There has a been a new wave of category in Roblox experiences. Need More “insert whatever idea in here” like Milk, Money, Sleep, and more. As well as Weird Strict “insert whichever type of person here” – Mom, Dad, Grandma, Neighbor and so on.
It’s a very simple but fun concept for Roblox games, which introduces lots of interesting stories and options to get variations of endings. In this guide, I’ll show you the collection of ItemLevel’s Need More & Weird Strict games, so that you can find a dedicated guide for them, or just explore which experience you find awesome.
Need More & Weird Strict – Roblox Games Guides
Here’s all of our guides for Need More & Weird strict games + experiences in Roblox! I’ve put a Table of Contents below, so that you can easily navigate to whichever you fancy. This guide includes endings & how to get them, mechanics, stories, and more.
- Need More Poop
- Need More IQ
- Need More Smart
- Need More Devs
- Need More Strength
- Need More Time
- Need More Awake
- Need More Playtime
- Need More Money
- Need More Sleep
- Need More Cold
- Need More Heat
- Need More Chaos
- Need More Milk
- Need More Snacks
- No More Vegetables
- Weird Strict Cashier
- Weird Silly Sensei
- Weird Strict Teacher
- Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Night 1 to 5
- Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Chapter 2
- Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Become Guard Gamemode
- Weird Strict Scientist
- Weird Strict Mom
- Weird Strict Boss
- Weird Strict Santa (Remake)
- Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2
- Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2 All Endings
- Weird Strict Dad: Become Dad Gamemode
- Weird Strict Dad: Hide N Seek Gamemode
- Weird Strict Grandma
Need More Poop
As of writing this, there are actually only two endings. One of them is the so-called Good Ending that requires a full normal playthrough.
The Bad Ending, on the other hand, is actually relatively simple and we’ll leave that for last as it doesn’t really require any effort to get.
The “Good“ Ending
Upon waking up and getting out of bed, leave your room and head to the bathroom, which is the next door immediately to your right. Use the toilet and interact with it again afterwards to flush it.

After that, go back outside and head to the room just opposite of your bedroom. This is your dad’s room, and you have to speak with him for this next objective.
He’ll use a strange device to check whether or not you actually have a problem related to pooping. Unfortunately, he doesn’t believe that the issue is serious enough to warrant staying at home.

Return to the bathroom and interact with the toilet once more. After that, use it again to do something really gross to increase your “poop meter”.
Breaking the Toilet
Unfortunately for you, dad will still not believe you. So, the next step is to head over to the garage, which is through the next door to the right past the bathroom door.
Pick up the hammer on the shelf and use it to break the toilet. Then, go back to dad and see whether or not he believes you now (he won’t).

Messing up the Books and Bathtub
Next, head back to your bedroom and interact with the book on the nightstand. Do this again with the book on the desk just in front of the bed.
Afterwards, head to the living room just outside and interact with the book on the table and the one just under the TV.

Finally, interact with the book next to the front door and the one just outside dad’s room. This won’t be enough for him, though, so head over to the bathroom afterwards. Take a dump on the bathtub.

Ruining the Pipes
For your next objective, you will have to get the crowbar from the garage where you took the hammer earlier. Use it to break the water installation door right beside the shelf.
This will allow you to poop in the pipes. Head back to dad afterwards to get checked once more (it still won’t be enough).

Making a Mess Around the House
After that last task, head on over to the bathroom once more and interact with the shower just beside the now-soiled bathtub. After that, turn around and interact with the sink.
Once you’re done with the bathroom, go out and head to the kitchen. Turn on the tap at the kitchen counter and then return to dad once more.

The Phone and Pool
Walk up to the phone just to the right of the TV. Dial the number “445-123” to call over some friends who will make a mess around the entire house.
This won’t be enough for your father, unfortunately, so your next step is to go outside. Head to the back of the house and interact with the swimming pool. A cow will come over and fill it up for you.
After that, head back inside and talk to dad once more. You can use the window in your bedroom as a shortcut back in. After checking you again, your father will still conclude that it isn’t enough.

Closing the Windows and Turning on the Lights
Your next solution is to make all of the excrement melt by making it hot inside the house. To do this, you have to close all the windows. There are 4 in the living room, 1 in your bedroom, and 1 in your dad’s room.
After shutting all the windows in the house, turn on the light switch in each of the rooms, including the garage. This will raise the “poop meter” by a lot. This still won’t be enough for your dad, though.

Messing up the Whole House
In a desperate attempt to convince your father, your character will decide to poop all over the house. Interact with the following objects to proceed to the next step:
- Couch in the living room
- Carpet in the living room
- The two cabinets behind dad
- The cabinet in your bedroom
- The four plates on the dining table

A Dirty Bouquet
Since your father will still not be convinced by all the mess you’ve made, the next step is to go out the house and pick up 10 flowers.
After grabbing at least 10 flowers off the ground, your character will drop the bundle and you can then poop on it. After making your dad throw up with this disgusting gift, he’ll tell you to get out.

The Fountain Outside
Your next bright idea is to make a mess all over the fountain in the park right in front of your house. Leave your home and interact with the fountain straight ahead.
Despite everything you’ve done up to this point, your father will still tell you that you need to get to work.

The Final Straw
After the previous interaction with your father, you’ll eventually tell him that you already missed work. Because of this, he grounds you for missing that opportunity.
As a final act of vengeance, you must walk outside and interact with the giant bundle of rope on the ground just beside your front door.
Doing this will unlock the Good Ending as your character somehow pulls in an entire planetoid of poop into the Earth, forcing you to stay at home.

Bad Ending
The Bad Ending is actually very simple. After going to the bathroom for the first time, instead of talking to your father, you should head to the garage.
Interact with the car multiple times until it forces you to wait. You will have to do this several times until you eventually get a cutscene wherein your dad walks in and drives you off to your job interview.
And those are the two different ways you can complete Need More Poop!

Need More IQ
In this game, you take on the role of a kid who is not very smart. However, you just woke up and decided to go to university. One small problem is that your father is like the smartest person in the world, and he does not let you go.
Perhaps he is the grown-up version of the kid in Need More Smart, we do not know. However, apparently, he is the inventor of IQ Meter 2000, and you need to get a good score on it to prove yourself.

Go Talk to Your Dad
First, start by leaving your room and finding your dad. His room is located just across from yours, so it is pretty easy to find. Once you find your father, you are going to ask him to use his IQ Meter 2000 on you. Unfortunately, your IQ is only 10, and it is certainly not enough.

Do Homework in Your Room
The first thing you can do to make yourself smarter is to finish your homework. Go back to your room, and you are going to see it lying on your study desk next to your bed. After you did that, go back to your dad to ask him to check your IQ once more.

Change Your Posters
Of course, doing your homework is not enough to become the smartest person in the world. Your next move is going to be changing the posters in your room to smarter ones. Go to your room and interact with each poster. Looking at smart people should definitely make you smarter, right?

Open Windows
Unfortunately, changing the posters did not do the trick either. You should get some oxygen in your lungs to get that brain working. Go back to your room and open all the windows there. There are two windows you need to open, one on the left and the other on the right.

Eat Breakfast & Wash Your Face
Your brain needs some fuel to work. Thus, go to the living room and eat your bowl of cereal to get it working. After that, go to the bathroom and wash your face too.

Buy Glasses
It is time to try something different. The first step to being smart is to look smarter. Everybody knows that people with glasses are super smart, so you are going to need one too.
Leave the house by using the front door, and you will see the Epic Glasses stand on your right. Simply interact with the glasses to purchase and wear one.

Read Dad’s Newspaper
You need to show your father that these new glasses are indeed working! In order to do that, go to the living room and interact with the newspaper on the coffee table. After reading the newspaper, go back to check in with your dad.

Touch Chemicals
It is very surprising that even purchasing glasses and newspapers did not do the trick. But do not worry too much about it; you still have a couple of options to make yourself smarter. You are going to get into that university!
Now, open the closet in your father’s room, and there you will see some chemicals casually lying inside. Give them a little touch to see if they are the cause of your father being so smart.

Drink the Magic Juice
Chemicals have already made you a lot smarter, so maybe you should keep trying those different options. It is time to go back to the kitchen and drink the weird-looking, mysterious magic juice. Go and drink it, and it will give you some IQ points.

Eat Broccoli
Let’s stick with consuming things that make you smarter. Now, you should get yourself some broccoli and hope that it works for you. The broccoli stand is right next to the Epic Glasses one outside. Once again, just go and interact with the broccoli to get one.
After that, go back to the kitchen and put the broccoli on the stove to cook it. Then, you are going to eat it.

Encrypt Modem
You are pretty smart now, but it is still not enough for your dad. We feel like you are starting to get a little desperate, but it is okay. Go back to your room to encrypt the modem and hack NASA. If you can do that, you can enroll in a university too, right?

Touch the Car Engine
Your next move will be touching the car engine. Go to the garage to locate your father’s car. We do not think this is a good idea, but here you go. Interact with the car to touch it, and then go back to your father’s room.

Read Dad’s Secret Magazines
Since your father is the smartest person you know, you should find the roots of his incredible IQ. There are some secret magazines lying under his bed. Give them a look and see if they are going to make you smarter.

Invoke David Baszucki
Alright, that is enough! Does your father think he is the smartest person in the world? Well, he is wrong! Everybody knows that David Baszucki, CEO of Roblox, is the smartest!
Go to the backyard and you are going to see a huge poster of him hanging on the wall. Interact with it, and you are going to invoke him. Then, ask him to give you some IQ.

Getting An Ending in Need More IQ
Need More IQ is not fully finished yet. Therefore, there is only one ending you can achieve at the moment. This ending is the Good Ending…? Let’s see how you are going to get that.
After talking to David Baszucki, he is going to bestow you with enough IQ to make you super smart. Then, you can go back to your dad, and he will finally see that your IQ surpassed his.
You can now hop onto the bus and go to the university right away! Leave the house, and you will see the bus stop to the left of the Epic Glasses stand.

Unfortunately, they will tell you that you are now too smart for university. Maybe asking David Baszucki was a little too much…
Just like this, you are going to get a good ending..? And you will not be able to become a university student…

This is how you are going to complete Need More IQ and get an ending in the game. As we mentioned, this game is not finished yet.
Need More Smart
At the beginning of the game, you are going to wake up on the ground and decide to try convincing your mother to let you get into college one more time.

Talk to Mom
Your first objective is talking to your mom. Leave your room and go to the room next to yours to find her. Unfortunately, she is going to tell you that you are too dumb to go to college and a waste of money… ouch…
However, you are one determined kid, and you are ready to do anything to make yourself smarter.

Eat Carrots (6)
The first thing that comes to your mind is eating carrots. Because it is a commonly known fact that carrots make you smarter, for sure! You need to find and eat six carrots in the house.
- Mother’s Room (1): You will find one carrot in your mother’s room. It is located on the side table near her bed.
- Your Bathroom (1): Go to your room and open the door to find your bathroom. There will be one carrot inside the toilet…
- Kitchen (2): Leave your room and head towards the living room. The kitchen is right there, too. You will find two carrots on the countertops.
- Living Room (1): The next carrot you are going to find is behind the sofa in the living room.
- Garage (1): The last carrot is located in the garage. Use the door next to the sofa to get to the garage.
After locating and eating all the carrots, go back to your mom to ask her once more.

Read Books (5)
Your mother will literally take your brain and see your IQ. After that, she will recommend you read some books, and this is what you are going to do. There are five books you can read in the house.
- Mother’s Room (1): There is one book on the bed.
- Your Room (1): One book located on your study desk.
- Living Room (1): One book on the coffee table.
- Kitchen (1): One book on the countertop.
- Garage (1): The last book you are going to find will be on the shelf in the garage.

Wear Your Glasses
Reading books to make yourself smarter is not enough; you need to look smarter too. Everyone knows that wearing glasses makes you look smarter, so go ahead and wear them right now! In order to find them, go to your room and take them from the study desk next to the door.

Dress Up
Wearing glasses made you look a little smarter. But you still need to change some things about your look. Have you ever seen a genius wearing pyjamas around? Exactly. Go to your room and change your clothes right now.

Do Homework
Your IQ is still pretty low, despite looking like a businessman. Maybe you could have been smarter if you had done your homework six years ago.
Well, it is never too late to make things right! Go back to your study desk and find the homework. We are not even going to question why it is lying there after six years.

Talk to People (6)
Alright, you are making progress. However, did you know that your social IQ also affects your general IQ? Yeah. Now, you need to go and talk to six people. Leave the house, and you are going to see people walking around. You can talk to them by walking up to them. You got this!

Meditate In Your Room
Your next objective will be meditating in your room. It looks like it is time to awaken the power inside you by connecting with your inner self. Simply walk to your room and meditate on the rug to complete this objective. This way, you are going to fire up the electrons within your neurons, nice.

Do Dumbbell Curls (15)
Okay, your IQ is a little bit higher, but it is still not enough. Maybe you should stick with improving your physical state to train your brain. In order to do that, go to your room and find the dumbbell next to your study desk. Use it fifteen times to complete the objective.

Fill the Pool With Brains
Uh-oh, it looks like this is the point where you are going to get a little crazy. We do not want you to lose your mind and achieve the state of the kid in Need More Chaos… But you really want to go to that college! It is time to fill the pool with brains. In order to do that, go to the backyard and pray to the God of Intelligence.
He will soon appear right in front of you and fill the pool. We are not sure how it will affect your intelligence, but go back to your mom to talk with her.

Get a Smart Potion
We are sure you noticed that shop with the “Do you want to become smart?” sign on it when you were talking with people on the street. It is time to take a look at it.
The vendor will sell you a weird potion for one billion dollars. Fortunately, this guy is very nice, and you do not need to worry about money like you did in Need More Money. You will simply say that you are going to pay him later and take the potion.

Get Magnet from the Garage
After drinking the potion, your head will turn into one giant brain. However, it is still not enough for your mother! Go to the garage and get a magnet for the next objective.
Then, go outside and aim it at the sun. Your decision at this point will determine the ending you are going to get.

Good Ending
After pressing E a couple of times, a decision will pop up on your screen. You are going to need to choose between using the magnet stronger or skipping it.
If you want to get a good ending in the game, choose the skip option. This way, the aliens will drop a thinking cap for you. Take it and go back to your mom. She will check your IQ one last time and finally believe that you are strong enough to become Elon Musk.

Bad Ending
On the other hand, if you decide to keep pulling the magnet stronger, a rocket will crash into the earth. This way, you are going to prove that you are indeed very dumb like your mother said, and not fit for college.

It’s Over 9000 Ending
In order to get this new ending, you only need to do one simple thing. First, complete every step until you need to go back to your room and do dumbbell curls.

When you need to do dumbbell curls, go to your room and pick up a dumbbell. But you are not going to curl it. Instead, go to the middle of the room where you meditated earlier.
Press E to meditate with the dumbbell in your hand. Doing this will repeat the meditating action once more, and you are going to get the new It’s Over 9000 Ending.

This is simply how you are going to get the new ending in Need More Smart. Doing this will make you so smart that the earth is not going to be able to hold you anymore. Finally, the earth will explode and disappear from existence. Who would have known that all you needed to do was meditate with a dumbbell?
Need More Devs
At the beginning of the game, you wake up, and you are very excited to check if your game has reached 100K visits. But, unfortunately, your game is flopping really hard, and you need to find developers to help you out as soon as possible!

Find a Dev in Your Neighborhood
Of course, the best place to find more developers is in your neighborhood. Let’s go outside and find one right now. Turn around and find the red door to go outside. Luckily, there is one developer named Nero hanging just outside your house.
Turn right, and you are going to see an exclamation mark. This will show you the location of the dev, walk towards it to find him.

You are going to offer 1K Robux to the developer, but that does not work for him. But no one can say no to free chicken. After offering him some chicken, he is going to accept to work for you.
Then, you will say that he should go to your house and enter your basement… No need to worry; it is completely normal; every developer does that!

Check Your Game
Now that you have found yourself a new developer, go and check if your game is doing better. Go back in the house and turn left to find your Very Epik Room. Then, check the computer to complete the objective.

Put Up Billboards Outside
Well, we wish having one developer would be enough for your game to get more popular, but that is not the case. You are going to need to sponsor your game now. Go outside and start putting billboards outside. You will need to put up four billboards in total.
You are going to see exclamation marks that will show you where to go outside. There will be two on the right side of the house and two on the left.

Hire More Devs
Once you put up the ads, you can go back to your Epik room and check your game again. However, it is still not good enough, and it only has 69 visits. Since your game is extremely good, it must be Nero’s fault!
But you are a good person 🙂 and you are not going to lose against your intrusive thoughts… Just go outside and try to find more devs.

Once again, you are going to find a new developer hanging outside. This one is having a little picnic with her hamster. It is going to be easier to convince her; just scream at her for a little while, offer her Robux, and it is done.

Go to Roblox Headquarters
The new developer you found gained your game 256 visits. But it is still not enough after everything you have done! You are fed up already and have decided to give Roblox headquarters a visit.
Roblox headquarters are located just outside your home. It explains why so many developers are hanging around the streets.

Inside, you are going to beg Roblox to make your game more popular. Since you are very good at convincing people, he will eventually agree.

Go to the Radio in the Living Room
Roblox made your game popular, but it still does not have 100K visits. There are still a couple of things you can try, one of which is using the radio to advertise your game.
Head to the living room to find the radio. After you interact with it, you will play an advertisement for your game.

