
New World: Gear Sets Storage Guide

Stack your potions properly!

New World had a rough start, you can even say that it’s almost as bad as Cyberpunk 2077 but after two years’ worth of memeing and crying in no specific order, the game seems to have gotten better.

Sure further optimization might be needed, but now that the game is becoming more accessible new things are being added without you having to worry about your rig turning into a set of hollow blocks.

Things like the new Gear Sets Storage, nothing better than having to click on more things while you’re out and about so let’s see how that works.

Gear Sets Storage Guide | New World

Fortunately, enough Gear Sets are not part of your inventory and don’t even contribute to your inventory or storage weight, you can even unlock additional gear sets as you progress through the game. Here’s how you can access the new storage system.

To access your Gear Sets Storage open your regular inventory first and click on the new icon on the bottom left part of your screen.

This will bring up another interface right beside your inventory, the main goal of this feature is to allow you to switch between different load-outs or gear sets, hence the name.

Here you can configure your armor, jewels, weapons, potions, ammunition, and heart runes. You can do that by clicking on the icon next to the trash bin, doing this will import all of your currently equipped gear into the selected gear set.

Manually transferring your items is possible as well if you ever want to make finer adjustments to your loadout. You can also use the same gear piece in multiple sets.

After making the changes you want, click on the drop-down menu to minimize everything and simply select ‘equip’ for either set.

You may notice that items thrown in the gear set menu disappear from your inventory screen and you’re right, items cannot exist at the same time between your regular inventory and your gear sets as both of them are separate storage spaces.

So if you ever get confused next time on why your items haven’t appeared back in your inventory then that simply means that you still have that same item in a different gear set. Remove both items from your gear sets if you want to get them back!

Once you get past the confusion you’ll notice that this is actually a nice feature to have, especially if you hoard items like there’s no tomorrow.

With the added items that are securely tucked away in your gear set storage, you can carry a little bit more in your regular inventory before you become over-encumbered.

Now that the magic of Gear Sets has been explained, you may ask yourself “How do I get more slots? I can see it right there at the bottom!”

To get more slots, you need to reach level 25, and another slot will wait for you on your free season pass track at level 100.

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