New World Greatsword Weapon Overview & Beginners Guide Abilities & Scaling Brimstone Sands

New World: Greatsword Weapon Overview & Beginners Guide | Abilities & Scaling | Brimstone Sands

Elijah Hernandez
4 Min Read

Greatswords are some of the best weapons you can see in media today. Not only are they physically strenuous to lift, they are very much impractical to use in real life. But, that doesn’t mean they look cool. Games like Final Fantasy VII or Devil May Cry showcases characters using large swords with nothing but one hand just screams “cool”. That’s why in New World, we now have the Greatsword added to the list of weapons you can use. But how good is it? In this Greatsword Weapon Overview guide, we will show you how it works.

Greatsword Weapon Overview & Beginners Guide – New World

Source: Dvalin

Starting off with the talents tree, we have two ways to build a Greatsword character. We have Onslaught, which focuses on the offensive front of combat, while Defiance focuses on the defensive side of combat. Just like with every other weapon, you can master the weapon when you reach level 20, giving you 19 talent points to use.

If you put a talent point in Onslaught or Defiance, you will unlock their respective stances. If you place a point in Onslaught and use any ability, you will enter the Onslaught Stance for 10 seconds. In the Onslaught Stance, your Outgoing Damage is increased by 15%, Damage Taken is reduced by 15%, and you will have the Quick Charge ability, which lets you use charge heavy attacks twice as fast, but it consumes your stamina by 10 points each time.

If you place a talent point for Defiance, you will unlock the Defiant Stance. After using any ability in the Defiance tree, you will enter the Defiant Stance for 10 seconds. You will then have Damage Taken reduced by -15%, Outgoing Damage reduced by -15%, and you have the Guard Point ability that lets you block incoming attacks while charging your heavy attack.

Source: Dvalin

Each talent tree offers something the other doesn’t. It allows for players to choose what kind of build they can go with. You can put all your points in Onslaught, or you can put them all in Defiance. You can even mix them up and select the perks you want from each tree to create a hybrid build between Onslaught and Defiance. The possibilities are a lot.

But if you are not satisfied with how your build is going and would want to rework your build again, you always have the option to respec your skills and start all over. You can also look up builds online that suit your playstyle. Maybe even take some bits and pieces from other builds to create your own. The Greatsword has such a large potential to be a great weapon to use.

Special thanks to Dvalin for going over the differences between the different talent trees for the Greatsword. If you want to know more about how to use the Greatsword, visit Dvalin’s channel and watch his video where he gives an in depth explanation of what the Greatsword does and how each skill benefits you: New World Greatsword Weapon Overview & Beginners Guide | Abilities & Scaling | Brimstone Sands.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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