Get Help From NASA
Now your game has 7K views in total. Your goal is to get 100K views in one day, and you are determined to achieve it, my friend. Your next move is going to be asking for help from NASA.
Luckily, you have a NASA teleporter in the middle of your living room. You definitely have a lot of weird things in your house…

Use the teleporter, and you are going to find yourself on the NASA ship. Then, you are simply going to ask the NASA worker to put your game on a satellite. Pretty easy.

There are two endings you can get in Need More Devs. One is the good ending, and the other is the reported ending. Let’s see what you need to do to get each.
Good Ending
After putting your game on the satellite, it will finally reach 50K views. It is pretty awesome, but, as you might already guess, it is still not enough. You need to reach 100K views!
Your next solution is teleporting to Mars to ask aliens to help you with your game. Once again, you already have a Mars teleporter in your kitchen. Go ahead and interact with it.

When you are back, you are going to see that your game finally has 100K views! You made it! Your convincing skills finally made you popular. Just like this, you are going to get a good ending.

Reported Ending
Okay, remember that you were acting like really weird when you were trying to find developers to work for you? Yeah, in this ending, there will be a consequence of that.
After asking the first developer to join your team, go back to your house and go to the basement. There, you are going to see Nero.

However, Nero is pretty pissed off since you did not pay him the 1K Robux, nor did you give him the chicken you promised. After you tell him that you are not going to do any of those, he will call the police on you.

The police will arrive in 13 seconds and arrest you for being a scammer. You will be sentenced to spend one day in prison. This way, you are going to get the reported ending, and will not be able to achieve your goals…

Need More Strength
At the start of the game, you return from school, having been bullied again and becoming fed up with the bullies. You decide to get help from your big brother, who apparently has big muscles.
You try to beat him in arm wrestling, but obviously, you are not strong enough.

Lift Dumbbells
There are three dumbbells you can lift for this objective. Each one will give you +10 strength points.
- Brother’s Room (1): One small dumbbell behind your brother.
- Corridor (1): Leave your brother’s room and turn right to see one dumbbell there.
- Living Room (1): There is one dumbbell lying next to the stove in the living room.
Once you lift each of them, go back to your brother and ask him to arm wrestle one more time.

Now, you are going to have 40 strength. However, it is not enough, and you are still weak. You should go back and keep lifting dumbbells. These ones will give you +20 points each.
- Bathroom (1): Go to the bathroom and get the dumbbell next to the toilet. The bathroom is located to the left of your brother’s room.
- Living Room (2): The next two dumbbells are located in the living room. You can find one in front of the window on the left and one on the couch.

Lift Chairs
You now have 100 strengths in total. But it is not that easy to be strong enough to beat the kids at school! Since you have already lifted all the dumbbells, go and start lifting chairs. The chairs will give you +40 points each.
- Brother’s Room (1): There is one chair in front of his desk.
- Your Room (1): Your room is located opposite your brother’s room. Go there and take the chair in front of your study desk.
- Living Room (4): There are four chairs around the table in the living room. Lift each one of them.

Lift Rocks
Even lifting very heavy chairs is not enough for you to be the strongest kid in the school. Now it is time to try your chances with rocks. Use the garage door to leave the house and find rocks. The rocks will give you +200 points each.
- Garage (2): There are two rocks located in front of the garage.
- Garden (2): One rock is located near the front door, and the other is in the backyard.

Lift the Couch
You are starting to do better against your brother. But it is still not enough. It takes time to have muscles like your brother, but you are determined to achieve it in one day. Now, go and lift the couch!
You are going to pick up the couch like it is no big deal and lift it over your head. Doing this will give you +800 strength points.

Lift the Stove
We get that you are still not strong enough to beat your brother, but isn’t that enough for kids at school? It does not matter; you still need to beat your brother in arm wrestling to prove yourself!
Go to the kitchen and lift the stove to get +1500 strength points.

Lift the Bed
You have 3240 points now, but it is still not enough. Go to your room and start lifting your bed. Doing this will give you 2000 strength points.
After talking with your brother, go to the kitchen and lift the fridge next.

Go to the Gym
You already lifted everything in the house, so you decide to go to the gym right next to your house. Use the front door to go outside, and you will see the gym on the right.

Lift Trees & Street Lamps
Since the gym did not work as well, go outside and pick up the trees and lift them. However, even lifting trees will not make you as strong as your brother. Once you talk with him, lift the street lamps too.

Lift the Car
Next, go to the garage and lift your parent’s car. After that, go back to your brother and arm wrestle him once more.

There are two endings you can get in Need More Strength for the time being. These are the good ending and bad ending. Let’s see how you are going to achieve them.
Good Ending
After lifting the car, your brother will say that he lifted the world once. This will give you an idea. In order to lift the world, go outside and call for God’s help.

After asking God to give you more strength, you are going to go and talk with your brother. However, he will mock you again.
Go outside and lift the house. After that, stand in front of the front door to see the option to lift the world. Once you do that, you will gain enough strength and get a good ending.

Bad Ending
Maybe you noticed that the weird guy in the gym told you that he could help you out earlier. Instead of calling God, go back to the gym to have a talk with him.
The weird guy will hand you a drink, and once you take it, you are going to blow up. This way, you will get a bad ending. Well, at least those guys at school can’t bully you anymore…

Need More Time
At the beginning of the game, you are going to come back from school. Already stressed enough about the important essay you need to finish by tomorrow, your father will ask you to help him around the house. As a good kid, you cannot disobey your father, and you should try to finish everything he wants so that he lets you write your essay.

Do the Laundry
Your first objective is to do the laundry. In order to do it, go to the bathroom and pick up the laundry basket from the ground. After that, go towards the living room. On your left, you are going to see the washing machine. Once you put the laundry inside, the objective will be done.

Wash Up the Plates
Your father still insists you keep doing chores! You should be as fast as you can, or else you will not have time to finish your essay! Go to the kitchen right away and start washing up the plates.
They are located right next to the washing machine you used earlier. You will understand that you are done washing when the objective changes.

Take Out the Trash
You thought your job was over? Well, you were wrong, my friend. It is time to take out the trash now. Go to the living room, and you are going to see the trash in the left corner of the room. Pick it up and use the front door to leave the house. Turn right to see the trash can.

Watch the TV
Everything that you need to do around the house is finally over now. However, your father will ask you to do one last thing. Apparently, you need to get your daily dose of advertisements before you can finally write your exam.
Go to the living room and use the remote to switch the channels. There are a couple of channels you need to watch before the objective is completed. Keep switching until your objective changes.

There are four endings you can get in the game. These are two different good endings, one bad ending, and one dark ending. Let’s see what you need to do to get each one of them.
Good Ending..?
After you watch television for no reason, you can go to your room and write your big essay. Your room is located near the living room. Go there and write your essay by using the big red book next to your computer.
Judging by the words you write; you are not as smart as the kid in Need More Smart. However, you are at least trying to get an A. Just like this, you will get the good ending..? in the game. Is there a good ending without a question mark? Keep reading to find out.

Bad Ending
Did something catch your eye while you were watching the television earlier? Yes, one particular advertisement was telling you about how you can go and break your book instead of writing your essay.
Go to your room and press E to break the essay book. After you do that, you are going to wait for a couple of minutes to relax.

Then, you are going to hear a knock on the door. Go to your room and use the computer to see who it is.

Apparently, your teacher somehow sensed that you did not write your essay. Go to the door to talk with him. He will get really angry at you for not writing your essay on time, and he will sentence you to life-long detention!
This way, you are going to get a bad ending and spend the rest of your life in detention… The moral of the story is, guys, do not listen to what advertisements say to you…

Good Ending
Another advertisement that may have caught your attention while watching the television might be the one about the cave. We know you want to check it out, so let’s go and do that.
Leave the house and turn right to see the cave in the distance. Walk towards it and simply go inside of it. You are going to find yourself in a forest.

Walk straight ahead for a short while, and you will see your brother’s grave right in front of you. Then, your father will come, tell you that your brother loved you, and give you a hug. Just like this, you are going to get a good ending in the game. You finally got to meet your brother, and it is more important than writing an essay!

Dark Ending
The last ending you can get in the game is the dark ending. In order to get it, go and take a look at your brother’s picture that is hanging on the wall in front of your room. You can do this while doing the first objective.
You are going to notice that your brother is doing an essay in that picture, and you are going to get very angry about it! Your father lets him do his essay, but you were trying to finish the chores all day long? Unacceptable!!!

Since you are extremely angry, you decide to destroy your brother’s grave. Yeah, that will teach your father a lesson.
Go inside the cave and find your brother’s grave in the forest. Then, you can press E to destroy it. This way, you are going to get a dark ending in Need More Time.

Need More Awake
The game will begin with you waking up at 8 A.M. It is Sunday morning, and you are very excited to play the event on your favorite game. You start by leaving your room and talking to your father. After you tell him that you completed your homework yesterday, he lets you play the game on television.

Turn on the TV
Leave your father’s room and go to the living room to find the television. After you do that, go to the fridge and get some snacks to eat. Once you are completely ready, you can sit on the couch and start playing your game!

A couple of hours will pass, and the clock will hit 4 P.M. Then, your father will come and tell you that you need to head to bed. He wants you to go to sleep because, even though it is not actually night yet, you have school tomorrow.
At this point, you should start doing everything you can to earn more awake time!

Pick Up Your Toys (7)
Being a good child is one of the best solutions to easing an angry parent. So, go to your room and start picking up all your toys to show your father that you deserve to stay awake more and play games.
Go to your room to find the toys. You can find all of them near your dresser. Once you pick up all seven toys, the objective will be completed.

Wash the Dishes (10)
After you pick up all the toys, your father will let you stay awake for 10 more minutes. However, it is definitely not enough time to play your game! You ask him what else you can do, and he will tell you to wash the dishes.
Go to the kitchen and start washing all 10 dishes by the sink.

Take Out the Trash
Next, you are going to need to take out the trash. Go to the trash bin in the kitchen, pick up the trash, and leave the house. Turn left to see the trash bin outside.

Water the Plants (8)
Now, your father lets you stay awake for 45 minutes. But it is still not enough!! Ask your father what else you can do, and he is going to tell you to water the plants. There are eight plants you should find and water. You do not have to get a water-can, it will magically appear in your hands.
- Your Father’s Room (2): You can find two plants in your father’s room. They are located on both sides of his bed.
- Your Room (1): There is one plant right next to your dresser.
- Living Room (2): Here, you are going to find two plants. One is next to the television, and the other one is located close to the kitchen counter.
- Garage (1): There is one plant located on the left corner. There is another plant on the shelf, but you cannot water that one, so it is not one of the plants you need to find.
- Bathroom (1): You can find the plant next to the sink there.
- Corridor (1): The last plant is located in the corridor between your room and your father’s room. You can find it right next to the donation board.

Wash the Car
Now, you need to go to the garage and wash your father’s car. In order to do this, turn on the hose right in front of the garage, pick it up, and start washing the car.

Run So Fast to Go Back in Time
Now that you have washed the car, you ask your father how much time you earned once more. Unfortunately, he only lets you stay awake for 1 hour and 30 minutes, and there are no chores left for you as well. Thus, you do not have any other chance than to run back in time.
In order to do this, leave the house, and you are going to see an option to Run so Fast. After pressing E a couple of times, you will run very fast and go back in time.

There are only two endings you can achieve in Need More Awake for the time being. You can either get a good ending or a bad ending. Let’s see how you are going to get them.
Good Ending
After you start running back in time, you are going to find yourself in front of your dad. He will say that you need to go to sleep, but he will let you play your game once you tell him it is only 8 A.M.

Now, you can finally go to the living room and play your game! However, you hear a noise and want to check it out before that. In order to check out the noise, leave the house, and you are going to see a dinosaur standing next to your house. The dinosaur will eat your house, and you will get a good ending..?
You were not able to play your game… but at least you did not go to sleep. So it is fine anyway!

Bad Ending
When you need to complete the objective that requires you to pick up your toys, you can decide to get the bad ending instead.
If you do not want to continue doing all the chores in the house to play your favorite game, do not pick up your toys. Walk up to your bed and simply go to sleep. This way, the night will end, and you are going to get a bad ending.

Need More Playtime
As of writing this, the game is still fairly new and only has one ending that we know of, which is the supposed “Good” Ending. It is a fairly straightforward game, so we’ll go through the steps as fast as possible.
Intro Sequence
At the start of the game, the school bus will drop you off at home. Walk up to your house and go to your bedroom, which is at the end of the hallway to the left.
Once inside, turn to the left and interact with the wardrobe to take off your backpack, which is your very first objective.

Next, you will have to take a bath. The bathroom is through the next door to your right after leaving the bedroom. Go inside and interact with the bathtub to get this objective done.
After that step, return to your bedroom and interact with the wardrobe once more to put on some pajamas. Finally, turn on your computer, which is on the desk right behind you.
This will trigger a cutscene, in which your mother wakes up and scolds you for not doing your chores first. Here’s where the real game begins!

Trash Pile #1
There’s a total of 4 Trash Piles that you must collect, here’s a detailed walkthrough on where to their locations.
The first one will be in your parents’ room, directly in front of yours. The pile of rubbish is sitting beside her wardrobe. You have to bring it to the garbage can outside the front door, and you must do this with each trash bag.

Trash Pile #2
The second pile is directly in front of you as soon as you re-enter through the front door. Go ahead and pick it up and throw it outside.

Trash Pile #3
The next one is inside the garage. You can go in through the house, but you can get there just as fast by simply turning to the left after throwing the previous bag outside.

Trash Pile #4
The fourth and last garbage pile is inside the bathroom, right between the bathtub and toilet. You probably already spotted this as you were taking a bath earlier.

“Making” a Cup of Water
After throwing all of the trash away and speaking with mom once more, she will ask you to get her a cup of water. We’re going above and beyond here by simply taking the cup of coffee on the couch.
Giving this to your mother will get you a badge, which will be great if you love collecting achievements. Unfortunately, this won’t be enough to satisfy her.

Unclogging the Toilet
The toilet at your house has apparently been clogged for days, and it’s baffling how the smell didn’t bother anyone! Pick up the plunger beside the toilet and use it to unclog the thing.
After doing this task, your mom will think long and hard about whether or not she will let you play now. Spoiler alert: she wants you to do something else first.

Mopping the Floors
Go to the bathroom and pick up the mop just beside the sink. Use this to mop the puddles of water all around the house. The first one is right inside the bathroom, and the second is just outside the door.

After the first two puddles, go over to the living room, garage, and finally, your parents’ room to clean up the rest of them. Nice and easy.

Cooking Her Dinner
Your mother thinks that you should do something a little more challenging. This time, you have to cook her dinner by going to the kitchen.
Interact with the fridge to grab a cold burger and then use it on the stove to start cooking. It’s a strange way of preparing a pre-made burger, but just roll with it.
Once the fire is gone, pick up the burger and put it on the plate that’s right on top of the kitchen counter, beside the sink. Bring this over to mother for your next task.

Refueling the Car + Ending
Next up, she will ask you to refuel the car in the garage. Go over to the garage and pick up the gas can on the ground and use it on the car.

And that’s your last task in Need More Playtime! Unfortunately, it’s already too late, and your mom will tell you to go to bed. Your character will then crawl under the bed and whip out a rocket launcher!
Need More Money
At the start of the game, your character will get up out of bed and talk about the new installment of GTA being released (not in real life, unfortunately), but you’re too young to buy it, so you need your brother’s help.
Your first objective will be to simply exit your room and enter the one right across it to talk to your brother.

He’s going to tell you that you need to pay him more than a single dollar for his services. Go back to your room and pick up the wad of cash on the desk and under the wardrobe.
You can also find a dollar on the toilet and the bathtub, though we have absolutely no idea why you would leave your money there.

Now that you have five dollars on hand, go back to your brother and see if that will convince him. Spoiler alert, it won’t, so now you’ll have to find money elsewhere in the house.

Searching the House for Money
After leaving your brother’s room, walk straight into the living room and start your search for five more bills scattered throughout your home. Basically, just check the following locations:
- The table right in front of your mother, who is sitting on the couch.
- The dining table right in front of the kitchen.
- On top of the kitchen counter, right beside the stove.
- Right beside the fireplace.
- On the shelf in the garage, which can be found through the door right beside the fireplace.
Now, you have a total of ten dollars. Go back to your brother and see if that is enough to get him to buy the game for you. It obviously won’t be, but it’s worth a shot anyway.

Breaking Your Piggy Bank
In a desperate attempt to get more money, return to your room and break the piggy bank on top of your desk.
This will get you even more money, but it still won’t be enough for your brother, who will still tell you that this is not enough.

Asking Mom
Next, you will have to run back to the living room and talk to your mom. Your character will lie to her about needing $10 to buy school books, and she will gladly give you that amount.
Unfortunately, your brother is getting really greedy, and he will still say that he needs more money before you can convince him.

Selling Flowers Outside
Your next idea will be to sell flowers outside. Simply go out of the house and start picking up flowers from the ground all around your yard.
Once you have collected 12 of these, go across the road and speak with the vendor under the booth that says “buying flowers”.
This will get you another $10, but it shouldn’t be a surprise at this point if we told you that this will not be enough for your brother.

Chopping Down Trees
Things start to get incredibly silly when your next idea is to chop trees. Go back to the garage and grab the axe on the shelf.
With the axe on hand, you can start chopping any of the trees outside. Each time you cut down a tree, you have to go to the booth that says “buying logs” to free up your hands for another log.
Do this five times and you will be tasked with returning to your brother. This is still not going to be enough money, unfortunately, so now you have to get a little more extreme.

