on the top right corner, you’ll see Recall Inn.
Weapon Swap

Go to your settings and then navigate to the Key Bindings tab. Here you are going to unbind the button that you have placed in the Weapon 1 and Weapon 2 buttons. Then just place only 1 keybind on the Swap Active Weapons.
Now, whenever you press that key that you have placed in that setting, you will be quickly swap in and out of your weapons. Works amazingly and can save your life at times!
OPR Legendary

If you get a weapon that has a lot of beautiful things on it, but instead you just want those amazing 2 perks that it has so you can use on something else, you can go ahead and upgrade it to 600. Now it will become a legendary item giving you a third random perk.
Keep in mind that this only works with OPR boxes and won’t work with the blue items.
Gathering Buffs

If you ever are going outside in the world with the intention of farming for resources you will want to have a couple of buffs that will allow you to have more items obtained.
You can play the Song that gives you the extra yield or called – The Fortune’s Favor. Also, you can use the Proficiency Booster item that you can craft it either at the workshop or buy it in the marketplace.
Refining / Dailies

You will want to go to First Light and grab the Fort that you will find there. When you have this fort under you you will get a 10% Global Refining Yield Boost. This means that whenever you are refining the Asmodeums or the Runic Leathers you’ll have a 10% extra chance of getting them.
Also, make sure that you invest money in Refining Gear. They might be expensive but it does help a lot and it pays for themselves down the road.
You will want to be making as many Asmodeums as possible as well as the Weaving item. This way you will have a stable income of daily money.
Golden Scarab Route

Everyone knows how important the Golden Scarab is so you will definitely want to have a route to follow to be able to obtain as much as possible of them. Follow the route in the picture above and you’ll be good for weeks to come.
That’s all of the best tips and tricks that you can use in New World. We hope that this guide has served its purpose and helped you out a bit. A big thank you to TorikuToriku from YouTube for all these amazing details. Make sure to check him out for more info.
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