New World is getting better and better to the point that a lot of people are forgetting about the horrible launch it had. The game has been getting constant content updates for the longest time and it’s turning out to be one of the better MMOs out there.
This time the game is releasing even more new content including new enemy types and of course a new Trophy to go along with it.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the Human Combat Trophy in New World!
Human Combat Trophy Guide For New World
So what are trophies anyway? For those who don’t know, trophies are house furnishings that when placed can buff your character.
There are a lot of different trophies and each one of them has different buffs, from dealing more damage to a certain creature type to making your crafted gear better and even gathering trophies to make you gather better materials.
One of the new trophies that are going to be added to the game is Human Combat Trophies, and like many other trophies, it has different versions with better bonuses the higher tiers you go to.
This is how you’ll make them in the game.

In one of the newest content patches in the game, you’ll be fighting human-type enemies. With that, you’ll also be able to craft a Human Combat Trophy starting with the minor one that uses normal materials and a new one called Flame Core.
The Flame Core can be dropped by human-type enemies in the new areas so go farm them!
Once you have a Minor Human Combat Trophy you can then make a Basic one, this time it’ll need a Human Digit Artifact, which spawns in the same mobs that drop Flame Cores!
The Major Human Combat Trophy uses the same resources from before but now you’ll need a Human Idol Artifact, which can be farmed by defeating the boss Sir Juni The Strategist.
Congratulations you now know how to make the new Human Combat Trophies in New World, now go out there and try to make them yourself! Good luck with farming the artifacts for it as well!
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