Robbing People
Your character’s next bright idea is to start stealing from people outside. Simply walk out of the house and start approaching the people who will constantly be walking through the sidewalk.
After interacting with a person, they will drop money on the ground and run away from you. Do this six times before returning to your brother.
Despite your efforts, this will still not be enough for him, which is incredibly unfair at this point as you already have enough to buy the game yourself!

Selling Mom’s Car
Next up, you will have to sell mom’s car. You might think that you have to go to the garage for this one, but you don’t actually have to get in the car.
Instead, go across the street from the house and talk to the guy at the booth that says “buying cars”. This will get you a huge boost that will surely convince your brother.
Well, you’d be wrong, because he still wants more. You’ll need divine intervention for the next one, cause how else are you going to get that much money?

Praying to the Gods
Go to the swimming pool beside your house and interact with it. Your character will kneel down and pray to the God of Money.
He will appear beside the pool and fill it up with cash, which amounts to a whopping $10,000! Unfortunately for you, that’s still too little for your big brother.

Robbing a Store
Your brother will straight up tell you to just rob a store, so go outside of the house and follow the road into the huge store that is aptly named “This is a Shop”.
After talking to the shopkeeper, he’ll tell you that they don’t actually have any money as they have just opened. Take the baseball bat beside him and smash the ATM right beside the entrance for cash.

Selling the House
Since you still need more money, go outside and walk across the street to talk to the vendor under the “buying houses” booth.
Surely this is enough money for your brother, right? Wrong. We’re going to have to go through even greater lengths to please him.

Selling the Earth?! & Good Ending
Now that you have no house, your only choice is to sell the entire planet to aliens. Get on top of the walkway leading out into the street and a cutscene will play out.
Basically, your character will do something extreme to get the attention of aliens, who will offer to buy the Earth for one trillion dollars.

Once the deal has been made, go back to your brother one last time and he’ll finally agree to help you. With that, you’ll get the Good Ending in Need More Money, or at least we think it is, since aliens now own the planet.

Bad Ending
Before the new update was released, the game only had one good ending. As crazy as the good ending was, every game needs a bad ending to throw a little bit of fun in there. Luckily, you now have a chance to experience this new ending as well!
Follow every objective until the point where you need to talk to the aliens to sell the planet. However, you are going to change some things to get a bad ending.

Instead of talking to the aliens, go to the rope right next to it. Then pick it up from the ground. As soon as you pick it, your objective will change to “????”.

Go back to your brother, and you are going to tie him down. It looks like you are ready to go extreme for that new cool GTA game. And it is time for your brother to pay for making you do all those bad things!

Take your brother and go to the street. Turn left, and you are going to see the shop right there at the end of the street.

When you are inside, go to the cashier. You are going to see an option to rob the shop, but this is not exactly what you are going to do. Still, press E to do that, and you will talk to him.

After that, you will say that you are going to do something to your brother if he does not hand you the Grand Theft Auto 6!

The cashier will accept it and give you the game. But… this is not GTA 6! It looks like you are not going to achieve your dreams, so you decide to throw your brother at the cashier. By leaving them both on the ground, you will get a bad ending in Need More Money.

Just like this, you will both lose your dreams of getting GTA 6 and your brother. It looks like you are going to need to wait until you grow up before you can get your hands on that game.
Need More Sleep
Currently, there are 14 Endings in the game, including the new update. Each of them depends on the choices you make in the game and secret areas to explore.
Sleep Ending (Good)
Walk into the house and find mom in the bedroom down the hallway, on your right. She’s going to ask you to finish some chores. Go back to her every time you’re done a chore to continue:
- Mop the floor at 3 spots. They’re shown as blue areas around the house which will disappear if you walk on them with the Mop equipped.
- Fix the bookshelves. Go to the living room and just approach the mess in front of the bookshelves. There are 3 bookshelves.

- Clean up your toys. There are 6 toys that needs to be cleaned up. They lit up green on your screen around the living room and hallway, so you can’t miss them.
- Do your homework. Head into the room with the no-entry sign. Just hold interact button on your homework until it’s done.
- Water the plants. Head outside the house from the front door and go to left. You’ll see the big bright green box that indicates where you should interact to water the plants.
- Feed your hamster. To feed your hamster, go find the big glass cage with Bob the hamster inside.

- Plunge the toilet. Head into the toilet which is the room that’s in all-white.

- Shut the Radiators. There are 4 radiators, just follow the brown indicator to find the next one you need to shut down. The first one is in front of the toilet, then in front of your room, under the windown in the living room, then next to the 3 bookshelves.

Go back to mom and she’ll have decided that you can sleep now. You’ve finished the Sleep Ending.
Insomnia Ending (Bad)
Insomnia ending is pretty easy. Once you’re off the bus, just go interact with this pole multiple times until you get it. One of them requires you to hold interact button for 60 seconds.
Dino Ending
The Dino ending requires you to interact with this Dino figurine near the front door. Then, find mom and talk to her.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Dino disappears if you talk to mom without interacting with the dino first.

GOD MOM Ending
For GOD MOM, you have to grab the knife from the shelf between the plant pots before mom’s bedroom. It’ll remove the BGM and you can see your face’s expression change. Equip it and talk to mom.

Burned Ending
Go down the hallway and go into your room on the left. Interact with the lighter on the table next to your homework. This is going to summon the Fire NPC on the porch. Talk to him and you’ll get your ending and badge!
You can also do the Burned Ending at any point in the game. As long as you interact with the lighter and then talk to the guy regardless of what the current objective is.
Backroom Ending
Go into the toilet to find the key on bathtub. Bring the key to mom and she’s going to ask you to check the Amogus poster. Check the poster inside your bedroom and teleport into the backroom to get the ending.

Death Ending
Enter the house and go talk to mom. Start the chore like you would with the good ending. Finish the first chore which is mopping the floor and then the option for the Death Ending will spawn.
Interact with this object above the radiator near your room that reads “say no”. Then, head back to mom and you’ll get your Death Ending.

Dad Ending
Instead of the house, leave through the tunnel which is to the right of the house beyond the plants. Go inside the supermarket to find Dad and talk to him. You’ll get the Dad Ending, simple and easy!

Broken Ending
Go inside the house and grab the hammer that’s next to the TV in the living room. Interact with the TV to break it. Now, tell mom about what you did and watch the Broken Ending unfold.

Weird Ending
For the Weird Ending, head into your room and go to the corner behind the plant next to the poster. Talk to the Brick (labeled da cool brick).

He’s going to ask you to talk to the cool Tree next. So, head out of the house and find da cool tree next to the pole where you get the Insomina Ending from. Talk to the Tree.

Tree will tell you he’ll give you a badge by interacting with him once again. So, hold that E button for the Weird Ending.
Bombed Ending
Find the button sneaked between the houseplant and the hamster cage here. Interact with it by holding it for around one minute. You’ll explode the whole place and get the Bombed Ending.

Mom Arrested Ending
Find the phone on the shelf in the living room. Call the police to report your mom for not letting you sleep.

Once they show up, your mom will be arrested on the porch. Talk to her to get the Mom Arrested Ending.
Diarrhea Ending
Go into your room to find the Muffin laying around. Eat the muffin and go to the toilet to do your business.
Expelled Ending
The Expelled Ending is similar to the Good Ending. You talk to mom and do your chores until the part where you have to do your homework.
Do not do it yet. Instead, go to the living room and interact with the sofa to change channel.

This will spawn the Tutor NPC on your front door. Talk to the Tutor to get the wrong homework answer. Now, go to your room and do your homework. It’ll be quickly done. The Teacher NPC will come next. Talk to the Teacher and get the Expelled Ending!
Shopping Ending
Start as usual by talking to your mom to begin the chores. Once you’re done mopping the floor, go to your living room near the bookshelves. There’s a shopping list on the floor between the sofas.
Talk to mom about the shopping list and she’ll make you grab the items on the list. Leave the house and go left, straight through the tunnel. We’re going to the same place where we get the Dad Ending.

Grab 1 item from each aisle and then talk to the cashier. Once you do, go back home from the same way you came. Talk to mom and you get your Shopping Ending in Need More Sleep!
Need More Cold
If you already played the game it’s inspired from, Need More Heat, you already know what you need to do to skip school for the day.
This time, things are reversed, and you have an urgent need to get to school because Ariana Grande will be performing there that day! Well, who would want to miss it?

Good Ending
First things first, you are going to need to leave your room and go to the room across from yours to find your mother.
She will check your temperature and say that you have a fever. From that point on, you are going to try everything to get rid of your fever.

- Open all the windows (3)
The first thing you are going to try is to open all the windows in your house. There are three windows you can open; one is located in your room, and the other two are in the living room.
After completing this step, go back to your mother and let her check your temperature once more.

- Turn off the lights (7)
Unfortunately, convincing your mother is no easy job. Therefore, you are going to need to proceed to the next step and turn off all the lights in your house.
There are seven lights you need to turn off. Start with the ones in your mother’s room and move on to the next rooms from there.
- Mother’s Room: Two lights, located on the two sides of the bed.
- Player’s Room: Two lights; one is located next to the bed, and the other is on the table.
- Living Room: Two lights; you need to use the light switch to turn them off. One is located in the hall, right next to the door of your mother’s room, and the other one is located next to the fireplace.
- Garage: One light; use the door near the fireplace to leave the house. Turn the light switch on the left wall to turn off the last light.
Once you turn off all the lights, go back to your mother.

- Turn off the heaters (4)
Once again, your mother does not want to let you go. However, you are determined, and you are not going to give up easily.
Thus, it is time to turn off the heaters in the house. There are four heaters you will need to turn off.
- Mother’s Room: One heater, next to the bed.
- Your Room: One heater, next to the table.
- Living Room: One heater, in the right corner of the room next to the window.
- Garage: One heater, on the right wall.

- Turn on the fans (4)
It looks like turning off the things in the house is not working for you. This time, let’s try turning on the fans to make the house a little bit cooler. There will be four fans for you to locate and turn on.
- Mother’s Room: One fan, located on the left side of the bed.
- Your Room: One fan, next to the bed.
- Living Room: Two fans, one is on the right side of the room and the other is on the left.

- Take out the fire in the fireplace.
You turned off the heaters, but the fireplace is still on and heating the house. It is time to take out the fire there too and try your chances with that one.
Go back to the living room and interact with the fireplace to take it out. After that, go back to your mother.

- Take a cold shower.
The house getting colder is not enough at all; you need to be cold as well. Thus, your mother tells you to take a cold shower, and it seems like a great idea to follow her advice.

First, go back to your room and use your wardrobe to get undressed. After that, open the door next to your bed and get inside the bathroom.
Turn on the water in the bathtub and stay inside it for a couple seconds to complete the objective.

- Eat breakfast.
Normally, having a mother who refuses to let you go to school when you are sick is the best thing in the world.
Still, in this particular moment, it is very, very annoying. Your mother refuses your attempts and tells you to go eat breakfast. So, it is time to listen to her.

Luckily, your breakfast is ice cream. Go to the living room, get it from the table, and eat it. After that, go to the kitchen and take the cup on the counter, fill it with water, and drink it.

- Place ice in the ventilation.
The house is getting colder, and you are getting colder, but it is too difficult to convince your mother. Even though you are starting to think about giving up, your love for Ariana Grande cannot be beaten. It is time to place ice in the ventilation and see if it works.

Head to the kitchen and take the ice tray, then fill it with water by using the sink. Put the ice tray inside the refrigerator, and you will receive the ice a couple of seconds later.

Once you take the ice, go to your mother’s room and place the ice inside the ventilator there. The ventilator will be behind the fan you turned off earlier.

Oh boy, you are starting to get desperate. And you know that desperate times call for desperate measures. Your next move is going to be exploding the rock heater in the backyard.

Head to the backyard, and you will see a bunch of dynamite there. You are going to need to interact with it, but it will not explode right away. Yes, it looks like the dynamite can talk.
We are not sure if you are a kid with a good imagination or if it is the cold getting to you, but it is time to have a little conversation.
After you ask the dynamite if it can talk, it will pause for a moment, and you will tell it to burn.

- Fill the pool with liquid nitrogen.
Your heat is pretty low, but your mother still does not let you go. Well, it is time to get even crazier.

Go to the garage and get the liquid nitrogen from the shelf. Then, go to the backyard, find the pool, and fill it.

Go to the living room and open the front door. You are going to see a shop with a “Giant fan to stay chilly.” sign in front of you.
Head to the shop and talk to the shop owner. After your conversation with him ends, he will deliver a giant fan (literally) to your house.

Go back to your mother’s room to talk with her, and ask her to check your temperature once more. However, even though the temperature is -1804, she won’t budge. It looks like only God can save you at this point.

- Pray to the All Mighty.
Use the front door to leave the house once again and pray in front of the house. You are going to ask God to make it snow, and he will accept it. Now, you can go talk to your mom once again.

- Put a blanket over the Sun.
Snow is on the ground, but it is not enough! You need to do something with the sun as well. Go to the front door, leave the house again, and stand at the point where you prayed earlier.
Start swinging your arm to throw a blanket over the sun. After pressing E for a couple of times, you will send the blanket to the sun. After all, it perfectly makes sense.

- Go to school 🙂
Finally, you made it! Your mother finally believes that you do not have a fever and lets you go to school. Go to the front door, leave the house, and get on the school bus that magically appeared in front of your house just when you managed to convince your mother. Time to meet Ariana Grande!

Bad Ending
Well, even though the good ending of the game is much more fun, we promised you all endings, so let’s see how to get the bad ending.
Now, this ending is not as shocking as Need More Heat’s Insanity ending or Fatal ending, but it sure has a plot twist as well!

In order to get this ending, you should do everything we mentioned in the good ending. But just when your mother agrees to send you to school, you should decide to stay at home.
In order to do this, do not get on the school bus and go talk to your mother once more. You will say that you want to stay at home with her.

Just at that moment, she will say that she wants to say something to you… It turns out that your mother was actually your father all along!
After learning this surprising reveal, he will ask you to go watch football with him, and you will get the bad ending.

Insane Ending
To start off, if this is the first time you’ve played the game, make sure to check out our guide for the good and bad endings first. You will need to follow some of the initial steps there for this one!
Once you get to the part where you have to take out the fire in the fireplace, don’t do it. Instead, go back to your mom and just stare at her for a few seconds.

Eventually, the screen will turn red, and she will tell you that you are scaring her with your antics. If you turn around, your character will also change to have a creepy one-eyed face.

When this happens, your objective will change into “Grab Liquid Nitrogen”. Simply walk out of the room and turn right to go to the garage.
Grab the liquid nitrogen from the shelf and go back to your mother. Press E to attack her with the liquid nitrogen, then interact with her again to pick her up.

Things take an even darker twist when the next objective is to carry her over to the bathroom. Leave the room and enter the one directly in front of the one you just left, then go into the bathroom.

Press E in front of the bathtub to initiate the final cutscene. The police will somehow suddenly appear behind you, and you will be arrested and get the Insane Ending in Need More Cold.
The Dark Ending
Once you have reached the point of the game where you have to put liquid nitrogen in the pool, head over to the garage and pick up the blue canister.

Very slowly make your way over to the pool outside the house and fill it up with liquid nitrogen. Once that’s done, don’t go back to Mom just yet.

Instead, return to the garage and pick up the rope on the shelf. This is a recent addition to the game, and picking it up will result in your current objective becoming a mystery.

Now that you have the rope with you, go back to Mom and choose to tie her up. After that, carry her over to the pool.
By now, you can probably already see why this is called the Dark ending. Upon reaching the pool, you will have a prompt that simply says “??”. Press E to continue.

After a rather brief and tragic cutscene, you will be given the option to either Throw or Save. For this ending, you have to pick Throw.
Upon doing so, your character will throw her into the pool, and the police will instantly burst into the scene and arrest you. The game will then remark that you are “sick in the mind” for your choices.

The Unexpected Dark Ending
For the Unexpected Dark ending, you basically have to do all of the above steps, but instead of throwing her into the pool, you must choose the Save option.
Upon choosing that option, your character will put their mom back down and another cutscene will play out. Here, in a shocking twist, she will reveal that she was actually your father this entire time.
In an even more twisted turn of events, your father will then kick you into the pool, and the game will merely claim that this situation was “unfortunate”.
If you want to read more about the two endings, here’s a dedicated guide for the Dark & Unexpected Dark Endings in Need More Cold.

Nightmare Mode & Ending
In Nightmare Mode, players will have to do the exact same steps that you would take to do the regular good ending. The main difference is that you will randomly get moments where your mom goes crazy.
Basically, whenever you get your temperature checked, there is a chance that your mom’s character model changes to have one eye. This means that she will try to kill you.

Whenever this happens, you have a couple of seconds to run away as fast as you can. While you still have to do objective, you have to make sure that mom doesn’t touch you.
If she does catch up to you, the game will immediately give you a bad ending as your character drops dead on the ground.

One easy tip to kite her away from you as you do objectives is to run to your room immediately after her chase sequence stars.
From there, jump out the window and circle back into the house to do your tasks. This will give you enough time to run around without getting caught.
Eventually, you will get the base game’s good ending once you have finished all of the objectives. The only difference is that the game will acknowledge that you have indeed completed the Nightmare Mode.

Need More Heat
There are a total of 5 endings to get in Need More Heat. Those are the Good Ending…?, Bad Ending, Good Ending, Insanity Ending, and Fatal Ending.
The last two endings were recently added into the game, while the first three were already in the game since launch.
We will be going through the endings one by one on how to achieve them, but bear in mind that I will give you a full walkthrough on how to go through the game the first time.
After that, I will go straight on how to achieve the other endings directly!
Good Ending…?
When you start the game, your first objective is to tell your father that you’re sick. Simply leave your room and go to the room on the other side of the hall. You will find your father there. Tell him you’re sick and he will say no.

After your father says no, you will need to go back inside your room and turn on every light to make the room hotter.
You will do so by turning on the two lamps in the room (one besides your bed and one on your computer table) and the light switch that is right next to your door.
Go back to your father afterwards and he will check your temperature again, only to say that you’re still not warm enough.

Your next objective is to turn on every light in the house. First, you can find two lamps inside your father’s room on bedside tables and the light switch next to the door. Turn those on and then exit the room.

Next, head to the garage and turn on the light there. The switch can be found next to the garage door.

After turning on the light there, head back into the house and turn on the light switches there. There should be one next to the main entrance door.

Right next to the garage entrance in the house, you can find another light switch there. Turn it on and go to the door in the right.

Inside the room, you will find the light switch right next to the door. With all light switches in the house now active, go back to your father and have your temperature checked again.

Your father will still say no and will tell you to go take a bath and eat breakfast. Go inside the bathroom and head to the bathtub.
You will get a prompt to fill up the bathtub. Fill up the bath tub and while it does that, leave the bathroom and head to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, grab the mug off the table and heat it in the microwave. While that is heating up, go back inside the bathroom.

In the bathroom, simply jump into the bath tub and then jump out. You don’t have to stay inside for long.
Once you make contact with the water, your temperature will rise. You can then exit the bathroom and go back to the kitchen.

When the microwave is done, grab the hot chocolate and drink it to raise your temperature. Afterwards, go back to your father and tell him your sick once again.

Your father will still tell you to go to school and to change your clothes. After this, go to your room and head to your closet.
Open it and you will find your winter clothes. Put them on and it will raise your temperature. Go back to your father once again and tell him you’re sick.

Your father will still tell you are not sick. So, you will need to close all of the windows and turn the heating on.
Inside your father’s room, there will be a window and heating in there. Close the window and turn on the heating before leaving the room.

Go inside your room and just like your father’s room, close the window and turn on the heating before leaving the room.

In the hallway leading to the living room, there will be a heating there. Turn it on.

Lastly, you will have to close all of the windows in the living room. There will be 4 of them in here, but they are all next to each other.
Once all of them are closed, you can go back to your father to try and convince him that you are sick.

Your father will still tell you that you are not sick. Your next objective is to then turn on every faucet in the house so hot water can come out and turn on the stove.
Go inside the bathroom first and turn on the faucet there. Across the faucet, you will find a bidet. Turn that on as well.

The last faucet can be found in the kitchen. Turn that on and the stove next to it. After all of that is done, try your luck again with your father and tell him you are sick.

Your father will still tell you that you are okay and ready for school. Go back to your room and grab the extremely heavy book on the computer table (which is your homework) and bring it to your living room.

Bring it to the living room fireplace and burn your homework. This will add more heat to the house. You can then go back to your father and try again.

No surprise, your father will still say you are okay. Go back into the kitchen and grab the fork on the table.
Go to the microwave and stick the fork in the microwave and turn it on (please do not try this at home). Once done, go back to your father and try again.

Surprise surprise, your father still insists you go to school. Your next objective is to burn down the car. Go to the garage and grab the gasoline canister on the side.

Approach the car and you will have to hold the button prompt to pour the gasoline all over the car.

Follow the gasoline trail and stand at the end of it. There, you will have the prompt to light up the gasoline to burn the car. After this, go back to your father and tell him you are sick again.

Even with the whole house close to setting on fire, your father still insists you go to school.
After talking to your father, leave the house and go to any side of the house and go to any tree that is surrounding your house.
You will then get the prompt to set one on fire. Except when you press the prompt, all of the trees are on fire.
With your surroundings practically on fire and close to starting a forest fire, go back inside and talk to your father about being sick again.

Go to the back of the house where you can find an empty pool. Stand at the end of the pool where you are facing the deepest part.
You will then get the prompt to “pray”. This will then trigger a cutscene where the son summons lava to fill the pool.
With the pool somehow containing lava, go back inside and talk to your father about being sick once again.

Even with your surroundings practically on fire and the pool being filled with lava, your father still insists you go to school.
Having no ideas, your next objective is to check the TV to see what else can help you. Go to the living room and on the coffee table, click on the remote to turn on the TV.
With the TV on, keep clicking until you reach this channel. There, you will see a helpful idea and a phone number.

To call the phone number, go to the phone on the left of the TV and interact with it. You will then see this screen pop up. Input the numbers 321-456 to call the number.

A dragon will then fly to where you are and spew fire all over your house, effectively setting your house on fire. With that done, go back to your father and try telling him you are sick once again.

Amazingly, your father still won’t budge and insists you go to school. Having no choice but to use your godly powers, you will have to go out into the front door and look at the sun.
Yes, you will be pulling the sun closer with your rope. This is the last thing you need to do in order to get the Good Ending…?

Bad Ending
This ending is probably the easiest to achieve out of all the endings in the game. Once you wake up, you can just leave the house and go to the school bus stop that’s on the other side of the street from your house.
You can then interact with the bus stop to go to school, but the game will tell you no.
The game will try to convince you to continue with the game but if you are persistent enough, you can trigger the school bus to appear and go to school, which gives you the Bad Ending.

Good Ending
For the Good Ending, you will have to reach the point where you need to turn on the stove and the faucets in the house.
Instead of doing that, go behind the house and stand outside the window where you can see your father.

You will need to maneuver your camera around so that you can see the father’s face. You can then listen to what he’s saying.

After finding out and the cutscene ends, look around and grab whatever flower looks nice to you. With a flower in hand, you will have to deliver the flower to your mother.

Across the house, you can find a forest. Go inside the forest and keep going straight. The forest will eventually get foggy, but don’t let that stop you.
Keep following the path laid in front of you and it will eventually lead you to the cemetery.

To find your mother’s grave, simply look for the tombstone that has a picture frame next to it. Once you do, approach the grave and deliver the flower.
This will trigger a cutscene, as well as the Good Ending.

Insanity Ending
To get the Insanity Ending, you will need to play through the entire game until you reach the objective where you need to turn on the stove and all of the water faucets in the game.
Once you turn on the water faucet in the bathroom, jump so that you are standing on the sink. You will then get a prompt to look into the mirror.
Hold the prompt and you will witness the son going crazy as he sees his father in himself. This will then break the son and he will go insane, which starts the Insanity Ending.

Now that the son is crazy, he wants to kill his father. But he will need to block all exits to prevent him from escaping.
To do that, you will need to go to the kitchen and break the table. With the table broken, you can use the planks to barricade all exits in the house.

With the planks, you will have to barricade every window and door in the house. Here are the locations and exits you need to barricade in order to prevent the father from escaping:
- Living Room (Windows)
- Kitchen (Windows)
- Kitchen (Garage Door)
- Son’s Bedroom (Window)
- Father’s Bedroom (Window)

Once you have blocked off all exits in the house, you can now carry on with your plan to kill your father.
To do that, you will need to grab the fork that is on the floor from when you broke the table.
With a fork in hand, go back to your father’s bedroom one last time.

While looking at your father, attack him with the fork. He will back away from you at first, but once you keep attacking him, he will start running away from you.
All you have to do is follow him wherever he goes, as there is no way for him to leave the house.

Your father will then resort to hiding in the close of your bedroom. Open the close door and he will beg for mercy, which you do not grant as you finish him off.
Not deciding for a couple seconds will eventually lead to your father killing you, which will result to the Fatal Ending.

After killing your father, the police will arrive and arrest the son. Afterwards, a series of questions will pop up on screen.
You don’t have to answer all of them, but you can choose to. Either way, this leads you to the Insanity Ending.

Fatal Ending
To get the Fatal Ending, you will have to play through the entire game until you get the objective to turn on the stove in the kitchen and all of the faucets in the house to get hot water.
As you are turning on the water faucet in the bathroom, jump onto the sink and stand in front of the mirror. You will then get a prompt to look deep into the mirror.
Holding the prompt will cause the son to start seeing himself turn into his father, which drives the son insane until he eventually breaks the mirror and himself.
With the son now crazy, you are now at the start of the Fatal Ending.

In a fit of insanity, the son wants to kill his father for not allowing him to stay at home. But he needs to keep him trapped inside the house, otherwise he will escape.
To keep the father in the house, you will have to break the table that is found in the kitchen. With the kitchen table destroyed, you now have planks to use and barricade the exits in the house.

Grab the planks and use them to block all exits in the house. That includes doors and windows that are scattered all over different rooms in the house. Here are the locations and exits in the house you can go to and barricade with the planks:
- Living Room (Windows)
- Kitchen (Windows)
- Kitchen (Garage Door)
- Son’s Bedroom (Window)
- Father’s Bedroom (Window)

Now that all of the exits have been blocked, preventing any chances of your father escaping, you can now proceed with killing him. To do that, you will need a weapon.
Go back to where you broke the table and look down. You will find a fork on the ground that you can use to stab your father. With the fork in hand, head to your father’s bedroom for the last time.

Your father will have his back turned to you when you enter. Use that to your advantage and stab him. This will cause the father to back away in fear, shock, and pain.
You can then approach him and stab him again, this time causing him to flee for his life. You won’t have to worry about him escaping, so you can follow him slowly like you’re Michael Myers.

After following your father and stabbing him for a while, he will then resort to hiding in the closet of your bedroom.
Go inside the bedroom and open the closet door. You will then have the prompt to finish him off by getting ready to throw the fork at his head.

Here’s where you will get the opportunity to get the Insanity Ending or Fatal Ending. The Insanity Ending requires throwing the fork at his head and kill him.
But if you don’t press the prompt and not do anything, the prompt will disappear after a few seconds and instead, your father kills you.
You then get the Fatal Ending, which is the last new ending of the game!

Call #1
Before we begin, check out our guide on how to get all of the endings, as you will need to follow some of the steps there first before you can start using the phone.
While playing through the game normally, you will eventually get the objective to “Find something helpful on TV”. Once this happens, don’t proceed to the next step towards the ending yet, as this is the moment when you can do fun stuff with the phone.
When you first turn on the TV, you’re going to see random commercials that sometimes have numbers that you can call on the phone to the left.
For the first one, immediately after turning on the television, you’ll get an ad for electric fans. If you walk over to the phone and dial 532-674, a cutscene will start to play.
Basically, the fan delivery guy will drive towards a path of certain death. Obviously, this won’t really help you with your objective, but it is pretty funny!

Call #2
If you change the channel once more, you’ll see an ad for ice deliveries. To order some for yourself, go to the phone and dial 391-847.
What follows is a fairly long cutscene where the delivery guy will come on over with a block of ice. Unfortunately, it’s way too hot in the area, and the ice melts almost immediately after his arrival.

Call #3
Next up, when you change the channel again, you’ll see an ad for the local fire department. By dialing 911-119 on the phone, a fire truck will immediately burst into the scene.
Unfortunately for you, they aren’t really interested in doing anything about all the fire in the area. Instead, they’ll just rescue a cat stuck in a nearby tree and call it a day.

Call #4
In the next channel, you’ll get an ad for a school bus service. Simply walk on over to the phone and dial 875-137 to hail a bus.
Well, that’s what would have happened if it was a legitimate service. It turns out to be a prank, and a bus will never show up after the call.

Call #5
Next up is the first of the few numbers that you can call that aren’t shown on TV. If you dial 111-111, the phone will ring a few times and somebody will eventually pick up.
A short voice line will play out telling you that you have the wrong number, and the person on the other line will just hang up.

Call #6
After that, you can try calling the number 222-222. A rather posh-sounding man will pick up the phone and claim that they don’t know you before thanking you for your time and hanging up.

Call #7
Next up, by dialing 333-333, you’ll be calling a woman who seems to be really annoyed by telemarketers. Thinking that you’re one of them, she’ll call you a few expletives and just hang up the phone.

Call #8
The next number you can try calling is 555-555. This is the number for the fictional fast food joint called McGonald’s. After telling you that the ice cream machine is broken, the person on the other line will end the call.

Call #9
Next up, you can try dialing the number 666-666. Although you may expect something rather hellish to pick up the phone, it’s just going to be some person saying that your computer has a virus. Your character will immediately put the phone down afterwards.

Call #10
The next number you can try calling is 777-777. Once the person on the other line picks up the phone, they’ll call you the president and almost reveal top secret information before realizing their mistake and hanging up.

Call #11
If you try calling the number 888-888, you’ll get a seemingly normal person on the other line, but their voice will quickly shift into something creepy, and your character will hang up after getting visibly spooked.

Call #12
The number 999-999 will put you in touch with a supposed “comedy hotline” that will try to make you laugh by playing what they claim to be the funniest sound in the world.

Call #13
Finally, you can try to call the number 444-444. This turns out to be the school’s number, and your character will hang up shortly after realizing what they’ve just done.

Call #14
If you want to proceed with the next part of the game and finish the current objective, you must change the channel until you get the dragon advertisement.
There, you’ll see the number 321-456 on the television. Simply dial this number on the phone and you’ll get a short cutscene where a dragon will fly over and breathe fire on your house.
If you want to read more about all the calls in Need More Heat, feel free to check out our dedicated guide for that topic!

Need More Chaos
The game begins with our character waking up and realizing that it is Monday. Like almost every child in the world, he does not want to go to school either. However, the old I’m sick lie is not suitable for his situation, and he cannot repeat the actions of the kid in Need More Heat. Thus, he decides that he needs to show his grandma that he is not fit for school.

Go Talk to Grandma
Your first objective is to talk with your grandma. Leave your room and go to the end of the hall; her room will be the one on your right.

After you ask your grandma if it is okay to skip school for the day, she is obviously not going to let you do that. Well, Grandma, you are going to regret this!

Stick a Fork into the Toaster
If your grandma is not letting you stay at home, and it is too late to act like you are sick, what can you do? Yes! You need to convince her that you are so troubled that you cannot go to school!
Your first objective is to stick a fork into the toaster to show how much of a bad person you are. Leave grandma’s room and head to the kitchen. Then, do what you have to do!

After that, go back and ask your grandma if she’s seen what you’ve done. Unfortunately, she is not going to take you too seriously and tell you to go get ready.

Trample Grandma’s Garden
It looks like Grandma needs more clues to see that you are a crazy kid! Your next move will be trampling her garden; let’s see what she is going to do about that.

Go outside to find your grandma’s lovely farm… Which will not be lovely at all in a couple of seconds. That’s right, trample it and DANCE while those carrots burn!

Go back and check in with your grandma. Surprisingly, she does not care much about her garden and tells you to go get ready again! Ugh, it looks like you need to create even more chaos.

Burn Grandma’s Knits & Throw Her Pillows
Trampling carrots is not enough; you need to burn all of her hard work to skip school! Find the knits behind her and burn them. Then, go to her bed and throw her pillows to the ground.

Turn the TV & Radio Loud
Alright, what is something that old people hate? You are right, loud noises! Go and turn up the volume on the television. That will show her that you are a menace to society.
And please take a minute to appreciate the kitty picture on the television because it looks very cute.

After turning up the volume on the television, turn on the radio as well. After that, go back to your grandma.

Break Every Painting and Light Them on Fire
It seems like your grandma has some hearing issues and does not care about the noise at all. Well, what is she going to do when you harm her precious paintings around the house? Let’s see.
Locate and break nine paintings all around the house.
- Grandma’s Room: There are four paintings; three of them are on the wall behind your grandma. And the other one is by the bed.
- Living Room: Four paintings. Leave the room and turn left to see a guy’s picture. The other three are on the walls.
- Your Room: One silly cat painting.

Take Grandma’s Wig
There is literally a painting burning right next to her, but your grandma still does not care about it at all. Well, take off her wig and see what she is going to do!

Hide the Wig in the Garage
Run to the garage and hide her wig there. The garage door is located right next to the dog picture you burned earlier.

Short Circuit the House
Now, go to her room and start turning the light off and on. Do this until you create a short circuit and the electricity is gone.

Break and Burn Every Window
Your chaos meter is 29%, and it means that you still have a long way to go. That is no problem for a troubled kid like you. Time to burn and break every window in the house! Find all nine of them all around the house.

Grandma will say that you are going to burn the whole place down. Yeah, you should not be that bad! Let’s try something else.

Flood the Bathroom
Go to the bathroom and fill up the bathtub to flood the house. Your grandma does not have to worry about the fire now.

Light the Babies on Fire
Your grandma does not appreciate that you stopped the house from burning down. Well, it is time to go back to burning things, then. This time, you will create chaos for sure. Go to the crib next to your grandma and burn the babies!

Bring a Beehive to Grandma’s Room
Even committing a literal crime does not let you get off the hook? It’s time to annoy her even more, then. Go outside, get a beehive from the tree, and bring it back to your grandma as a gift 🙂

Call a Construction Company
Well, you know what, grandma? You do not appreciate anything I do and still want me to go to the school? Things are going to go down now! Call the construction company to bulldoze the house down, that will teach her a lesson.
You can find the phone right next to the door of the bathroom.

Spawn the Invisible Car & Drive to the Tunnel
The house is gone, but school is still out there somewhere. You know what, skipping school for one day is not enough. You should burn the world to get rid of the school forever!!!
Spawn the invisible car by pressing the E key, and get in kid. We are going to burn the world down. Drive the car to the tunnel once you get in.

Launch World Ending Nuke…
Luckily, there is a nuke center right next to your house! You are one lucky kid. Time to launch it to end the world forever.

There are three endings you can get in the game right now. These are Good Ending, Bad Ending, and Liar’s Ending.
Good Ending
Once you follow all the steps we provided above and send the world-ending nuke to the earth, you will get rid of going to school. Just like that, you will reach 900000100% chaos points and you will get a good ending in the game.

Bad Ending
When you are burning the paintings down in the house, the school bus will come in front of your house. If you want to be a boring kid who just accepts his fate, go to the bus and get in to get a bad ending.
Why would anyone want to go to school, if there is a big event like Ariana Grande performing a show? Well, it’s your choice though.

Liar’s Ending
If you think that your grandma is extremely annoying for not letting you stay at home, you are going to love this ending. After burning the babies, go to the phone and call 911. Inform them that your grandma just burned babies! What a cruel woman.

The swat team will arrive very soon and arrest your grandma. This way, you are going to get the Liar’s Ending.
If you feel sad for her, remember that she actually did not do to put out the flames either. Grandma was acting very sus about all the fire too!

Kidnapped Ending
There’s a new Kidnapped Ending, and here are the steps to get it:
- Reach the moment when you’re supposed to spawn the car.
- Spawn the car, but take a different route by walking through the tunnel.
- Engage in a conversation with the hatted man inside the tunnel and follow the game’s instructions for a thrilling new conclusion!
These are all the endings you can get in Need More Chaos. We actually can confirm that this kid in this game is the craziest one among all the other need more games.
Need More Milk
At the start of the game, your first objective will be to check where the sound is coming from. Simply go out of your room and enter the one right across it.
Upon entering the room, your character will be incredibly angry at his son for some reason, and he’ll exclaim that he needs to find more milk.

Next, go to the kitchen and grab your coffee from the microwave. After that, you must sit in front of the table and wait a few seconds to drink it.
After drinking the cup of coffee, your character will stand up and you’ll get your next objective, which will be to turn off the lights by interacting with the power generator in the backyard.
Simply step outside of the house and walk all the way to the back. There, you’ll find the generator that you have to click on in order to get your next objective.

Good Ending (Sad)
After turning off the power generator, you can go ahead and leave the town to get your first good-ish ending.
Just walk to the front of the house and keep following the road forward. Walk right into the tunnel where the sign saying “Leaving Noobz Town” is pointing.

Eventually, you will run into a tombstone with a rose on the ground, and your character will be crying. Interact with the rose to get what is supposedly a Good Ending, wherein you return home.

Fatal Ending
For this ending, just follow the same steps up until you shut off the power generator. Once the power has been cut, return inside the house.
Once inside, go to your son’s room and your character will notice that little Timmy is acting a bit strange. After that, you’ll be teleported into a red room where Timmy will eventually killyou.

Other Supposedly Good Ending
To get what is supposedly another Good Ending, follow the same steps up until you turn off the power generator. After that, walk on over to the milk vendor right beside the tunnel leading out of town.

Since you cannot afford to buy any of his milk, your next option will be to run to the right and speak to the raccoon sitting on the throne.
He will then teleport you to the so-called milk god, where you will have all of the absolute best milk that you can get. This is apparently also a Good Ending.

Har Har Ending
For this one, after the part where you check where the sound is coming from, walk straight to the living room and interact with the object right beside the television.
Upon interacting with this object, you will get a game over screen with the text “Har Har”, as well as a short voice line that sounds like it’s making fun of you.

Mario Ending
For the Mario Ending, after shutting off the power generator, walk over to the green tunnel to the left of the milk vendor. Walk right past the sign saying “Forest Way” and keep going forward.

At the end of this path, you’ll find a green pipe that you can jump into. This will teleport you to a new location where you have to climb the tower. Upon reaching the top, you will get the Mario Ending.

Rock Ending
To get this one, follow the usual steps in the other ending up until the part where you have to shut off the power generator.
Instead of doing that, talk to the Cool Rock right beside the lamp post that is near the power generator switch. It will tell you that you can get another ending by flushing the toilet.
With this knowledge, you can go back to the house and enter the bathroom just between your room and Timmy’s room. Flush the toilet to get an ending.

Among Us Ending
Finally, for this secret ending in Need More Milk, you don’t even have to check where the sound is coming from. Once the game starts, simply head to the bathroom and interact with the little Among Us character in the corner.

Need More Snacks
Need More Snacks looks like a simple game and when you follow the missions you might think that’s it. The game has a lot of different endings that are outside the main one if you explore a bit. Here are all of the endings you can get in the game.
Good Ending
The standard ending that you get when you follow the missions. When you wake up, go outside of the house and go straight to the area shown below. Once you go through the path, head to the left to a store.

When you see the store, go inside it using the door as shown below. You’ll need to interact with the door to open it, but it’ll stay open the entire game.

Go to the very back of the store to the right and there in the middle of the aisles is a bag of chips. Interact with it to eat a snack and then go back to the house and sleep on your bed.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see a dream sequence with a dark fiery figure. After you wake up, you’ll get another mission to get some snacks.

After waking up from the dream sequence, you’ll have another mission and it’s the same as the previous one. Go out of the house and head to the store to get some snacks. This time, the snacks are on the 3rd Row in the middle of the store.

Go back to the house and then head to your bed and a small cutscene will play where your parents will check on you. Once that’s done, you’ll get a good ending!

Professional Musician Ending
To get this ending, when you start the game go to your parent’s room. When you leave your room and look down the hallway, their room is the second door to the right.
Once you’re inside, interact with the piano in the room to get the ending!

Kidnapped Ending
For this ending, you’ll need to start the game and once you have the mission to get the first snack, head to the store.
Instead of going to the store for a snack, head to the white van next to the store. Interact with the van and you’ll get this ending!

Bad Ending
For this ending, you’ll need to progress the game until you get the second snack. Once you’ve eaten the second snack and head home, instead of going to sleep, interact with the knife as shown below.
It’s on the counter in the living room next to the bowl of fruit; A cutscene will play and you’ll get the bad ending afterwards!

Nutricious Ending
No, I didn’t misspell that, that’s the name of this ending. When you start the game, instead of going to the store for the snack interact with the bowl of fruit in the house. Once you interact with it, you’ll get this ending.

Lazy Ending
This ending is also as simple as the previous one. When you start the game, instead of heading to get some snacks, just sleep on the couch in the living room. You’re just too lazy to get snacks!

Pain Ending
With this ending, you’ll need to go out of the house at the start and stand in the middle of the road. A car will then spawn and crash into you. Now, you know why the ending is called that way!

Honest Ending
For this next ending, you’ll need to get the first snack at the start of the game. After eating the first snack, instead of going back to the house, talk to the guy at the store counter to confess.
You’ve never paid for those snacks, so time to be honest and get this ending!

Disgusting Ending
For this ending – when you get the mission to get the first snack, instead of going to the store, head outside your house. When you leave the house, head to the left.
There, you’ll find a trash can next to your house with a fish on the ground. Eat it to get this achievement!

Golden Apple Ending
Remember the white van for the Kidnapped ending? Well, for this ending, you need to go behind that van, and on one of the trees is a golden apple. Interact with it to get this ending.

Piggy Toy Ending
When you get out of the house at the first mission of the game, look to the left. Below one of the trees across the street is a piggy toy. Interact with that toy to get this ending.

Sugar Rush Ending
For this ending, go through the game as normal by going to the store at the start. Instead of heading to the back to get a snack, instead eat the candies on the counter of the store.
This will give you the Sugar Rush Ending since the character will eat the entire bowl of candy!

Lemonade Ending
For this ending, when you start the game and head outside of the house, go to the left. Across the street, beyond the bus stop bench is a lemonade stand.
Interact with the person there to buy some lemonade and get this ending!

Gamer Ending
To get this ending, when you get out of bed to get the first snack, instead of heading out, go to the computer in your room.
Interact with the computer to get the Gamer Ending where you just play games instead of getting a snack!

Ran Away Ending
To get the last ending on the list, when you wake up and get out of bed at the start of the game, head outside.
Then, go to the left following the sidewalk and interact with the bus stop shown below just near the lemonade stand. This will give you the Ran Away Ending in Need More Snacks!

No More Vegetables
The game begins with you waking up in your plain, kind of messy room. Then, you will need to go downstairs to talk with your mother.

Unfortunately, your mother made you vegetable soup for this morning. She says that she and your father are planning to go vegan. What is even worse is that they want you to join them as well.
Vegan or not, who would like to drink vegetable soup every morning? You are right to be angry! However, you cannot do anything at this point. Your mother asks you to go clean your room, so you need to go back to your room to do some tidying up.

Once you have had your talk with your mother, simply go back to your room. You are going to see your objective in the upper-right corner of your screen. To complete this objective, you will need to collect seven items around your room. They are pretty easy to locate; all of them are on the ground.

After that, you can go back downstairs. Now, you are going to try to hide your vegetable soup to avoid drinking it. Take the bowl off the table and throw it inside the trash can in front of the counter. You should throw it inside the left trash can.

Then, go ahead and open the fridge. You are going to take out all the vegetables in the fridge and throw them all in the same trash can as the soup. Once you are done, go back to your room to act like you did not do anything.

There are six endings you can get in No More Vegetables. We are going to talk about how to get each one of them separately.
Shoplifter Ending
The first ending we are going to cover is the shoplifter ending. After throwing out the veggies and pretending to be asleep, your father will come and ask you to go to the nearby grocery store to buy some new vegetables.
Take the cash and the shopping list from the side table next to your bed. Then, go downstairs to leave the house. You are going to see the store right across your house.

In order to get the shoplifter ending, pick up one of the items on the list and add it to your cart. After that, just try to leave the store without paying for it. The store owner will pull up a gun, and you are going to get an ending.

Oof Ending
For this ending, take the cash and the list on the table once more after your father asks you to go to the store. Go downstairs and leave the house, but do not get into the store. You are going to see a homeless man in front of the store. Talk to him; he will ask you to give him 20 dollars.
After you give the homeless man money, he is going to give you a key. This key is, surprisingly, the key to your parents’ room. Go back to the house and unlock their room; your parents’ room is located on the right side of your own room.

Inside, you are going to find a letter. This letter says that Vegecorp is after your family and tries to brainwash all of you. After reading it, go back to the homeless man and talk to him about it.
The homeless man will tell you the location of the Vegecorp, which is pretty close. Go in the direction of the tunnel on your left, turn right, and slide under the gap there to get inside the building.

After passing a couple of boxes, you are going to find Vegecorp. Place the TNT that the homeless man gave you. As soon as you interact with it, a countdown will start.
In order to get the Oof ending, do not leave the building and wait until it blows up.

Bad Ending
To get the bad ending in the game, you should accept your fate. After cleaning up your room, go downstairs and walk towards the table. Then, eat your vegetable soup. Your whole body will turn green, and you are going to get a bad ending.

Good Ending
Now, there is still a way for you to end this game with a good ending. In order to achieve this, take a look at the house and try to find as much cash as you can when your father asks you to go to the store.
Take a look at each drawer to find more cash. You should have around $50 in cash in total. Once you have this amount, head to the store and purchase everything on the list.

Then, take the paper bag and leave the store. Of course, it would not be a good ending if you were going to simply go back to your house.
Turn left, and you are going to see a trash bin right there. Throw the veggies you just bought into the trash can.

Now you’ve got rid of the new vegetables too. However, it is still not enough; you should get rid of the whole possibility of the vegetables! Go back to the store and take a look at the shelf at the back; you are going to see a flamethrower there.

Purchase the flamethrower and leave the store. Now, go back to your house and go to the backyard. Start burning every vegetable on your parents’ little farm.

Then, keep using your flamethrower on every tree around. You should burn every single one of them for it to work. Once you do that, the ground will turn brown. Just like that, you will never have to worry about veggies anymore, and you will get a good ending.

Grosseries Ending
This ending is pretty self-explanatory. In order to get this one, take the shopping list and cash and go to the store. Simply purchase everything on the list and bring it to your house.
Once you are there, your mother will greet you and say that thanks to you, they have lots of vegetables to make vegetable soup now. You are going to regret your actions and get the grosseries ending.

Grounded Ending
We know you were curious about the text on top of the two bins. In this ending, you are going to see the difference between two trash cans.
In order to get this ending, when you need to hide or throw your vegetable soup and all the veggies in the fridge, do not throw them into the right trash bin. Instead, throw them inside the one on the left.

Then, just go back to your room to pretend to be asleep. This time, your mother will come, and she will scold you for throwing the vegetables. After that, you are going to get a grounded ending in No More Vegetables!

Weird Strict Cashier
The game will start with you entering the grocery shop. This big and poorly lit shop is already giving us the creeps. Your first objective is to clock in. Throughout the game, you are going to see an exclamation mark that shows you the exact location you are going to need to go to complete the objective.
For this one, the exclamation mark will lead you to the right corner of the store. Before heading to the staff room, make sure to grab a cup on the shelf to your right and pour some water for yourself. You are going to need to keep yourself hydrated to win this game.

One other thing you should grab before clocking in is the gas can. This one will be located near the shelves and the water bottle.
Once you have everything you need, head inside the staff room and clock in. The items in front of this room is going to be pretty crucial for you for the rest of the game, so make sure to collect everything you can collect.

Fix the Poster & Clean the Trash
Your first objective after clocking in will be to fix the poster. Remember that you can follow the exclamation mark to find the location of the objective.
The next objective is to take out the trash. You are going to find three trash bags around the store. Interacting with them will be enough to complete the objective.

Check the Store Cameras
After you are done with the trash, the fun will finally begin! Go back to the staff room that you checked in earlier and check out the store cameras.
Once you do that, you are going to see that your co-worker just got… somehow possessed by a dark soul. This objective is going to be important because the actual game will begin after this one. So make sure that you are ready to run for your life after this objective.

Rules & Instructions
After you witness your co-worker getting possessed, the real game will begin. From that point on, you should focus on three things. Check out the list below to see what you need to do.
- Survive until 6 A.M. Complete your objectives for cash. The objectives will change in each playthrough; only the person who completes the objective gets cash.
- Find burgers on the ground to eat. You can drink water outside of your office and refill the generator. The generator is close to the poster you fixed earlier.
- Do not get caught by the cashier. You can purchase items in the pre-run shop to help you.
These rules are pretty similar to Weird Strict Teacher, or Weird Strict Hotel Mom.

As we stated in the list above, the objectives will change for each player. This means that you are going to have a unique game experience when you play the game. However, you do not need to worry too much about it.
Just like before, each objective will be marked with an exclamation mark. Therefore, you can easily see where you need to go.

However, you should be extra careful and not only focus on finishing the objectives. Remember that your weird, strict cashier co-worker is on his way to kill you whenever he can!
Remember that you need to drink, eat, and keep the generators working to be able to survive until the morning. There are three bars on the left bottom of your screen. These will show you your stamina, thirst, and hunger levels.
The gas can for the generator will be located in front of the staff room.

If you run out of stamina, you are not going to be able to run away from the cashier. You might not see him around while you are trying to finish your objectives, or trying to fulfill your needs.
Your screen will tingle whenever he is close to you. This is your cue to run without looking back! When you see that, make sure to get away from the location you were in as soon as possible. Remember that you are going to lose the game immediately if he catches you. However, you will also lose if any of your needs go to zero.

As the game continues, you are going to get more objectives. Thus, it is not going to be possible for you to finish the game earlier. You need to survive until 6 A.M., and there is no quick way of doing it.
You can check the hour by looking at the top of your screen. This way, you can have an idea of how much time you need to deal with this crazy man. Do not neglect your needs no matter what time is it. If you do that, you might die before you even know it.

Getting the Ending in Weird Strict Cashier
Just like this, you are going to get an ending in Weird Strict Cashier. All you need to do is survive until the morning, keep finishing your objectives, and take care of your needs. We hope you can get rid of your weird co-worker!
Weird Silly Sensei
The game immediately drops you into the thick of things without even an intro. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about Gogo yet. As with the other games under the same genre, you’ll have to complete a few preliminary tasks first before things start to get wild.
For your initial objective, you will have to clean up the bags of garbage scattered throughout the house that you seem to be trapped in.
The first two piles are immediately to your right upon spawning in. Quickly clean them up so you can get to the next ones.

Trash Piles #3 & 4
The next pile of garbage is immediately in the next room that you see upon turning around. It’s right out in the open in what appears to be a living room.
There is also another one in the corner of the room, which you might not be able to see immediately as it’s hidden behind all the furniture.

Trash Piles #5 & 6
The next room beside the living room is the kitchen. Here, you will immediately find two piles of garbage. One is on the floor, while the other is on top of a counter.
Take note of where this room is, as it will come in handy later for when your hunger starts becoming a problem.

Trash Piles #7, 8, and 9
Go back to the room that you spawned in and climb up the stairs. Immediately, you will be faced with the seventh trash pile.
After that, the next two piles of rubbish will be right in this little hallway. Quickly clean them all up so we can proceed to the last two.

Trash Pile #10 & 11
The last two piles can be found in each of the rooms in this upper floor. Immediately after opening each door, you should immediately spot them.
The door at the end of the hallway leads to the TV Room, while the one immediately to the right of the stairs is the bedroom. Remember these for later.

Cooking a Meal
After cleaning up all of the trash piles in the house, go back to the kitchen. Get raw ramen from the fridge and cook it on the stove.
Once the bowl of ramen has been cooked, put it on the table right behind you and eat it. This will refill your hunger meter, which is something to keep in mind for later.
If you want to prepare in advance, you can also start cooking more bowls of ramen and placing them all around the table. This ensures that you have a decent stock ready once the horror starts.

Checking the Generator
Exit the kitchen and go through the living room. Back at the place where you spawned in, you will find the generator, which has gas cans right beside it.
Pick up one of the gas cans and refill the generator. This is another thing to remember for later. After doing that, a cutscene will play out.

The Real Game Begins
Once the cutscene ends, the real game will begin soon. A tutorial will pop up on your screen telling you all of the mechanics that you have to consider throughout the night.

Before we talk about these mechanics, you must first run to each room and flip the light switch in every single one of them.
They’re not particularly hidden as they stick out a lot due to the color of the walls. Start from the kitchen and work your way through every single location, ending in the TV room.

After turning off all the lights, you should be in the TV room now. Go ahead and sit on the couch to start watching the CCTV, where another cutscene will play out.
Once the cutscene ends, Gogo will start rushing into the house like a maniac on the hunt. Very quickly turn the TV on and sit back down on the couch.
Within mere seconds, Gogo will be in the room with you, where he will check whether you are “training” or not. Keep this up until the task on the right hand side of the screen shifts to “Survive the Night”.

From this point onwards, you can start turning the lights back on all around the house to make it easier for yourself.
Following this first chase by Gogo, the actual game begins for real now. Basically, you just have to survive until 6 AM. Along the way, you have to do the following:
- Keep your hunger topped up by cooking and eating bowls of ramen at the kitchen.
- Thirst is also refilled in the kitchen. Just interact with the water dispenser there.
- Cursed Energy is topped up by sleeping in any of the beds inside the room right next to the TV room.
- Make sure that the generator does not fall down to zero, or else your oxygen will start depleting.
Gogo will be floating in the living room whenever he is not chasing you, so try to time your trips to the kitchen just after he goes inactive. This will help ensure your safety as you eat or drink there.
Ending of Weird Silly Sensei
That is pretty much it for the game. Once 6 AM hits, a short and silly cutscene with a reference to Jujutsu Kaisen will play, and you’re free to try another run afterwards in Weird Silly Sensei.
Weird Strict Teacher
The game starts with you finally being home. You immediately have objectives that you need to clear, similar to the other weird strict games:
- Remove Trash (6).
- Cook Egg. Grab the egg from the fridge and cook them on the stove. Interact with the dining table to eat the egg.
- Rest. Interact with the sofa to take a nap.
- Check your phone. Bring it up by clicking 1 from your inventory.
- Wash your face. Interact with the sink to wash your face.
- Tired af. Interact with the sofa again to sleep.
- Prepare item. Now we’re going to prepare for the core gameplay. Open the door on the right for the Flashlight and the left for 2 Batteries. Once you’re prepared, leave the house.

Basics of the Game
Once you leave, you’ll be teleported to the school and have to prepare for the night. Follow the exclamation marks to know your way to the Generator which is under the stairs.
Then interact witth Library during the Find Your Backpack objective. This will prompt you to find the key to the door which is inside the Akuntan Class next door.

Open the Library and grab your backpack inside.
Next you’ll have to head into the cafeteria by following the exclamation mark. Grab the food, water (remember to fill it from the dispenser), and medicines. This is where you remember where to get everything from.
Afterward, the game will introduce you to the monster by making you look into the hole. And then you have to confront it on the 2nd floor. For your first chase, the game will show you where to hide, which is the lockers.
Tips & Tricks
Good news: Unlike most Weird Strict games, the monster is not always going around. You only haave to hide when there’s an alarm and the “HIDE FROM THE MONSTER” notification is out.

Until 6AM, all you have to do is basically alternate between upstairs and downstairs depending on your needs. Make sure to wait for the monster to pass by in front of your locker before you come out.
The Generator is not necessary especially since the area isn’t as dark even without lights.
And that’s how you can win Weird Strict Teacher. As the game declares that being the completion of Chapter 1, there’s a possibility for more chapters in the future. So, stay tuned!
Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Night 1 to 5
The game consists of 5 nights, and at the end of Night 5, there is a challenging boss fight. We’ll discuss tips and tricks that can help you survive for each encounter. There are other Weird Strict Hotel Guard games too – such as the one discussed in our Chapter 2 Walkthrough.
Night 1
Starting off, you exit the elevator and are greeted by a seemingly nice hotel guard. After some dialogue, he asks that you help him clean up the corridors.

So, your first task is to pick up all the trash you see in the corridors. Simply approach a pile and press the E key to pick them up.

After that, you’ll be asked to go to your room, which is the one marked by the giant 4 next to it.

After a warning from the Hotel Guard, you will be greeted with the following screen. It outlines all the survival objectives you’ll need to complete.
We suggest you familiarize yourself with them, especially for Night 1. Make sure you keep a constant eye on your Hunger Bar in the bottom left corner of the map.

As the night progresses, the Hotel Guard will get aggressive with you when he hears noises. When this happens, you’ll hear chase music and a big indicator saying RUN above your screen.
Whenever this happens, always run to your room and get into bed. Preferably, you want to get into the bed next to the phone.

This is because you will constantly have to deal with devices that make noise. Ideally, you want to turn them off as soon as they ring. Otherwise, the Hotel Guard will continue to get more aggressive with you as time progresses.
There are two devices you’ll need to take care of:
- Telephone in your room
- Radio in the corridor, across the room.
With some practice, you can coordinate your movement to ensure you turn them off instantly. For example, turn the telephone when you’re in bed and turn the radio off when you are going outside to get food.

Your hunger bar will continue to deplete with time. So when the coast is clear and there’s some time left until the noise goes off. Go to the vending machines outside to get food.
Ideally, you want to eat as much as you can. So, if there’s time, consider eating multiple times before returning to your room.
In the later hours, the guard will get very aggressive, which will make it difficult to get food. So a full Hunger Bar can ensure you survive the final hours. Survive until 6AM and you’ll have gotten through Night 1!

Night 2
Night 2 will start off with another Hotel Guard greeting you. After some dialogue, where he suggests the main Hotel Guard has gone somewhere, he’ll give you some tasks. Your task will be to restock vending machines.

To restock the vending machines, you first need to pick up a box. You can find boxes in the corridor. Pick one up and bring it to a vending machine.

When you are in front of a vending machine with a box, hold E to restock the vending machine. You’ll need to repeat this same step twice.

After that, return to Room 4 again, like you did the previous night. The guard will also give you a warning to not leave your room. After that, you will be met with your new objectives.

Everything is pretty much the same, except for the addition of the Guard Room. You will want to focus primarily on this objective, while ensuring you still survive.

Initially, you should follow the same tips outlined in Night 1. It’ll be slightly more difficult, however, since the vending machine will be a bit further and right next to the sleeping guard. So, make sure you turn off all devices before you go to get food.

Once you’re used to getting food, you should be able to pickpocket the guard. He’ll be sleeping right next to the vending machine.
When the coast is clear, approach him and hold the E key to start the pickpocketing process. The meter does take a few seconds to fill up, so keep that in mind before you initiate the process.

Once you have the key, you can now open the Guard Office, which is Room 10. However, do not attempt to open it yet, since the meter for unlocking takes time to open too.
By that time, the guard will get aggressive and chase you down.
Instead, return to your room and turn off all devices. If he comes for you, hide in bed. Once everything is clear, now go to the Guard Room and open it.

Inside the Guard Room, you will see a Closet Door. This closet door can make the rest of the night a breeze, as you can simply hide inside it.
You can ignore all the devices that ring now. When he gets aggressive, just hide inside the closet.
Just make sure you keep an eye on your Hunger Bar. You will need to periodically leave the closet to get food from the vending machine. Besides that, just stay in the closet until 6AM and you’ll win!

Night 3
The original Hotel Guard will return for Night 3. After some suspicious dialogue, he’ll ask you to clean the Guard Room, which is Room 10.

Enter Room 10, and clear all the trash inside the room. You will see a bunch of dead rats too, that will be a sign of what’s coming ahead.

Once you clean up the room, make sure you take the key from the table. You’ll need this key to open the Guard Room that is crucial for your survival.
There’s a secret jump scare in the closet too. *SPOILER ALERT* Opening it will reveal a giant rat that will disappear almost immediately.

Before you return to your room, make sure you open the Guard Room. It will save you valuable time when surviving Night 3, which can get very intense.

After another dialogue with the Hotel Guard, Night 3 will begin with the following objectives. As you can see, there is the addition of rats, as well as another noise device.

So, the first thing you want to do is to keep an eye on the ground when in the corridors. Rats will spawn pretty frequently, and can hurt you if you are not paying attention. If you do see one, make sure you kill them by holding E.

Additionally, there will be another device creating noise that you’ll need to be careful about. It’s an additional telephone that can be found inside the Guard Room, where the closet is.
Speaking of phones, did you know you can actually call numbers on the phone in Weird Strict Dad?

The strategy for surviving the night is similar to the one used when you got access to the Guard Room in Night 2. You want to ignore all the devices in the bedroom. Instead, focus on the hiding in the closet, turning off the Guard Room phone when it rings, and eating food.
It will be a lot harder to leave the Guard Room. So, we suggest that you always eat multiple times and even bring extra food when returning from the vending machine. When the clock hits 6AM, you will have passed the challenge!
If you’re tired of this gameplay formula at this point – you might want to try the Dead by Daylight style game mode in Weird Strict Dad.

Night 4
When you exit the elevator in Night 4, you will already see that something is very off. There will be a new Rat Infest Area that is blocked off.
Additionally, there will be a lot more trash and dead bodies in the entire map. You will need to clean up all the trash, and there will be a lot of it.
Simply approach the trash and hold E to pick it up, as you have done many times in the other Nights.

Once all the trash is taken care of, go to the Guard Room. You want to ensure that you take the key and unlock the room while you are leaving.

Returning to the room will show you the following objectives. The new objective requires you to get access to the Rats Infest area by breaking through it.

So, the first thing you want to do is make a beeline towards the elevator, where the guard will be sleeping on the couch.
There will be a hammer that you can take by holding E.

After that, you can attempt to break the wooden boards on the Rat Infest area. We suggest that you go to the Guard Room once, just to ensure that you do not get caught out. Otherwise, if you are quick, you can do it one go.
You will need to break the Wood on the Rat Infest area five times. After that, there will be a loud noise that will not wake the Guard up if you are worried about that.

Inside the Rat Infest area there will be a small room that leads to the locked gate. You can actually spend the rest of the Night here without worrying about any of the devices. Make sure that you kill any passing Rats as they can sometimes come inside and hurt you.

The only reason to go out will be to get food from the vending machine near the elevator. Be careful when you do this, as three ringing devices will mean the Guard will be very aggressive.
We suggest taking extra food as it can get very difficult to eat during the later hours.
When you reach 6AM you will pass the challenge! Just one more night left – but don’t worry, you can play other games in the series like Weird Strict Grandma!

Night 5
Night 5 is the final night of the game, and by far the most different one. The night will start off like any other, as you are given tasks to do by the Hotel Guard.

You will need to clean up your room. There will be a lot of trash and dead rats that you will need to clear here.

Once you’ve cleaned things up, you will need to go back to your Room. After getting your final warning, leave your room and make your way to the Rats Infest area. It will still be open after you broke through the previous night.

The moment you enter inside, you’ll see the Run warning followed by the chase music. Be sure to open the Gate immediately and Run!
You’ll be chased through a series of corridors, where you’ll have to open more gates. Don’t turn back and just keep running!

At the end of the chase, you’ll be locked behind a gate by the Hotel Guard.
After his dialogue, make sure that you go to the nearby vending machine and replenish your hunger to full.

After that, you want to follow the arrows marked in the corridors. Be careful, as you will be chased by a Giant rat at certain points here. Either run as fast as you can, or initiate the chase and move back to let the rat go ahead.

As you follow the directions, you will need to go across some platforms in a sickly green liquid. Make sure you time your jumps right, so you don’t fall in!

After you go through the gate ahead, make sure you get some food and replenish your Hunger. It’s because there is a Boss Fight coming ahead, and you want to be prepared for it!

Final Boss Fight
The final boss fight will have you fighting a giant version of the Hotel Owner. Things are about to get really intense!

Starting off, you want to familiarize yourself with his attacks. Initially, he will have two attacks. The first one involves him firing green projectiles that you can dodge by jumping or moving to the side. Make sure you are always moving to avoid them.
Additionally, he will also spawn rats that fall from the sky. These rats will follow you, do not go near them or they will damage you.

There are four vending machines in the area. Make sure you replenish your health as them when you find an opportunity.
The best moment to eat food is usually when the Boss is stuck in the animation of spawning rats.

After a few attacks, he will go into a pose where he bends down and grabs his face. Go near him and press the button to punch him.
Each punch will do a certain amount of damage. You want to punch him as many times as possible before he returns to normal.

After some time, he will start using another attack which is a laser. While firing the laser, he will move quickly in a circle. This is by far the hardest attack to avoid, as you will need to jump at the right time to dodge it.

Keep dodging the attacks and punching him when he goes into a vulnerable state. Doing so will allow you to eventually defeat him.
Once he dies, you can leave the area by going to the light at the end of the open gate. Here, you will be met with the only ending of the game. You’re finally free of the hotel!

That’s everything you need to know about Weird Strict Hotel Guard. We have gone through all the nights to ensure that you can beat each of them and their unique challenges. Quite a larger game compared to other Weird Strict games, but still quite fun. It also has a lot of lore with an emotional ending at the end!
Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Chapter 2
Weird Strict Hotel Guard Chapter 2 starts off with you meeting the Hotel Guard in a cutscene. You’ll be asked to help him out by picking up some trash.
The task is pretty simple, all you need to do is find trash piles around the corridors. You can find multiple pretty easily and all you have to do is pick them up by holding E.

Once the trash is taken care of, you will need to go to Room number 3. You’ll be able to find it by the number indicated on the right side of the door.

Once you enter the door, it’ll start off another gruesome cutscene where the Hotel Guard is killed by the monster. After that, the actual challenge of Chapter 2 begins, and you’ll have to survive the night.
The below image shows the main things you will need to focus on. But it misses another very important aspect: Turn off the Radio and Phone.
You can find both of these devices in your Room and will need to pay close attention to them too.

The first thing you want to do is immediately head outside and get food from the vending machine. Of course, while you do this, pay special attention to the sound. The monster will generally make a notable sound when he is heading to the room, which includes loud stomping.
Always make sure you top off your Hunger, and then take some extra food that you can hold in your hand. In this way, you can get some additional food later on without having to leave the room.
Towards the later hours, you might not be able to get food frequently, so keep that in mind. In such cases, we recommend that you eat food twice from the vending machine, and keep a third one for later.

Once you have the food, you should immediately make your way to bed. The bed will allow you to keep your energy while also ensuring that you can hide from the monster. By spending the majority of your time here, you can ensure your survival.

The only real problem is the devices in your room that will periodically make sounds, such as the phone and radio. Familiarize yourself with them in your room, and make sure you are in a good position to turn them off immediately.
Almost always, the monster will head to your room when these devices make sounds. Turn them off and immediately head to bed. You can actually turn off the phone from the bed too which is super convenient.

When he does head to the room, you will know by the sound he makes and the loud stomping that follows. Make sure you stay in bed when he comes in and as it’ll serve as a hiding spot.

Keep in mind that he will get a lot more aggressive during the final hours.
It’s why managing your hunger and stamina at the start is so important, as it’ll help you push through in the end.
However, once you reach the 6AM mark, Chapter 2 will end, and you will have finished it successfully!

Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Become Guard Gamemode
As the game suggests, one of the players will become the guard in this new game mode. The tenants will need to keep themselves alive until the morning while trying to stay out of the guard’s sight. And the guard is going to try to look for them inside the hotel, catch them, and… let’s say he will put the tenants to sleep.
There are three different endings in the game: one is that the guard wins, and the other two happen when the tenants do. Whether you are a guard or tenant, we will provide you with all the information you need to learn to get each ending.

Ending #1: Hotel Guard Wins
This ending will occur when the hotel guard wins the game. When you become the guard in this game mode, your task will be pretty simple: get the tenants before they can complete their tasks.

If it is your first time playing Weird Strict Hotel Guard, there are a couple of things you need to know before you start doing your task. The first thing is that you are going to need to sleep in between your tasks to maintain your energy.
This part is similar to Chapter 2 of Weird Strict Hotel Guard, just like you do in that game, you should always be careful with how much energy you have. The energy feature is not going to be applied to both parties. This means that tenants do not have to worry about their energy.

However, similar to the energy feature, the tenants will have a hunger bar on the left bottom of their screens. Therefore, they will need to leave their beds to get some food to satisfy their hunger.
You can sleep on either the couch or one of the beds. To keep their energy levels up, the tenants will need to leave their beds. However, if you cannot catch them while they are up, you will not be able to kill them. Remember that you cannot get them if they are sleeping. You need to catch them in action.

The guard’s spawn point and the tenant’s are obviously different from each other. Thus, you can go and take a look at where they are at the beginning of the game. If they are experienced, you will probably find them sleeping.

Close their door and stay in front of the room for a while. Remember that they can hear your footsteps. Some of them will eventually have to get out of the room to get some food. Catch them as soon as you see them.

Just like that, you are going to try to catch them one by one. If you cannot get all of them until the morning, you will lose.

Ending #2: Tenants Win
If you are playing the game as a tenant, you are going to be a little more cautious. Luckily, all you need to do is survive until the morning to win the game.

Remember that the guard will have to go to sleep for a while to maintain their energy. It will be your cue to go get some food for yourself. If you try to sleep all night, you will die from hunger.

Once you manage to keep yourself alive until 6 AM, you will win Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Become Guard Gamemode.
Hotel Guard Dies
Another way for tenants to win is when the hotel guard dies. The tenants cannot kill the guard on their own. However, if he goes too long without sleeping, the guard will lose all his energy and die on the spot.

Weird Strict Scientist
After the fairly long intro cutscene, you are thrown into the lab and will have to complete a few objectives before the real fun starts.
Clean Leaked Chemical Puddles
A few seconds after the cutscene, you will get your first task, which will be to clean leaked chemicals that can be found all around the laboratory. The six puddles that will spawn can be found in the following locations:
Leaked Chemical Puddle #1
The very first puddle of leaked chemicals will spawn right on top of where you spawned, directly in front of the jail cell where your mom is being held captive.

Leaked Chemical Puddle #2
Next up, climb up the stairs and immediately enter the room to your right. This is the bathroom, which will come into play later on.
The second puddle will be on the ground right in the middle of the room. Go and clean that up and again, don’t forget where this bathroom is!

Leaked Chemical Puddle #3
After leaving the bathroom, turn right and enter the first door to your right, which should automatically open and lead into a staircase going down.
This is the kitchen, which will play a very important role later on. The third puddle is, once again, in the middle of the room, so go clean that up!

Leaked Chemical Puddle #4
Immediately after going back up the stairs and exiting through the door, the fourth puddle will be right in front of you, in the middle of the main hallway beside a large statue.

Leaked Chemical Puddle #5
From the previous puddle, turn right and enter the door at the end of the hallway. The fifth puddle will be in the middle of the room just down the staircase.

Leaked Chemical Puddle #6
The sixth and final puddle can be found in the room where you will be making medicine later. Upon exiting back into the hallway from the previous puddle, go to the only room to your right.
After going down the stairs, the last puddle can be found right behind the table in the middle of the room. Clean that up to get your next objective!

Storage Room Box
Your next objective will be to take the box fromthe storage room. After exiting the medicine room where the last puddle was, turn right and go back into the room where the fifth puddle was.
An exclamation mark icon will help guide you, so just follow that to get to the box that you need to pick up. After taking the box, return to the medicine room and interact with the table.

Feeding Mom for the First Time
After restocking the medicine, your next objective will be to feed mom in her jail cell. Return to the kitchen, which is just across the hallway from the medicine room.
Interact with the fridge to grab some food, and then cook it on one of the stoves in the room. In preparation for later, you may want to place cooked food on eachofthe tables here first.

Once you have prepared food in advance and put plates in each of the tables in the kitchen, cook another plate of food and go back to where you first spawned.
Basically, just exit the room and turn left. Walk all the way to the end of the hallway and go down the stairs to reach mom’s jail cell.

The Real Game Starts
Finally, after feeding your mom, return to the medicine room once more. Start making medicine by sitting in front of the table, and you will get your first taste of the real gameplay.
The scientist will go and check you for a few seconds and leave. After that, you can stand back up and you will get the tutorial.

Basically, you have a few things to keep in mind. In order to survive, you have to live until around 5 AM, and the bars to the lower left corner of the screen must not run empty. Here is a summary of what you need to do:
- Pollution – When this gets too high,go to the bathroom and take a shower.
- Thirst – This can be replenished by going to the kitchen and interacting with the water dispenser.
- Hunger – To refill this, eat one of the plates of food you prepared on the table earlier. Once those inevitably run out, you will need to cook more of them.
- Energy – When your energy gets too low, sleep in one of the green tubes inside the medicine room.
In addition to these mechanics, you will also have to constantly be feeding mom with a cooked plate of food, or else she will eventually die of hunger.

Occasionally, the music will change and your objectives tab on the right hand side of the screen will start glitching out with red text. This means that the scientist is coming.
Whenever this happens, run to the medicine room and start working. Keep doing this until the scientist goes away and the music goes back to normal.

Escaping (Good Ending)
At some point, when the clock is at 5 AM, you will be given the objective to get the key. Upon exiting the medicine room, just turn right and you should see it beside the bench, hidden under a plant.

After that, simply return to where mom’s jail cell is and interact with the device on the left of her little prison. Once that’s done, you’ll get the good ending!

Bad Endings
There are basic game over screens that you can consider to be bad endings. Basically, if one of the bars on the lower left corner of the screen run out, your character will simply drop dead.
Another way to get a game over is by getting caught by the scientist. Finally, you can also fail the game if you forget to feed mom. She will eventually die of starvation if you haven’t fed her in a while in Weird Strict Scientist.

Weird Strict Mom
Weird Strict Mom is basically divided into two main parts. The first part takes place during the day and comprises mainly of tasks.
After 12am, the player must survive, which is where the real challenge comes in. Things also get very challenging when trying to survive all nights in Weird Strict Hotel Guard!
Before 12AM – Tasks & Chores
Starting off, there will be a small cutscene where you talk to Mom and Dad. After that, you will have to open the doors that lead into the house.

After that, you have to locate the kitchen, which can be accessed through the door on the ground floor.
Open the door and go to the corner, which is where the kitchen is located. You can see Mom in the kitchen, and she will tell you to locate her guitar in the bathroom.

The bathroom can be located by going upstairs and accessing the only door. From there, you will see two doors. Open the one on the left side.

Inside the bathroom, you can find the guitar on the counter, on the left side of the room. Approach and interact with it, to pick it up.

Once you have the guitar, go down back to the kitchen. Approach Mom and Hold the E key to give it to her. It will take a few seconds.

Once you give her the guitar, your next task will be to prepare Hamburgers for you and your mom. This is a two step process, and you will need to repeat it twice.
Here’s what you need to do (x2 times):
- Take frozen burger from the fridge
- Cook it inside the microwave.

Once both burgers are ready, place them on the table in the indicated spots. You might notice that there is something wrong with Mom’s burger, as it is very green. A sign of things to come!
After a conversation with your mom as you eat dinner, you will be asked to pick up the trash.

There are a total of 6 Trash Bags that you can find both upstairs and downstairs in the house. Approach them and hold the E key to pick them up.

Once you’ve picked all the trash bags, you’ll need to refill the generator. You can find the generator underneath the staircase.
To fill the generator, you will need to first interact with the gas canister to pick it up. After that, interact with the generator to fill it up.

After that, you’ll need to turn off the lights in the entire house. To do this, approach the switches that you can find both upstairs and downstairs.

When the lights are out, you will need to locate the remote control so that you can turn on the TV. In the TV room, look behind one of the sofas.
You should be able to see the remote control between the sofa and plant. Interact with the remote control to pick it up.

Once you have the remote control, approach the table in front of the TV. You should be able to interact with a spot there. Doing so will place the remote control there.
Interact with the remote control again to turn on the TV.

Uh oh, looks like you should not have given the hamburger to Mom. It seems that hamburgers have been contaminated and the symptoms of the virus only affect moms.

The message seems lost on your character, who will decide to go upstairs and play with the computers. You will need to interact with both the computers upstairs. The left one is Dad’s PC while the right one is Mom’s.

Dad’s PC computer has a simple password that you can find by simply solving the equation that is at the bottom. Type the password in to gain access.
Speaking of, you can actually meet Dad in Weird Strict Dad.

After that, you will need to log into Mom’s PC. While the hint seems very complicated, the answer to the equation is simply 0. Type that password in and enter to gain access.

Doing so will give you access to Cameras that you can go through to see Mom is. Initially, she will be in a secret spot that seems to be covered in blood! But like before, your character will simply choose to ignore that fact.

After that, you will need to go to your Bedroom so that you can sleep. This will be the final moment of peace you get before the Night begins!
If you’re a fan of these tasks, you might want to check out Weird Strict Santa.

After 12AM – Surviving the Night
As your character sleeps, he will hear strange noises, followed by a window breaking. You will need to leave the bedroom and then go to the kitchen. The kitchen secret door can be found just left of the fridge.

After interacting with the door, you will need to check the cameras on the PC. Doing so will immediately show Mom inside the secret kitchen door.
After some creepy dialogue, she will immediately exit and chase you. Leave the cameras and run to your bed immediately. Do not look back!

After searching for you and failing to find you in the bedroom, she will exit the bedroom. You will be given the survival objectives shown below.
For the most part, you will want to focus on Hiding and Health. Use cameras only when you are unsure about where Mom is.
Health is essential and very difficult to maintain. This is because you’ll need to ensure that the following 4 health bars do not get low:
- Hunger
- Thirst
- Cleanliness
- Energy.

Replenishing your thirst is a two step process. To get water, first you’ll need to get a bottle of water. You can access bottles from the shelf that hangs on the wall above the counter, in the kitchen.

After taking the bottle, fill it with water by approaching the water cooler on the left side of the kitchen. Interact with it by holding E until it fills up.
Keep in mind that the process will take some time, so don’t do this step if you are in a risky situation! Drink the water bottle after you’re done to replenish Thirst.

The next thing you’ll need to take care of is your hunger. You will need to take frozen hamburgers from the fridge and cook them in the microwave.
Again, this step will take time as you’ll need to hold E, so make sure the coast is clear. To eat the hamburger, place it on the table to replenish your Hunger.

As you do these tasks, there will be moments where Mom gets aggressive and will chase you down. When this happens, chase music will play and the objective will tell you to sleep. Immediately run upstairs and go to sleep in bed when this happens.
Going to bed will also help replenish your energy, so you can essentially achieve two tasks with one action!

The last thing you need to take care of is your cleanliness. You can do that by interacting with the shower inside the bathroom upstairs.

In essence, your entire night will be spent taking care of all the health meters and ensuring that they do not go too low. It can get very challenging, especially since some of these tasks take a lot of time to accomplish.
We recommend that you do not spend too much time on Cameras and ensure that your health is the main priority. With some practice, you’ll also be able to avoid Mom. You can also run around tables and other obstacles, to make it much more difficult for her to catch you.
Once you reach 6AM you will finally reach the end. Or is it really the ending?… You can approach Mom at the end, and she will simply kill you, which is the only ending in Weird Strict Mom.
You might want to check out Weird Strict Boss and it’s ending, if you enjoyed this game!

Weird Strict Boss
At the start of Weird Strict Boss, a minute-long cutscene will play out where you will learn that the company you are working for is struggling.
Because of that, your boss has asked you to work overtime for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, for a split second, it is revealed that something sinister is going on behind the scenes.
First Mission of the Game
After the intro cutscene, you’re thrown just outside of the boss’ office and are asked to grab printer paper.
Each of the rooms and doors are labeled, and objectives are highlighted through the walls with a red exclamation mark icon, so you pretty much can’t get lost here.
Turn left and walk through the hallway until you can take a right. Go straight to the stairwell and walk down to the lower floor.

There, you’ll see the door to the Offices. Open it and walk straight to the end of the hallway and take a right into the Break Room. The printer paper will be on the counter to your left once you go inside.

Printers #1 & #2 (Lower Floor)
After grabbing the printer paper, your next objective will be to fill up all the printers in the office. After leaving the break room, go to the next room to your left. The first printer will be here.

Upon leaving this room, turn to your left once more and enter the next room, which is labeled with “Cameras”. The second printer is on the table right inside.

Printers #3 to #8 (Upper Floor)
The rest of the printers will be on the upper floor. Return to the stairwell from earlier and climb back up to the next floor.
After re-entering through the Offices door, the third printer will be in the first room to your right.

The fourth printer is in the room directly in front of this one. After exiting through the doorway, simply walk forward into the next room.

After leaving that room, turn left and walk through the hallway. Halfway through, turn right into one of the rooms where the fifth printer will be.

The sixth printer is at the end of the hallway, in the room to your left right in front of the Bathroom door.

For the seventh printer, walk back to the halfway point of the hallway and turn right. Keep walking until you reach the elevator labeled “Floor 10”. Turn left and enter the sole room there.

Finally, the eighth and last printer is just to the right of the Boss’ Office at the end of the hallway. Simply walk out of the previous room and you should immediately see where it is.

The Water Jug
Your next objective is to grab the water jug. Retrace your steps back downstairs and return to the Break Room where you grabbed the printer paper earlier.
The water jug is right beside the fridge. Simply walk up to it and hold the E button to pick it up.

Next, go back upstairs and walk straight through the hallway after entering this floor. The water dispenser will be right at the end, highlighted by an exclamation mark.

Cleaning Up the Rubbish
The next thing you have to do is to clean up all of the trash scattered throughout the office. We are unsure if these spawns are random, but the first one will be right beside the water dispenser from your previous objective.

Another pile of garbage is right beside the stairwell door, and it should be immediately visible once you turn around from the previous one.

Walk back to the Floor 10 elevator and you should see another pile right in front of it. There is also another one directly to the left of this trash.

After wrapping up with this floor, go downstairs and you should immediately see two more trash piles right in the middle of the hallway.

Finally, go back inside the Break Room and you should see the last pile of garbage right in front of the fridge.

Final Intro Steps
A short cutscene will play out after you clean up the last pile of trash. After that, interact with the fridge in the Break Room to steal the boss’ cake, then eat it.
Afterwards, go back upstairs and interact with the generator immediately to your left upon reaching the top of the stairwell.

Upon checking the generator, you will be tasked with simply going to work. Go back downstairs and enter your office in the middle of the hallway.
Simply interact with all four of the piles of paper scattered inside the room.After that, you will have to go back upstairs and try to open the Boss’ Office.

After learning that the office is locked, go downstairs once more and turn right to enter the Cameras room. There, interact with the Cameras and you will be slightly jumpscared by the boss himself.

Surviving The Night
From this point onwards, you will get a brief tutorial detailing everything that you need to do in order to survive.

Basically, you have to make sure that your Hunger, Thirst, and Oxygen bars are topped up at all times, as you will die if any of these bars are fully depleted.
To keep your Hunger up, you have to grab a bag of chips at the Break Room and eat it. Thirst, on the other hand, is topped up by grabbing a cup beside the water dispenser upstairs and filling it up.
Oxygen is topped up by going to the generator at the stairwell and filling it up with gasoline, which can be found right beside it.

As you work to keep your bars filled up, the boss will occasionally wake up and check all around the office. When this happens, you will get a warning telling you to “GET TO WORK!!!”
Whenever you receive this warning, run back to your office and interact with one of the piles of paper to start “working”. Keep this up until the screen stops shaking and the tense music goes away.

To confirm whether the boss is sleeping, simply go to the Cameras room and scroll through it until you see him on the couch. You can also simply go upstairs and check him yourself, though this is very risky.

Getting All 9 Badges in Weird Strict Boss
The badges in Weird Strict Boss are pretty easy to get, although you’re going to have to repeat several runs for them. Since the majority involve different ways to end the game.
- You Played Weird Evil Boss badge: Launches the game.
- Bad News… badge: Watch the cutscene.
- You Survived Chapter 1 badge: Survive the first night/chapter.
- Caught Slacking badge: Dies from getting caught by the boss.
- X-Treme Hunger: Dies from Hunger (allowing hunger bar to reach 0).

- Water… Water… badge: Dies from Thirst (allowing thirst bar to reach 0).
- I Need… Oxygen… badge: Dies from Oxygen (allowing oxygen bar to reach 0).
- Welcome to your doom badge: Plays Nightmare mode (unlocks after surviving Normal Mode once).
- Beat Nightmare Mode – Chapter 1 badge: Survive Nightmare Mode (unlocks after surviving Normal Mode once).
Weird Strict Santa (Remake)
The challenge will start with you outside the Workshop. You’ll be required to enter through the door, after which you’ll be greeted by an NPC.
Your first task will be to take out the trash in the entire area. In total you’ll find 13 trash piles, with a few in the upstairs area.
You also need to do the same in Chapter 2 of Weird Strict Hotel Dad – another iconic Weird Strict game.

After that, you’ll need to look for some coal to light the fireplace. Coal can be found upstairs, and it’ll typically be blocked off by the blockage shown below.
You just need to crouch underneath and can pass through with ease.

On the other side, you’ll be able to find Coal. Typically, you can find Coal in many places but it is mostly always upstairs. Keep that in mind because you’ll need to find a lot more Coal later on.
Take the coal you have to the fireplace below to light it. You’ll need a total of x3 Coal.

Next you’ll need to grab some cake, which will be marked by an indicator. Keep a mental note of where Cakes are. Usually, you’ll find them on the tables on the bottom floor.

After that, your last task of the day will be to go to sleep. The moment you go into bed, you’ll know something has gone terribly wrong after you wake up.

You’ll watch as the helpful NPC at the start is killed by Santa, who has transformed into a monster.
You’ll be met with the survival objectives below, which give a concise idea of the tasks you’re supposed to constantly monitor.

Starting off, we recommend that you immediately go to the table and grab a cake. But do not eat it until your Hunger is very low.
Cake can replenish your Hunger to full, regardless of how low it is. This factor will help a lot and ensure you don’t have to make unnecessary trips downstairs.
Other items you want to look out for are Batteries and Cola. Batteries are essential if you want to navigate the area safely, while Cola will help replenish your Hunger by a bit.
Very useful if you are in a tight situation where you’re far away from Cakes or can’t find them.

Most of your time will be spent going upstairs to grab coal, like you did previously. Once you have coal, you’ll need to constantly drop it in the fireplace.
If the ice meter in the corner gets too high, you’ll end up freezing. It will also affect your vision in the already extremely dark area.

Be careful when you are around the fireplace area. You’ll find Santa constantly monitoring around the area.
When he spots you, he’ll dash for you immediately. In such situations, you want to Sprint in the other direction or around corners as quickly as possible until the chase music dies down.
Typically, it only takes one Sprint meter for you to lose him. In the later hours of the Night, he’ll get more aggressive so it’ll require more Stamina.

Make sure you return to bed when your energy is very low. However, make sure you have a Cake with you to ensure you go to bed with the Hunger meter full.
You regain energy in bed, but you’ll also lose Hunger very quickly during this time. Once you’re out of bed, make sure you get some Cake or Cola so you can replenish the meter again.

By following the tips and methods outlined, you should be able to survive until 6AM. However, do not make the mistake of ignoring your survival objectives when close to 6AM.
Unfortunately, the night does not end there and there’s still some tasks to be fulfilled.
The moment the clock hits 6AM, you’ll need to go to the generator upstairs. The middle staircase will be blocked, so avoid using it.
Instead, you’ll have to go the long way around. It’s probably best that you light the fireplace once before you go there, since the generator is basically on the other side.
If you want to try something different from this mode, you can find a Dead by Daylight style game mode in Weird Strict Dad.

Follow the indicator to the generator. Here, you will need to wind the generator 100 times. Just keep spamming the button, and you can easily do this in one go. Be on the lookout, as Santa is still out there, hunting you!

Once the generator is working, you’ll need to escape by going to the generator. The clock will resume from 6AM and you’ll need to get to the exit before 7AM!
At this point, you just want to dart to the ending of Weird Strict Santa. But be careful, as he is patrolling the nearby area, and many players get caught near the end, which can be devastating!
Reaching the indicator will play a cutscene where you leave the workshop on Santa’s sleigh. Up next, we have a complete walkthrough of Weird Strict Grandma – another fun Weird Strict game.

Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2
When in the house for the first time, your dad will tell you to cook dinner at 9PM. That’s already a sign that things have gone awry as nobody in their right mind should be eating that late. Follow the initial objectives. These will include cooking noodles for everybody.
You’ll see your objectives update on the right hand side of your screen as you progress. Another thing to keep in mind is your Hunger, Thirst, and Energy. Because you really need to keep yourself well-fed while being chased around by a demon in the comfort of your own home.

Your objective will soon turn red when someone tries to greet the creep outside of your house. The basement will be your next destination. Its best that you run down there before the front door even opens. Go for the lockers as they’re the ones closest to the stairs when you get down.
Your dad will look around the basement for a while before leaving, stay in the locker until he does. The objective will change to “Survive the night” when the coast is clear.

When he leaves, what you need to do next is to find a battery and use it on the radio. Leave the locker and turn right into the rest of the basement.
Turn right again at the end of the hall to find the large battery sitting on a metal shelf. Behind that shelf will be a dirty book on the ground. Grab that too while you’re still in the same room.

That book will be needed while you’re looking for at least seven clues. But first, go to the library. You need to place the dirty book you just cleaned up in there. The library will be the room to your right when you get out of the room where you got the battery from.
It’s a small room, so just grab the basement key on the table as well. Once you place the alchemy book on the table, it will light up the entire room.

A plethora of check boxes will also be presented to you. There’s a total of 12 boxes on this book that you’ll need to clear.
When you tick at least seven, you’ll be shown three ingredients required to make a potion. This is for the antidote your dad will need before the clock strikes 3.
Pay attention to your surroundings before you fill up the possessed father survey. The anomalies you encounter or hear will help you fill in the boxes faster. All of these clues will be in the basement or on the first floor.

Once you figure out what’s wrong with your dad by listing the clues, the second page will show you the potion.
NOTE: Results may vary depending on what you saw or heard while making your way to the library.
Make sure that the clues you put in are correct. Otherwise, you’ll get the wrong potion. For this guide, we’re going to make an Angel’s Noodle Nirvana.

Every now and then, the objective will tell you to go hide while flashing in red. You can only hide in the basement; you won’t last long if you go upstairs.
The three ingredients will be in the basement as well, they’re all on the shelf right across the cauldron.
The cauldron is the first thing you’ll see when you run down here. Grab the ingredients on the shelf and place them in the cauldron in the order of first to last.
If you get a potion that says, “Unknown Potion”, then you made the wrong potion. You can go back upstairs once you produce the correct potion.

If he’s not busy hunting, then he’ll be on the couch sleeping. Walk up to him and throw the potion to trigger the ending in Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2.

Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2 All Endings
For the first few segments of the game, you won’t be doing anything different. Just follow the objectives until you’re free to roam around the basement. Your dad will leave (the basement) eventually to sleep on the couch or roam the upper floors after a few minutes of checking.
Remember to keep an eye on your Hunger, Energy, and Thirst. You can get a head start by feeding yourself or getting a drink before your dad opens the front door.

When your dad leaves, your objectives will update. Now, you have to make an antidote for your dad before 3AM.
Walk down the hall and turn right at the end before you reach the door leading to the alchemy room. Go past the shelf that has a giant battery on it and clean the book on the ground.
At this point, you should already notice seven things that you normally don’t see or hear around the house. Take note of those as well while heading to the alchemy room since you need to put in wrong answers.

Place the dirty book on the table at the far end of the alchemy room. This is where you can start getting different results for an ending.
You are to put in seven clues, to do this you need to tick the boxes on the left page. This is basically a possessed demon dad survey that will help you get the correct antidote.
Once you got all the seven clues down, a recipe will appear on the right page. You can find all of the ingredients for the potion in the starting room of the basement by the stairs.
You’ll get the recipe called “unknown potion” if you ever make the incorrect concoction.

Grab whatever ingredient you can from the shelf and toss all of it into the cauldron. Place all three ingredients and take the potion with you going back upstairs. You can only do this if your dad is taking a nap on the couch.

Normal Ending
Throw the potion his way and the normal ending will play out. Your mother will appear at the end for a short while until becoming possessed herself as well.

Wrong Potion Ending
Follow the guide again and come back to this part when you’ve done everything incorrectly on purpose. This may include putting in the wrong clues, or just creating the wrong potion to begin with. When you have the potion, return to the living room and throw it on your dad.
This will wake him up and the objective will just tell you to go hide in the basement again. Don’t do the latter, lower your game volume, and wait for him to give you a mean right hook. Can’t really mince words with this one, your dad literally kills you in this ending. Fun times!

3AM / Secret Bad Ending
If you wait until 3AM your dad will collapse and turn into a vegetable. He gets buried in the end along with your grandfather.
After some dialogue, a hand will pop out of his grave. This will give you the opportunity to restore the weave of fate. That means you can try again and do things right.
If you want to read more about all the endings in Weird Strict Dad: Chapter 2, make sure to check out our dedicated guide for that topic!

What Happens When You Call All Numbers in Weird Strict Dad?
The Bakelite phone or landline telephone is in the basement. It’s right next to the cauldron where you mix all the potions for your dad. There’s a good chance that you won’t see it during the first few minutes since you’ll be busy hiding.
You can make six outgoing calls for laughs, gags, and a bit of spooks. It goes without saying that you should lower your volume while listening in.

Upon interacting with the phone, you’ll be asked to put in a number. Here’s what you can dial while you’re not being hunted:
- 666 – The number of the beast. Any sane person would recognize this number if they grew up in a house that believes 3AM is the time where demons go out to party. A few images accompanied by a loud stock sound effect will show up on your screen as well.
- 911 – A reasonable number to call. This is to remind Roblox players that Weird Strict Dad takes place in the U.S. Where else will your family get possessed by demons past dinnertime in the middle of the suburbs? Someone will pick up the phone but will get immediately cut off by the same stock sound effect you heard from dialing 666.
- 12345 – Calling this number will result in you being put on hold while being forced to listen to a lifeless corporate jingle. A fate worse than death.
- 1435 – This the queen’s hotline. Which queen? Burger Queen. Calling them will instantly transport twenty to thirty cheeseburgers directly to your basement. Sadly the burgers are just for show.
- 25122023 – The only dialogue you’ll get from calling this number is “It’s not christmas yet…”
- 09162023 – An operator will tell you that you dialed the birthdate of Weird Strict Dad. This will also play Weird Strict Dad’s first every lobby music.

Weird Strict Dad: Become Dad Gamemode
The game chooses the dad at random at the very beginning. So, if you happen to end up not being the dad, check out our guide on How To Survive Chapter 2.
As the Weird Strict Dad, your job is to make sure no one is left alive to see the sun rise.

Ending #1
The first ending occurs if you wipe out all of the player characters inside of the house. Your only objective will be to chase your kids.
Hit them a few times for them to go down and a cutscene will show you dabbing on their corpses as the game restarts.
Ending #2
Another ending occurs if you’re able to stay up for two consecutive nights without dying. To get this ending, you just have to play the game normally until you reach 6AM on the second day.
You’ll get a cutscene showing how surprised your dad is while leaving the game on a cliffhanger in Weird Strict Dad: Become Dad.

Weird Strict Dad: Hide N Seek Gamemode
At the beginning of the game in Weird Strict Dad, one of the players will be randomly chosen as the dad. All the other players will start the game as children. As the game goes on, the dad’s role is to catch the children and turn them into seekers.

We can say that there are two endings that you can get in the game. One happens when seekers win, and the other happens when hiders do. Let’s see how you are going to get these endings.
Seekers Win Ending
When the game begins, the players will be sorted into two groups. The ending’s name is pretty self-explanatory; it happens when seekers win the game. For this to be possible, the dad should locate and catch all the kids in the house and turn them into seekers.
Once all the kids become seekers, the seekers will win the game. The only objective for the seekers is to find the kids and occasionally fill the generator. While doing that, you should be careful not to step on any banana peels that might be thrown to the floor by the hiders.

If you start the game as the dad, and you do not want any other seekers around, you might enable killing. If you do that, caught players are not going to become seekers, and they will just die. In that case, you should catch and kill all children until the morning.

Hiders Win (Secret Ending)
The other ending happens when the hiders win. If you start the game as a hider, you are going to need to keep yourself away from the seekers until the morning.
When you begin the game as a child, you will have a banana peel and an invisibility potion in your bag. You can use these objects to get rid of the seekers.

Once you throw a banana peel on the ground, anyone who steps on it will slip and fall. This can easily earn you some time when you are stuck in a tight place and need to flee quickly.
You can also use the invisibility potion to become invisible and away from seekers’ eyes.

When you are playing as both parties, you are going to need to grab a gas can. As well as refill the generator under the stairs occasionally. In order to win, both parties are going to need to be able to see around you. That is why it is important to keep the electricity on.

If the dad or the seekers cannot catch all the hiders before the clock hits 6 a.m., the secret ending will trigger. As a result, the hiders will win.
When the hiders win, a small cutscene will play. The dad is going to say that he is going to catch the children next time. This ending is pretty similar to the Become Dad Gamemode’s ending.

This is how you are going to complete the Weird Strict Dad’s Hide N Seek game mode. Whether you are a hider or a seeker, the game is pretty entertaining and not actually that difficult. We hope that this guide helped you learn how to get an ending in the game.
Weird Strict Grandma
Your rabid grandmother will check in on you from time to time to make sure you’re strapped to your desk studying.
A breath of fresh air compared to hiding in the basement from your dad. While keeping the peace you’ll also be given six other objectives as you try to make it through the night.
These objectives include sleeping, eating, drinking, studying, answering the phone, and refueling the generator placed in the living room.
The gas is placed next to the generator as well, just to make sure that dying from a fire is a possibility whenever you’re with your grandmother.

The game begins when the opening cutscene finishes. Now you have control of your character and will receive your first objective.
Go downstairs, the ramp going to the living room is right in front of yours. Turn right again to refill the generator dangerously placed next to your grandmother. Consider this your second objective.

Interact with the jerry can and have it in your hand while holding “E” on the generator. Your objective will now ask you to give your grandma her medicine.
If you’re in the vicinity of the object of interest a small exclamation mark will appear on top of it. Grab the medicine by the TV and talk to your grandmother to hand it over.

A little bit of the story will present itself to you during the next objective. This will have you open the TV and listen in on the breaking news.
The news will then tell you that the pills your grandmother ingested are a tad bit too recreational compared to what she’s normally used to. Finish the breaking news and your objective will tell you to go upstairs.
While waiting for the news to finish, you can go ahead and prepare a meal or have a drink in the kitchen.
Walk up to the fridge to get whatever is available and stand in front of the stove to have it cooked.

Your grandmother will pay you a visit whether you like it or not by 10pm. At this time, make sure that you’re at your desk doing your homework.
She’ll check in on you for a few seconds. Feel free to look at her, but make sure you’re sitting in front of your desk to prevent this babysitting scenario turn into a murder.

She’ll go back down into the basement where she belongs shortly. After that, you’re free to do whatever you feel is necessary to survive the night. You’ll get a notice telling you to focus on multiple things.
This includes eating, drinking, refueling the generator, sleeping for some reason, answering the phone, and studying when your grandmother emerges from the basement again.
All of your needs will drain gradually. It’s best to keep them all full before your grandmother checks in on you again so you won’t drop dead while doing your homework.
Preparing five meals in advance is a good way to save time. You can use that time instead to get some sleep or refuel the generator.

Sometimes, the electricity will go off. You’re going to have to turn it back on as soon as you can. The absence of electricity will drain all of your wants and needs faster while you’re studying.
Simply refill the generator to bring the lights back on. This gameplay loop will continue until the sun rises. After surviving the night you’ll get a badge as a reward. You’ll get two badges if you’re playing alone.
If you want to read more about this experience, make sure to check out our dedicated guide for the Weird Strict Grandma game!

Weird Strict Karen
The game will begin with your mother crashing the car into a grocery store. Oops, it turns out she is not the best driver. No biggies! 🙂 She just tells you to get inside and get some groceries for her, then heads to the manager’s room.

Get Groceries
As you get into the grocery shop, your first objective will appear on the right side of your screen. In order to complete this one, all you need to do is collect fifteen groceries in the shop. It is pretty easy to locate the groceries, as they are close to each other and the store is basically empty.
When you get all fifteen groceries, it will be nighttime, and you will realize that your mother has not been around for a while now.

Inspect the Noise
Next, you are going to hear your mother yelling in the manager’s room. Thus, you should walk closer to its door and investigate the noise. Just go to the door, and a short cutscene will play.
In the cutscene, you are going to see that the manager asked your mother, Karen, to pay $10,000 for the damages. This will make Karen extra angry, and even you should fear for your life.

Survive Until 6 A.M.
Now that your mother is in full-on Karen mode, you should make sure that she does not catch you until the morning. Start by hiding inside a box, and the “survive until 6 a.m. objective” will appear after that.
It appears that Karen has fallen asleep in the store, and she is going to start searching for people in the store when she wakes up. After that, she will fall asleep occasionally during the game. You can see her wake bar if you get closer to her. You can use this feature to check out if she is going to wake up soon when you need to go get yourself some food or when you need to clear the air vent.

Need Bars
Like most Weird Strict games, you are going to keep an eye on your needs in this game as well. You are going to see three different need bars on the left side of your screen.
- Air Toxicity: It will slowly rise as the game goes on. Thus, you need to clean the air vent from time to time. If the air toxicity is too high, you will start taking damage.
- Hunger: It is going to slowly drop as you go on. You have to find food around to keep your hunger satisfied. Eating will fill your hunger and heal you if you take any damage.
- Health: Your health bar will be affected if you take any damage. If it goes to zero, you will die and lose the game.
In order to clean the air vent, all you need to do is go and take a vent cleaner near it. Then, just interact with it, and it will be done. Its location will be highlighted at the beginning of the game. However, it is not going to be difficult for you to locate it either way.
You might get worried about almost all the shelves being empty but do not worry about it. Even though most of the shelves do not have anything for you, you can easily find a couple in the room with air ventilation. You can see some food on a couple of shelves as well.

Hiding from Karen
Surviving is all that matters until morning. You will have to remain hidden from Karen in order to accomplish this, just as you have to keep track of your needs. There are not many places for you to hide in the store. You should locate the boxes and hide inside them.
Karen will try to check inside the boxes to find you. If she comes too close and starts checking the box you are in, you can leave the box and run to find another one to hide in. You do not have to worry about fleeing your hiding place if you do not see a “checking out” sign on your screen.

There are only two endings you can get in Weird Strict Karen. They are not very surprising. One occurs when you manage to survive until the morning, and the other happens when Karen catches you, deals damage to you, and eventually kills you.
You Survived Ending
In order to get this ending, you should keep yourself alive until 6 a.m. Doing this will be pretty easy for you if you follow our instructions above. You need to repeat your actions until the sun comes up. Just take care of your needs, make sure that the air is not toxic, and most importantly, stay away from Karen.
You Died Ending
This one basically happens when you are dead in the game. There could be a couple of ways to get to this ending. You are going to lose if you:
- Let Karen catch you and give you damage.
- Do not eat something before your hunger bar goes to zero.
- Let the air vent go toxic.
No matter how you die in the game, you only get one ending that says that you died and lost. This is everything you need to know about how to complete Weird Strict Karen and get all the endings in the game.

Other Resources
That sums it up for ItemLevel’s collection of all the Roblox Need More & Weird Strict games, as well as how to get their endings. If you’re looking forward to reading more Roblox content, we have lots of those!
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